- Obtaining base gasolines
- Prohibited ways to increase the octane number of gasoline
- Methods for measuring the octane number
- Motor method for determining the octane number
- The research method for determining the octane number
- Express method
- Conclusion
- List of sources
1. Obtaining base gasolines
Gasolines – flammable colorless or slightly yellow (in the absence of special additives) liquids having a density (700-780) kg/m. Gasolines are highly volatile, and the flash point is within (20-40) degrees Celsius. The boiling point of gasolines ranges from 30 to 200°C. Pour point – below -60 degrees. When burning gasolines, water and carbon dioxide are formed. At concentrations of vapors in air (70-120) g/m3 explosive mixtures are formed.
For a long time, gasoline was produced by rectification (distillation) and selection of fractions of oil boiling in certain temperature ranges (up to 100 C grade I petrol, up to 110 C petrol, special, up to 130 C grade II petrol). However, the common property of these gasolines is a low octane number. Generally, the production of straight-run gasoline with an octane number above 65 by the motor method is rare and is possible only from the oil of Azerbaijan, Central Asia, the Krasnodar Territory and Sakhalin. However, even for distillates from these oils, a sharp decrease in the octane number is characteristic with an increase in the temperature of the end of the selection. Therefore, the entire gasoline fraction (ca. 180°C) is rarely used. For oils. The Ural-Volzhsky Basin, Kazakhstan, as well as the fields of Western Siberia, are characterized by the predominance of normal paraffin hydrocarbons, therefore, straight-run gasolines from them are characterized by low octane numbers. This prompted refiners to select the fraction up to (90-95)°C in the 1930s, so that n-heptane does not enter it, or include heavier fractions with their subsequent clear rectification to remove normal paraffins. A similar denormalization
of straight-run gasolines makes it possible to bring the octane number to (74-76) points with a significant, however, lower yield of the target product. At present, the fraction of NK-180°C is distilled from the oil, which is then divided into fractions of NK-62°C or NK-85°C. These latter distillates are used as components of commercial gasolines, or are directed to refining (isomerization).
Automobile gasolines due to their physical and chemical characteristics should have the following properties:
- homogeneity of the mixture;
- fuel density – at +20°C should be (690–750) kg/m2;
- low viscosity – with its increase, the flow of fuel through the jets becomes more difficult, which leads to a depletion of the mixture. The viscosity is largely temperature dependent. When the temperature is changed from +40 to -40°C, the gasoline flow through the jet is changed by (20-30)%;
- volatility – the ability to change from a liquid state to a gaseous state. Automotive gasolines should be so volatile that it is easy to start the engine (especially in winter), its quick warm-up, complete combustion of fuel, and also the formation of steam plugs in the fuel system;
- saturated vapor pressure – The higher the vapor pressure at evaporation of fuel in an enclosed space, the more intense the process of their condensation. The standard limits the upper limit of vapor pressure in the summer - up to 670 GPa and in winter, – from 670 to 930 GPa. High-pressure gasoline is prone to the formation of steam jams, when using them, the filling of the cylinders is reduced and engine power is lost, losses from evaporation are increased when stored in vehicle tanks and in warehouses;
- low-temperature properties – the ability of gasoline to withstand low temperatures;
- combustion of gasoline –
with respect to automotive engines is understood as a fast reaction of interaction of hydrocarbons of fuel with oxygen of air with allocation of a significant amount of heat. The temperature of the vapors during combustion ranges from 1500 to 2400°C.
1.1 Variety of gasoline
Automobile gasolines are divided into summer and winter (in winter gasolines there are more low-boiling hydrocarbons).
The main brands of motor gasolines:
- normal-80 – with an octane number by the research method of at least 80;
- regular-92 – with octane number according to the research method no less than 92;
- premium-95 – with an octane number by the research method of at least 95;
- super-98 – with an octane number by the research method is not less than 98.
The norms and requirements for the quality of motor gasolines are presented in Table 1.
Indicators | Normal-80 | Regular-92 | Premium-95 | Super-98 |
Octane number, not less than: motor method | 76,0 | 82,5 | 85,0 | 88,0 |
Octane number, not less than: research method | 80,0 | 91,0 | 95,0 | 98,0 |
Lead content, g/dm3, not more than | 0,010 | 0,010 | 0,010 | 0,010 |
The content of manganese, mg/dm3, not more than | 50 | 18 | – | – |
Content of actual resins, mg/100 cm3, not more than | 5,0 | 5,0 | 5,0 | 5,0 |
Mass fraction of sulfur, %, not more than | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,05 |
Volumetric fraction of benzene, %, not more than | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Appearance | Clean, transparent | Clean, transparent | Clean, transparent | Clean, transparent |
Density at 15°С, kg/m3 | 700-750 | 725-780 | 725-780 | 725-780 |
1.2 Marking of gasolines
In accordance with ГОСТ Р54283-2010, motor gasolines are marked with three groups of signs separated by a hyphen (for example, АИ-92-4
- letters
(automobile gasoline with octane number measured by the research method ГОСТ 8226-82); - octane number, measured by the research method (for example, 80, 92, 95 or 98);
- number 2, 3, 4 or 5 – the gasoline class by number coincides with the number of the ecological standard of the series
, which must correspond to gasoline (2 for Euro-2, 3 for Euro-3, etc.).
There are also other types of gasoline:
- aviation gasolines;
- gasoline-solvents;
- extraction gasolines;
- gasoline for petrochemistry.
2. Prohibited ways to increase the octane number of gasoline
Octane number – this is actually the level of detonation, in which gasoline ignites and explodes in the combustion chamber of the car.
If the gasoline ignites earlier than necessary, while the intake valves are not yet fully closed and the cylinder is not at the top point, then naturally the engine, not that it will not work at full power, but will work incorrectly, what is even worse, in fact we will get detonation but about this further. With such a low octane number, we will get a bunch of problems with parts of the engine for a long period of time – wear of valves, saddles for them and additional carbon deposits, etc. In addition, the mismatch of the octane number for the engine entails the very additional detonation, which is often confused with the knocking of the valves.
The octane number is obtained by shifting the components of gasoline. Isooctane – a substance that is almost not explosive with increasing pressure, and its detonation resistance was taken as 100 units. At the same time, n-heptane is not at all resistant to detonation when the pressure rises (it can be said to be self-detonating), so its detonation resistance is taken as 0. It is the mixture of these substances that allows you to adjust the octane number in gasoline. In addition, trimethylpentane is added to the gasoline, from which the octane number depends little. There are gasolines, and with an octane rating of more than 100 units, isooctane is used for them with the addition of different amounts of additives. Everything that burns here is in use: raw materials for refining, stable gasoline, gas condensate with the addition of coke-chemical products to increase the octane number.
In the basic raw materials
(in order to give the fuel a normal appearance) most often add the following ingredients
- tetraethyl lead. – addition of a solution of tetraethyl lead (TPP) allows to increase the octane number by 5-10 units. For example, leaded petrol АИ-98 for a long time was created by adding TPP to gasoline АИ-93. Until now, according to experts, Ukraine remains the largest consumer of TPP in Europe, which is present in the fifth part of the sold gasoline. Increases toxicity, changes the combustion temperature of the fuel, which leads to coking of the piston rings, valves and deposits on the walls of the cylinders;
- naphthalene – this means from moths increases the octane number by 5 n 6 units. Forms a significant amount of carbon in the fuel system and crystallizes, clogging hoses, gasoline pump and injectors injectors;
- iron additives – are able to increase the octane number by 3 ~ 6 units. Exceeding the concentration leads to the formation of
carbon in the cylinders, the failure of the candles and the reduction of the life of the engine; - benzene compounds – often benzene, toluene and other aromatic hydrocarbons are used to give gasoline
. These compounds, with an octane number above 100, are much cheaper than thermal power plants, and they are easier to acquire than the same naphthalene. Benzene-containing substances are strong solvents that destroy virtually all elastic parts of the motor and lead to active corrosion; - methyl tert-butyl ether – the addition of (7 – 11%) methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) to gasoline makes of 92 gasoline A95. Atoms of oxygen in MTBE and in its mixture with tert-butyl alcohol (feterol) improve the combustion of fuel, increasing the economy of the engine. Without expensive additive-retainers for several hours MTBE evaporates, and the octane number of gasoline falls – detonation occurs;
- ethyl alcohol – when adding 5% to 20% alcohol in gasoline, the octane number increases by 3 x 8 units (out of 76 you can get 92, and from 92 – A-95 at
), while the process improves combustion, power and engine efficiency increase. In gasoline you can add only dehydrated alcohol, but it is expensive. Otherwise, the mixture quickly decays and the octane number falls: detonation occurs, knock of valves; - acetone – quite simple way to raise the octane number to the level required by the standard. A mixture of acetone and gasoline causes corrosion of the metal, corrodes seals and gaskets.
Increase the quality of motor gasoline can be due to the following activities:
- non-use of lead compounds, harmful for the engine, and for maintenance personnel;
- reducing the content of sulfur in gasoline to 0.05%, and in the future up to 0.003%;
- decrease in the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline up to 45%, and in the future, – up to 35%;
- normalization of the concentration of actual resins in gasolines at the site of application at a level of not more than 5 mg per 100 cm3;
- division of gasoline by fractional composition and saturated vapor pressure into 8 classes, taking into account the season of vehicle operation and the ambient temperature characteristic for a specific climatic zone. The presence of classes allows the production of gasoline with properties that are optimal for real ambient temperatures, which ensures the operation of engines without the formation of steam jams at air temperatures up to +60°C, and also guarantees high volatility of gasolines and easy engine start-up at temperatures below -35°C;
- the introduction of detergent additives that do not allow contamination and osmoleniya details of fuel equipment.
The most common domestic gasoline А-76, АИ-93 (ГОСТ 2084-77) and АИ-92 (ТУ 38.001165-97) do not meet the specified requirements for lead content (for leaded gasolines), sulfur content, absence of benzene and detergent regulations additives.
3. Methods for measuring the octane number
To date, only two official methods for determining the octane number of gasoline are calculated:
- research method for determining the octane number;
- motor method for determining the octane number.
3.1 Motor method for determining the octane number
The motor method characterizes the detonation resistance of gasoline under engine operating conditions at maximum capacities and with an increased thermal regime (traffic outside the city). The gasoline test is carried out at 900 rpm, the temperature of the intake mixture is 149°C, the variable ignition timing. When checking fuel by this method, the gasoline provided is compared with mixtures of reference fuels, alternately switching the engine power from one fuel to another. During the study, a mixture of reference gasoline is determined, the detonation of which completely coincides with the detonation of the sample.
3.2 The research method for determining the octane number
The research method characterizes the detonation resistance of gasoline under conditions of engine operation at a partial load (traffic in the city). The determination of the octane number of gasoline by the research method is carried out in exactly the same way as for the motor method, that is, the gasoline provided is compared with mixtures of reference fuels. However, there are some differences. In particular, the test runs at 600 rpm. In addition, the ignition timing is constant (13° to the TDC of the highest point in the distance the piston travels when the crankshaft rotates), and the intake air temperature is 52°C.
The methods presented are rather laborious, carried out in special rooms by well-trained personnel in bulky installations, and their duration is (6-8) hours.
3.3 Express method
There is also an express method for determining the octane number of gasoline. For the express analysis of fuel composition and its octane number, some manufacturers use special measuring devices digital octanometers (see Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2 – Digital octanometer
The principle of the octanometer is based on measuring the dielectric constant of automobile gasolines. Initially, the memory of this device retains the parameters of the main fuel brands. When examining a sample of gasoline, it is compared with these brands, and the results are displayed on the screen. These devices are simple enough to use, however, since this method does not apply to official ones, it is not recommended to fully take into account the results of this study.
In the express method for determining the octane number of gasoline, the gasoline temperature and its permittivity at this temperature are measured, it is established from the literature that the dependence of the permittivity on the octane number is described by expression [1]:
- where A – octane number of gasoline;
- Х – coefficient of proportionality, determined experimentally;
- ε –dielectric permeability of gasoline;
- a – a temperature coefficient of 2.5∙10-2 1/˚С;
- T – temperature of gasoline.
Using the formula (1), we define the limits of the change in the dielectric constant of gasoline with a change in the octane number in the range from 80 to 100 and the temperature from -10˚С to +35 ˚С. The results are shown in Figure 1
Figure 1 – Dependence of dielectric constant on octane number and temperature
It follows from Fig. 1 that the permittivity of gasoline in the operating conditions varies from 0.5 to 3.43.
To measure the dielectric constant of gasoline, it is proposed to use a capacitive sensor of cylindrical shape, the overall dimensions of which are shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 1 – Appearance and overall dimensions of the capacitive sensor
The height of the inner cylinder is made less than the outer one to prevent gasoline transfusion across the edge of the sensor and increase its sensitivity. In this case, the working height of the capacitive sensor will be h = 100 mm.
We determine the limits of the change in the capacitance of the sensor when the permittivity varies from 0.5 to 3.43. To do this, we use the following relationship:
- where ε – the dielectric constant;
- ε_0 – an electrical constant equal to 8,854185∙10-12 Ф/м;
- r1, r2 – the radius of the outer and inner electrodes;
- h – working height of capacitive sensor.
Graphical representation of the dependence of capacitance on the dielectric constant of gasoline is shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3. – Dependence of the capacitance of the sensor on the dielectric constant
It follows from Fig. 3 that when the permittivity varies from 0.5 to 3.43, the capacitance of the sensor changes in the range from 15.3 pF to 104.9 pF.
We turn on the capacitive sensor in the generator of the sinusoidal signal, assembled according to the Klapp scheme (see Figure 4) [2]. When the dielectric constant of gasoline changes, the capacitance of the sensor changes and, accordingly, the frequency of the output signal of the generator changes, which is an information parameter.
Figure 4 – Schematic diagram of an autogenerator
Unlike the classical circuit of a generator with a capacitive three-point
, in this circuit, an additional capacitor C3 is connected in series with the inductance of the circuit. The total capacitance of the circuit Ck becomes smaller in this case than with two capacitors. To maintain the same oscillation frequency, it is necessary to increase the inductance of the circuit Lk.
The result is a circuit with a large characteristic impedance. This circuit, while maintaining the same losses, has a large Q-factor, and, consequently, better reference properties. This helps to increase the stability of the frequencies of the generated oscillations. In addition, the inclusion of capacitor C3 reduces the coupling factor of the transistor to the circuit. This reduces the destabilizing effect of the loop parameters on the oscillator frequency [2].
To reduce the mass-dimensional parameters of the generator and increase its sensitivity to changes in the dielectric constant of gasoline, and, respectively, and the octane number of gasoline, the nominal frequency is chosen in the region of 5 MHz.
The capacitive sensor is connected in parallel to the capacitor C3, in which case the total capacitance of the circuit is:
Зthe dependence of the frequency of the output signal of the generator on the dielectric constant is described by expression:
A graphical representation of the dependence of the frequency of the generator output signal on the dielectric constant is shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5 – Dependence of the output frequency of the generator on the dielectric constant
It follows from Fig. 5 that when the permittivity varies from 0.5 to 3.43, the frequency of the output signal of the sine-wave signal generator varies from 4.82 MHz to 4.06 MHz by a nonlinear law.
To further process the signal in the digital part of the electronic device, it is necessary to convert the sinusoidal signal into rectangular pulses using a comparator. If the amplitude value of the output signal of the generator is less than the logical one, it is necessary to pre-amplify the sinusoidal signal before feeding it to the comparator.
Using expressions (1) and (4), we obtain a mathematical model of the electronic device for determining the octane number of gasoline, created on the basis of a capacitive sensor of cylindrical shape and included in the oscillator circuit of a sinusoidal signal generator,
4. Conclusion
Thus, the magnitude and accuracy of determining the octane number will depend on the magnitude and accuracy of measuring the frequency of the generator output signal and the temperature of the sample of gasoline.
However, the disadvantage of this method of measurement is the insufficient accuracy in determining the quality of gasoline, since it does not measure the percentage of water. Therefore, in order to increase the accuracy of the measurement, the following tasks must be performed.
- Analyze the effect of water content in gasoline on its quality.
- Study methods for determining the percentage of water in gasoline.
- Finalize the structural diagram of the device taking into account the analysis of water content in gasoline
- Develop a scheme for an electronic device, taking into account the analysis of the water content of gasoline, to investigate its main characteristics
List of sources
- Пат. 2231780 РФ, МПК G 01 N 27 / 22, G 01 N 33 / 22. Способ определения октанового числа бензина / А.И. Кавтарадзе; Кавтарадзе Альберт Иванович (Ru). – заявл. 22.11.2002; опубл. 27.06.2004.
- Модифицированный генератор Клаппа с низкими искажениями [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://promplace.ru/article_single.php?arc=25 – Дата доступа: май 2016. – Загл. с экрана.