Fundamentals of Machine Design»
Quality, standardization, metrology and certification
Marketing management is a condition for the stable development of an enterprise; the tool of strategic management for expansion and development on the basis of research of the market which itself continuously develops under the influence of growing human and social needs.
Management of marketing activities should be carried out on an ongoing basis, the market constantly being analyzed. Marketing should be part of an integrated enterprise quality management system.
The results of the work can be used by the management of enterprises to adjust the quality management systems, taking into account the requirements for managing marketing activities in conditions of customer orientation.
The thesis is devoted to the relevant and practically demanded topic of marketing management of an enterprise.
The main goal of the work is to compile a model of the marketing management system at the enterprise, which can be integrated into the overall system of enterprise quality management.
In the literature, there is no consensus on the role of marketing and who should do it. Some researchers believe that marketing management should cover all of the company's activities. For example, D. Packard wrote that “marketing is too important to give it to the marketing department” [3]; S. Majaro considered marketing as a combination of science and art management: “…marketing more than other firm activities, depends on the talent of the employee” [1].
The works of John A. Howard and Edmund Jerome McCarthy formulated the tools for analyzing, planning and controlling marketing activities, which became the impetus for the wide dissemination of marketing in the practice of enterprise management. Such tools are schemes of analysis of the external environment, positioning, product life cycle (“quality loop” by ISO 9000:2008 [6]), branding, portfolio analysis, etc.
The methodological basis for the research will be the works of honored marketers, including P. Kotler, [4,5], D.A. Aaker [7], J.R. Rossiter, L. Percy [8]; W. Wells, J. Burnet, J. Crewers [9], P. Drucker [10], and their Russian colleagues – Golubkov [11], V.N. Domnin [12], V.I. Krasnova[14], O.D. Andreyeva[15].
It is important that the evolutionary development of management concepts enhances the growth of the role of marketing in the activities of organizations. According to A. Fayol's classification, sales are only a component of commercial activity, as much as buying or exchanging, Porter identifies a number of processes in the company's primary functions that are related to the distribution of goods and services: external logistics, including order processing, warehouse operations, marketing and sales, including advertising and promotion, and after-sales service.
Classification system of management functions can be represented in the form of blocks: structures, marketing and business planning, organization and logistics, accounting, finance, economics, human resources; and tree auxiliary ones: communications, workflow, and software and hardware platforms.
If marketing is used as a management function, the motivation of the organization as a whole is the subject of research, and marketing plans and strategies are approved at the level of senior management, the goals and tasks are delegated to the respective executors. In the second case, if marketing is integrated as a management function, it facilitates coordinated marketing activities and maintenance of control. The drawback of this approach is the format, which is associated with the growth of the volume of planned and reporting work, and the information effectiveness of this work is gradually decreasing.
The commercialization of goods forms a sequence of creating value and communicating the created value to the customer (pic. 1).
Pic. 1. Implementation of a complex of marketing in enterprise management
From this approach it follows that the management of marketing activities should be carried out on an ongoing basis, the market must be constantly analyzed. It is on the basis of constant analysis that decisions must be made, which corresponds to one of the principles of quality management “decision-making on the basis of facts” [9]. That is, marketing should be integrated into the enterprise quality management system.
Depending on the field of activity and the specifics of the enterprise, marketing performs different functions and operates at different levels. That is, it can represent one of several functions, and can be developed to a controlling function that connects the consumer and the production.
In practice, successful commercial enterprises of Western companies can see that the marketing department should be at the highest positions in the structure of the enterprise, because the activities of marketing structures significantly affect other management functions.
Today, marketing is focused on the globalization of markets and the concentration of business, the use of information technology, the development of innovative activities of enterprises. As a result, modern marketing not only controls the profitability of a particular product, but also goes to managing the profitability of consumers.
The functional role of marketing management involves the creation of a marketing unit that deals exclusively with marketing, and stands on one hierarchical level with the departments responsible for finance, procurement, production and sales.
The marketing management service should be integrated into the quality management system of the enterprise, which will ensure the most effective implementation of marketing concepts and strategies in the practice of production of goods and services that will be in demand by the market.