When writing this аbstract, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion June 2018 . The full text of the work and materials can be obtained from the author or his advisor after this date.
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Review of research and development
- 4. Approach to the solution of the task
- Conclusion
- References
In the modern world control of knowledge of students, workers, etc. is of great importance. In this context control is understood as the system of evidence-based check of results of knowledge. It is considerable testing helps to facilitate a problem of control. The test allows to carry out an examination having interviewed all participants concerning the necessary material in identical conditions.
1. Relevance of the topic
Currently, many educational institutions widely use rating systems to assess students' knowledge, which are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the learning process. To get a rating, you need to go through several stages of control (current, intermediate, boundary, final).[5].
The most popular form of intermediate and boundary control is computer testing, which allows an objective assessment of students' knowledge of the discipline under study, while reducing the heterogeneity of the requirements and increasing the productivity of the teacher. The computer testing system, of course, is very convenient for its application in the learning process, but in the overwhelming majority of these systems are developed for non-programmers on the principle of question response.
To test the practical skills and skills of the student, a task is used, that is, a test task, in order to answer which it is necessary to perform certain intellectual actions related to the solution of the problem. This makes it difficult to evaluate the answers provided in cases where this answer may be ambiguous: a code fragment in a programming language, a block diagram of a digital device, an HDL program, and others. The complexity lies in the following:
- The presence of an unreasonable number of correct answers (in the case of a programming task, the program code can be written in many different ways, each of which can be true).
- Considerable time and intellectual effort to expertly test the answer. The first point does not allow the use of traditional types of test tasks in computer testing, and the second - stimulates the finding of new methods for automating task verification using computer tools. Therefore, there is a need to develop ways to solve problems that could become the basis for automatic verification.
When automating the verification of problem solving, the problem arises of organizing a computer system for simultaneous testing of the knowledge of a group of students, because in this case the computing capabilities of one computer in some cases are no longer sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct appropriate calculations and studies to determine the appropriateness of choosing a particular structure of the computer system, depending on the requirements of the testing system.
Thus, the work aimed at developing new ways of testing knowledge and developing knowledge testing systems based on them is relevant.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
Creating a model of a testing system based on web technologies is an extremely promising and urgent task. The purpose of this diploma project is to create a computer-based testing system with the help of web-development tools and create a program for the test system. In a particular case, it is supposed to implement protection against copying information, copying with knowledge control, implementation of the system for solving problems.
Before creating a model for such a test program, you need to define a set of functions and requirements. We list the main functions, requirements, characteristics of the testing system:
- implementation of effective testing of knowledge;
- an accurate and adaptable assessment of the test result;
- the ability to easily create and modify tests;
- the possibility of simultaneous testing of an unlimited number of users;
- a large number of tests, questions, assignments;
- control of testing time.
The task of this diploma project is to create a computer program that will combine several types of test tasks including tasks.
3. Review of research and development
The main thrust of programs for testing knowledge in the field of programming is to test the solution of problems at various olympiads.
Most of these programs are implemented using servers and are presented as sites with various programming tasks in popular languages.
Ejudge is a system for carrying out various activities in which automatic verification of programs is necessary. The system can be used to hold Olympiads and support training courses. The user interface is shown in Figure 1.[15].
Figure 1 – The Ejudge Member Interface
Ural State University Problem Set with Online Judge System - the archive of tasks and the system of conducting remote olympiads. This system is popular in Russia and China. Distance Olympiads are usually held simultaneously with the full-time Olympiads of the Ural State University. Participants are warned about the competition by e-mail, about a week before it starts. Usually in competitions of this kind, 200-300 teams participate. The ACM ICPC rules are used to calculate the results[15].
Codewars is an interactive compilation of programming tasks, solving which you stuff your skill in one or another language. The start page of this collection of tasks looks quite simple in use (Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Homepage of Codewars
CodeChef is a platform for programming competitions supported by the Indian software developer "Directi". What is so outstanding in this platform? Firstly, before the competition you can practice well by choosing one of six difficulty levels. Secondly, the platform offers a choice of almost 30 programming languages that can be used to solve problems. An example of the task representation is shown in Figure 4 [14].
Figure 4 – Representation of tasks in CodeChef
Advanced Testing Package is a multi-purpose interactive testing system designed to automate knowledge control. ATP differs from similar systems, especially ease of configuration and use, as well as support for FTP-protocol exchange and integration with external software (compilers), which makes it possible to automate the process of checking problem-tasks [4].
Developed since 1998 (organization Hard Club since 2000); since 2003 - in cooperation with Aldec, Inc. The version of the package with support for VHDL and Verilog since 2004 is distributed in the US and Europe. Structure of the ATP 4 package representation is shown in Figure 5 [4].

Figure 5 – Animation structure of the ATP 4 package
(animation: 21 frames, cyclic repetition, 255 kilobytes)
4. Approach to the solution of the task
It is necessary to develop a WEB-system for testing students with the following possibilities:
- КCategorizing the pages of the site according to various terms. With the opportunity for teachers to create their own sort categories and include terms in them.
- - Create a test. With the possibilities: sorting questions randomly at the request of the teacher, displaying the results and correct answers, output evaluation after the completion of testing (the calculation of the assessment takes place depending on the percentage collected).
- Create a question with the choice of the number of correct answers. With the possibility of placing answers in a random order and with the possibility of adding this question to an already existing test.
- Create a question with a handwritten answer. The teacher himself checks the student's answer.
- Use group access policy to ensure security. A student, an unregistered user, an administrator and a teacher.
- Assign the maximum number of points for each completely correct answer.
- Purpose – The purpose of this document is to check, analyze and determine the level of knowledge.
A diagram of the use cases for this software product is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 – AnimationDogram of precedents
(animation: 15 frames, cyclic repetition, 207 kilobytes)
This software product is designed for online testing. We have identified 2 types of users who can work in the system. Ordinary user and administrator. An ordinary user has an initial level of preparation, the administrator is familiar with the system and manages it. The administrator of this site has certain rights, which are presented in Figure 6 in the form of precedents:
- management issues;
- user management;
- management of results.
In the course of the work, a lot of Internet testing systems were analyzed, many pros and cons of such systems were revealed. In the future, a software product will be developed that meets all the requirements and includes:
- Creating a test with flexible settings.
- Create different types of question.
- Use Group Policy Access.
- Assign the maximum number of points for each completely correct answer.
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