The purpose of the master's work is to investigate the pressing of discrete materials to improve the press equipment.In industry, disperse systems occupy an extremely important place in connection with their spread and diversified application, an exceptional role in natural phenomena and processes, in the everyday technogenic activity of man and at the same time in connection with very specific physical and mechanical properties.
With the advent of new innovative ideas, progressive resource-saving technologies and new technology, an important aspect of scientific and technological progress is the emergence of new ways of obtaining materials and products with given or fundamentally new properties, parameters and quality.
Pressing is often the main process in the production of dispersed materials, such as concretes, paint and varnish materials, highly filled rubber and plastics, heterogeneous solid rocket fuels, ceramic and cermet materials, paper and cardboard, artificial leather and many other materials [3].Pressing of coal slurries and small classes of coal is also topical. The resulting briquettes can be used as fuel for combustion in domestic and industrial furnaces.Pressing of coal dust and ground coal fraction is performed on two-roller presses.
Depending on the type of coal and binder in the technology, it may be necessary to cool and hold the finished briquette for a certain time in special bins, during which the briquette acquires strength. The aging time is individual and is determined during the testing phase. Fuel briquette has high consumer properties, increases the economic efficiency of the enterprise while rationally using its secondary coal resources. In most cases, the coal briquetting process occurs with the addition of a binder (coal pitch, petroleum bitumen, resin, molasses and lime, lignosulfonate, starch, polymers.) Which makes the briquettes of higher quality. In some cases, briquetting is also possible without a binder, but at the same time, energy costs are significantly increased. The main advantages are high productivity, low specific energy consumption, high reliability, long burning, constant temperature during combustion. Consider the process of pressing on the example of obtaining coal briquettes [2].
From dehydrated coal slime and / or coal fines containing water with the addition of lignosulfonate (dry or liquid), resulting in smokeless, strong and water resistant fuels. The proposed method reduces initial capital costs, reduces energy consumption, increases productivity, improves the consumer properties of the fuel briquette by increasing its strength, water resistance and the full burnout of coal in the briquette.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: June 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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