Brief resume

Name Anikanov Andrey
Date of birth Jan 18, 1995
Place of birth Artyomovsk
Schools 2001 – 2012 – Golmovsky, school number 77
  • 2012 – 2016 – Donetsk national technical university, specialtyElectronics and nanoelectronics, bachelor's degree;
  • 2016 – 2018 – Donetsk national technical university, specialty Electronics and nanoelectronics, master's degree.
Average score 4.1
  • Russian – in excellence
  • Ukrainian – in excellence
  • English – average level
Personal achievements Scientific and technical conference of graduate students and students Automation of technological objects and processes. Search for young people, Donetsk, 2014-2016.
Hobbies and interests Football, cars, outdoor activities
Personal qualities Discipline, responsibility, dedication, initiative, ability to work in a team.
Professional and computer skills
  1. Work with OS: Windows, Android;
  2. Application programs: MS OFFICE, Mathcad, Matlab, Compass-3d;
  3. Programming languages: Visual Basic, HTML.
Additional courses, internships, grants Computer courses on the package Adobe Photoshop
Professional experience
  1. Technological practice;
  2. Pre-diploma practice of PJSC Donbassenergo
Future plans Personal and career growth, happy family life
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