- Introduction
- 1.The economic essence of labor potential and its structure
- 2.Factors of forming the labor potential of the modern organization
- 3.The oretical aspects of the formation of the organizational-economic mechanism and its impact on labor potential
- Conclusion
- References
In the context of the development of globalization, modern organizations face complex and diverse tasks of managing labor potential. This process goes into a new phase, which includes the development of the organization's management system, the reproduction of labor resources, continuous improvement, focus on changes, innovations, development of top management, search and development of new ideas. In modern conditions of global competition, the successful existence of any organization increasingly depends on the level of competence, professionalism, effective use of labor potential, the formation of which becomes an organization's priority task [2].
1 The economic essence of labor potential and its structure
The term "labor potential" began to be widely used in the domestic socio-economic literature in the late 1970s and early 1980s, essentially replacing the traditional category of "labor resources", which was first introduced in Russia in 1922 by S. Stumilinim and was considered a working class the strength of this country at the age of 16-49 years [1].
The emergence of this term is due to the revision of the role of man in the production process, the importance of the intellectual and educational potential accumulated in society.One of the first attempts to distinguish these concepts belongs to V. Kostakov. "Labor potential," he notes, "is the stock of labor. They depend on the total number of labor resources and their structure by sex and age, the level of employment by sex and age, the accumulated knowledge, the degree to which the demographic structure corresponds to the conditions for improving labor efficiency, and the social mobility of the population (territorial and professional). "
Different authors mean by the concept of "labor potential" differently, but all of them rely on the concept of "human resources", but they all rely on the concept of "labor resources". However, when interpreting and correlating the categories of "labor resources" and "labor potential," there is no unity of opinion among economists and sociologists. One of them comes out with their identification (L. Degtyar, I. Kulintsev), others distinguish them (D. Boginya, V. Bulanov, M. Volgin), others (V. Danyuk, A. Kolot, G. Zavinovska) use only the term "labor resources", and the fourth (B. Genkin) - only "labor potential".
At the initial stage of the study of labor potential, views were based on a purely resource approach. Many authors somehow identified labor potential with labor resources. Thus, according to E. Rusanov's definition, labor resources are the able-bodied population within the established limits of the able-bodied age, regardless of the type of occupation and activity, and also part of the population of disabled age, is engaged in production. A similar point of view is shared by I. Koryakovskii, D. Boginya, L. Goldin, L. Kunelsky, V. Yakushev et al. [3].
Russian scientist A. Kibanova considers the labor potential in the same direction - as "a combination of different qualities that determine the working capacity [2].
According to A. Kalina, "labor potential expresses the aggregate resources and reserves of living labor in the unity of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics that society has at this stage of development of the productive forces within the framework of existing production relations" .
B. Genkin under labor potential understands the totality of such components as "health; morality and ability to work in a team; creative potential; activity; organization; education; professionalism; resources of working time ".
V. Onikienko interprets the labor potential as "an aggregate of the able-bodied population who possesses the appropriate vocational qualification preparation, applies labor in the national economy taking into account a certain level of its technological and technical equipment."
In another perspective, E. Kachan and D. Shushpanov "under the labor potential understanding the system with a spatial and temporal orientation, the elements of which are labor resources taking into account the totality of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, employment and jobs". Generalizing the theoretical approaches to the labor potential, we can conclude that the labor potential is a symbiosis of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, the parameters of the labor resources, and as the role of intensive factors in the increase in production intensifies, the role of qualitative parameters increases. Moreover, this becomes the determining regularity of the intensification of production.
2. Factors of forming the labor potential of the modern organization
Verkhoglyadova N.I. and Rusinchenko M.I. the component structure of the labor potential of an enterprise is proposed to be determined by the following components:
- education received by the employee. For today, there are two types of employee training - general and specific. General training is formed on the basis of the level of education received, specific - through additional training;
- the qualifications that employees have. If education characterizes the potential opportunities of employees, then the qualification makes it possible to assess the suitability of an employee to work of a certain complexity. The first and second components form the professional and qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise;
- managerial potential.
- Personal potential. This block includes those opportunities that the employee has as a person: innovative potential (the ability of the employee to make non-standard solutions), adaptive capacity (the ability to quickly master new professional knowledge), etc .;
- organizational potential. It is determined by the capabilities of the organizational structure of the enterprise and by the way the workplace organization is organized to ensure the implementation of the assigned tasks[3] .
The labor potential is a combination of opportunities for enterprise employees to actively or passively participate in the production process within a specific organizational structure, taking into account material, technical, information and other resources, is a complex structural socio-economic formation, contains a number of components [4].
Thus, the study of existing scientific approaches led to the conclusion that today the literature presents a different component structure of the labor potential of the enterprise, creates practical difficulties in developing its management policy. In order to unify the scientific approaches to the interpretation of the structure of the labor potential, it was to generalize and supplement them with additional components, and to form a comprehensive vision of the structure of the labor potential. The components of labor potential are intellectual, demographic, economic, socio-biological, professional, historical and cultural, motivational, organizational components [5].
The intellectual component of the labor potential is one of the main, because innovative development of the enterprise happens. The intellectual component of the labor potential is defined as the aggregate of professional knowledge, skills and skills acquired in the course of performing tasks, developed abilities, intellectual property objects that take place in the labor process and become a source of additional revenues such as: intellectual rent, royalties, at the same time competitive prospects for both staff and the enterprise.
The demographic component is connected with the historical and cultural component. The demographic component is an integral element in the development and updating of labor potential. It is closely connected with the socio-settlement, ethnic, historical, class, national sub-structure, which have an impact on the functioning of the enterprise.
The economic component determines the efficiency of the labor potential of the enterprise, which should be based on the economic definition of the abilities of employees and the collective and bring a certain profit. The economic component is directly related to the motivational component. Therefore, now in science they are increasingly considering economic motivation, which is a very important factor in the motivational mechanism. The experience of most foreign companies has shown that the highest efficiency is in combining monetary and non-monetary forms of motivation. Depending on the socio-biological characteristics of employees and the level of pay at the enterprise, the ratio between monetary and non-monetary forms of motivation should be different. The practice of industrial and economic activity has repeatedly proved the high efficiency of moral rewards, including through meeting the needs for self-esteem, personal achievement, competence, respect from others, self-expression, self-realization. [6]
The organizational component of the labor potential is determined by a combination of various spatial and temporal objective and subjective factors aimed at the realization of goals and objectives. It consists of sources, capabilities and tools that are used to solve specific tasks or to achieve a specific goal.
In our opinion, the socio-biological component is one of the most important components of the labor potential. Based on the example of many successful foreign companies, one can be sure that it is the manifestation of socio-biological characteristics, such as mentality and temperament that determine the coherence and mutual consistency of processes in the team. Each of the selected components includes a number of characteristics and elements and is of particular importance in the process of managing the labor potential [7].
3. The oretical aspects of the formation of the organizational-economic mechanism and its impact on labor potential
The organizational - economic mechanism is a mechanism for the operation and use of economic laws, which include a combination of ways and means to compensate for economic contradictions, providing a combination of the economic interests of the whole society. Therefore, it belongs to the sphere of objective economic relations. At the same time, the organizational and economic mechanism is inseparably linked with the conscious activity of people [11].
At each stage of economic development, market actors form their organizational and economic mechanisms for "survival" in complex and unordinary economic conditions. The organizational-economic mechanism, as its name implies, unites two components - organizational and economic, each of which can exist independently. At the same time, in certain areas of work of the subject of market relations, they intertwine and create a specific management mechanism for a certain direction of activity or management [8].
As you know, the "mechanism" is a collection of certain elements, measures and actions that are linked together in such a way as to ensure the clear functioning of other mechanisms. On the basis of such a relationship, a system of management of the entity as a whole is created, that is, a management mechanism that presupposes the existence of certain rules and norms, the order of actions for performing an operation. The mechanism will work harmoniously only if the established rules are met [9].
The organizational and economic mechanism of labor stimulation presupposes the creation of such an incentive system that could provide a combination of high economic performance of the market entity and optimize its costs for achieving these results [10].
A holistic analysis of the labor potential of the enterprise is an actual and at the same time a complex problem for today. Despite the ambiguity of the proposed solutions, it is necessary to develop a methodology that will not only describe the current state of the use of the labor resources of the enterprise, but also provide an opportunity to compare with other enterprises in the industry, and also consider the dynamics of changes in the efficiency of employing the enterprise's labor potential [1].
At present, the efficiency of using the labor potential of an enterprise deserves special attention. This factor is the determining factor in the effectiveness of its management and competitive advantage in the market. At the same time, the analysis of the current level of use of labor potential reflects insufficiently full use of this resource in the reproduction process. The study of ways to manage the labor potential and the development of methods for their practical implementation will allow the enterprise to significantly increase labor efficiency. At the microeconomic level, this will lead to an increase in the performance of the business and its position in the market.
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