- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study, the planned results
- 3. Review of research and development
- 3.1 Overview of international sources
- 3.2 Overview of national sources
- 3.3 Overview of local sources
- 4. Machine model
- 5. Theoretical results
- Conclusion
- References
The finite state machines (SCs) are of interest for research and practical application. In plain language, & ndash; this is some kind of abstract model, a finite number of states. This model is designed to describe and analyze various processes of discrete action or the flow of discrete information processing processes, for modeling and building devices and processes [1]. In turn, these devices and processes can undergo changes due to external factors. In a number of cases, such an effect leads to a change in the behavior of the automaton. Such changes can be considered as a process of transferring arcs in an automaton. Practical value will be represented by transfers, in which the behavior of the machine will be preserved. In the case of automata-recognizers, these are automata that take the same language as the original automaton after carrying out a series of transformations. In this paper we will consider the possibility of transferring arcs in an acceptor automaton while preserving its behavior.
1. Theme urgency
The universality of the theory of automata allows us to consider different objects from a single point of view, take into account the connections and analogies between them, transfer results from one area to another [1].
The finite state machines have a wide range of uses. The theory of automata is used in computer games when writing artificial intelligence for a character [2]. Machines are used in the systems of preparation and editing of texts [3], in the development of control software systems [4], while programming mobile devices [5], for testing software solutions [6].
Finite automata are widely used in cryptography: in the construction of cryptosystems and as components of cryptalgorithms [7]. In particular, SCs are used in stream and automatic cipher systems, in symmetric ciphers and cryptosystems with public key [8].
Thus, the study of automata is an actual task and can subsequently find wide application in various fields.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study, the planned results
The object of research is the behavior of the reduced recognition machine when moving arcs.
The subject of the study is the finding of conditions under which the automaton after the transfer of k arcs takes the same language as the original one – automatic machine.
Purpose: development and research of the method of analysis of automata-recognizers, generated by local transformations of the standard.
The main objectives of the study: p>
- Carry out an analysis of the behavior of the recognizer machine when transferring k arcs, k ≥ 1.
- Systematize the results obtained in the solution of practical examples.
- Find the regularities in which it is possible or not possible to transfer arrows k with the preservation of the behavior of the machine.
- Draw conclusions and describe a class of automata that allow the transfer of arcs with preservation of equivalence.
3. Review of research and development
3.1 Overview of international sources
Analysis and study of the structure of automata with similar behavior are very common phenomena, and have been conducted for a long time. These problems relate to the experimental theory with automata, which is carefully described in the book by A. Gill Introduction to the theory of finite automata
The main provisions of the theory of experiments on automata were described by Edward Moore [10]. He made a great contribution to the development of methods for studying spacecraft, first proposing an algorithm for recognizing equivalent automata.
In particular, the theory of experiments is covered by the works of R. Brouwer [11], P. Stark [12], F. Henni [13] and many other authors.
3.2 Overview of national sources
At the national level, the study of automata and their behavior by experiments was considered by M.P. Vasilevskii [14], N.V. Evtushenko, A.F. Petrenko [15-18], V.B. Kudryavtsev, I.S. Grunsky, V. A. Kozlovsky [19-28], V.A. Buevich, N.G. Kalandarashvili, A.A. Tal' [29, 30].
The above works cover three main stages in the study of spacecraft behavior: complexity, combinatorial and characterization.
3.3 Overview of local sources
The investigation of the behavior of automata during the transfer on a local level was carried out by O.M. Kopytova [31-33], and also O.S.Shvets [34] and E.I. Burlaeva [35] as part of the master's work.
For reduced Mealy automata following results were obtained:
- when transferring only one arc in the reduced automaton, its behavior always changes – the automaton becomes a nonisomorphic (nonequivalent) initial finite state machine;
- there are automata for which the transfer of two arcs leads to an automaton equivalent to the standard;
- for any natural k > 1 there exists a reduced automaton allowing the transfer of k arcs with preservation of the behavior of the automaton;
- sufficient conditions for the isomorphism of automata for the transfer of two arcs are proved;
- it proved possible to transfer any number of arcs of ≥ 2 are not strongly connected machines;
- there are examples of strongly connected automata in which it is possible to transfer ≥ 4 arcs and at the same time to obtain a spacecraft isomorphic to the original one.
4. Machine model
In this paper we consider a recognizer automaton. This is a machine that allows you to determine whether a string of characters belongs to a language. The task of the recognizer is to give an answer, based on the source string, whether it belongs to the specified language or not.
We will consider the cast deterministic acceptor.
We will analyze transfering of arcs in the automatic machine in stages:
- consider the transfer of one arc of the standard;
- we study the behavior of the automaton in the transfer of two arcs;
- will transfer k arcs, k > 2.
5. Theoretical results
Theorem 1. The transfer of one arc in the reduced automaton-discriminator leads to a nonisomorphic automaton.
Theorem 2. For anyone k ≥ 3 there is an automatic recognizer that allows the transfer k-arcs.
Evidence. We construct the reduced acceptor containing n > 3 states, with one input and one final state. By one, each state passes into itself. By zero – goes into state i + 1. First state – input, n-state – final (By one state passes into itself).
In picture 1, the presented automatic recognition machine.

Picture 1 – General view of the acceptor
Let us show that the automaton is reduced. Take two states i и j, where n – 1 > i ≥ 1, n ≥ j ≥ 1, j > i. It can be seen from the construction that δ (j, 0n-j) ∈ F, а δ (i, 0n-i) ∉ F. States n и n – 1 are distinguishable by one: δ (n, 1) ∈ F, а δ (n – 1, 1) ∉ F.
Transfer k-arcs is carried out as follows:
- the arc from the first state is thrown into the state k;
- from the state k we successively transfer arcs from one state to the previous one: from the state i to state i – 1, where k ≥ i > 2;
- we transfer the arc from state 2 to the state k + 1;
- arcs that have not undergone a transfer, if any, remain unchanged.
For clarity, we give the result of the transfer k-arcs in the acceptor (picture 2).

Picture 2 – Machine-recognizer after transfer
It can be seen from picture 2 that the result is an automaton equivalent to the original one.
Picture 3 illustrates an example of transferring 3 arcs while preserving the equivalence of the automaton.

Picture 3 – An example of transferring 3 arcs in an acceptor
(animation: 18 frames, 3 cycles of repetition, 134 kilobytes)
(the word 00100 is input, red is the process of recognizing the word automatically, blue – arc transfer process)
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
- there is a machine-recognizer, allowing transfer of three or more arcs with the preservation of the equivalence;
- an example is given of transferring three arcs in an acceptor, as a result of which an equivalent automaton.
When writing this abstract, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: May 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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