Currently, there are many new technologies in storage systems with depth racks. They improve racking systems, introduce mobile racks to gain the opportunity to increase the storage capacity in a limited area, introduce radio telephones capable of delivering the necessary cargo from any point of the warehouse, etc. For the practical use of new equipment and technologies, specialists are required to retrain, determine the execution time, and others.
Despite the high productivity, this technique has some features that present certain difficulties when applied in production. For example, in warehouses with an embedded radio-telegraph system, there must be a high accuracy of the geometry of the guides and joints, so that during the carriage movement there is no accident. But in our time, few people considered this problem in detail.
1. Relevance of the topic
Well-thought-out, competent and orderly logistics of the warehouse assumes the most effective use of space. This allows you to store only the necessary goods in sufficient quantities. Optimal storage system can be organized using a rack with the system Radio shuttle.
The principle of the automated platform, which independently moves pallets (pallets) along the racks along the rails, is based on the system of the radio-carriage. Her work is remotely controlled by the operator, using a compact portable console (PU). Moreover, one PU can simultaneously control several platforms.
The platform is moved from one rack to another by means of loading equipment. Thus, the drop of the device is eliminated thanks to special locks ensuring safe movement.
The position of the platform inside the row is controlled by built-in laser sensors, which makes it possible to accurately position the trolley. The system allows you to manipulate pallets of different sizes, the maximum weight of which can be 1500 kg. The depth of storage is unlimited, and the height of the structures is limited only by the ability of the technique that serves these racks.
Now an increasing number of enterprises are switching to an automated type of work, which makes it possible to reduce costs for the production of goods. Optimization of the warehouse is one of the means of directly reducing the cost of goods, increasing competitiveness, and, as a result, profitability of the enterprise. That's why this topic is relevant in our days.
2. Tasks and objectives of work
Objective: Increase the efficiency of storage systems with depth racks due to the rationale and selection of rational parameters of equipment for shuttle technology.
Tasks: To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:
– Analyze existing methods and mathematical models of pallet delivery processes in storage systems.
– To develop a mathematical model of efficient storage of pallet loads and on the basis of analysis to give recommendations for improvement.
– To investigate the functioning of shuttle trolleys in storage systems with depth racks and to determine the rational parameters of equipment.
– Develop a methodology for calculating storage systems with depth racks using shuttle technology.

Image 1 – Transportation and unloading of goods by radio trolley
(animation is performed in the program GIF Animator, number of frames – 9, repetitions – 5, 149 kilobytes)

Image 2 – Front, top and side views of the rack with deep storage equipped with radio
In our time, a large number of enterprises have already switched to an automated type of work, which makes it possible to reduce costs for the production of goods. Optimization of the warehouse is one of the means of directly reducing the cost of goods, increasing competitiveness, and, as a result, profitability of the enterprise.
In warehouses with an embedded radio transport system, there must be a high accuracy of the geometry of the guides and joints, so that during the movement of the cart there is no accident. And, unfortunately, in our time, few people have considered this problem in detail. This is what I do in my master's work.
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