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The problem of efficiency of work is solved at all levels of the economy from society as a whole to its individual enterprises (firms) and their business units. At all levels, the efficiency category reflects the relationship between resources and production objectives. Since the needs of society are unlimited, and the resources are limited, the challenge is to maximize the satisfaction of needs through the best, most complete use of resources.

Any commercial enterprise assumes the main purpose of making profit. Correlating profits and resources spent on obtaining it, one can judge the effectiveness of the firm as a whole. Insufficient level of profit leads to a dynamic redistribution of resources in the economy.

1. Theme urgency

The relevance of the chosen topic is that the evaluation of the efficiency of the functioning of the energy generating company determines the indicators of its economic well-being, characterizes the result of investment and financial development, contains the necessary information for the investor. And also reflects the ability of the enterprise to meet its debts and obligations and increase its economic potential in the interests of shareholders and employees of the enterprise, allows to optimize the work of all business units, to implement more flexible management decisions.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of the study is to develop directions for improving the efficiency of the energy generating company.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Present the theoretical aspects of increasing the efficiency of the energy generating company.
  2. Assess the economic performance of the generating company.
  3. Analyze the performance indicators of the economic activity of the generating company.
  4. Develop and justify measures to increase the efficiency of economic activities of the power generating company.
  5. To predict the impact of the implementation of the plan on changing the financial and economic performance of the generating company.

Research object: economic activity of the generating company.

Research subject: methods to increase the efficiency of the energy generating company in a market economy.

3. Review of research and development

3.1 The essence and principles of the efficiency of an industrial enterprise

The category «efficiency» at the enterprise level characterizes the relationship between the magnitude of the result of its activity and the amount of resources invested or expended in production. Increasing efficiency can be achieved by using fewer resources to create such a result, or using the same amount of resources or a larger release with relatively fewer resources to create a larger result.

Disclosure of the essence of the effectiveness of the enterprise will help distinguish and clearly define such categories as [1]:

• the result of the activity of the enterprise;

• еffect;

• efficiency of the enterprise;

• efficiency criterion.

Achievement of economic or social effect is associated with the need to implement current and one-time costs. Current includes costs included in the cost of production. One-time costs are advanced means of creating basic and incremental circulating assets in the form of capital investments, which yield returns only after a while.

There are three groups of interdependent efficiency factors [3]:

1) system-wide factors that determine the prerequisites for the effective operation of an industrial enterprise, including: the degree of implementation of the principles of the enterprise; organizational culture; validity of the system of selection and evaluation of managerial decisions at the enterprise; The existence of an institutional mechanism that coordinates and assures the interrelation of partial processes;

2) external factors, limitations of the activity of an industrial enterprise, conditioned by the regularity of the communicability of systems, the main ones being: requirements of the external environment, restrictions on investment resources;

3) Factors controlling the development of an industrial enterprise: the existence of a program for the development of production, the provision of organizational resources.

3.2 Approaches and methods for assessing the performance of an enterprise

There are several basic approaches to the assessment of the functioning and development of an enterprise (evaluation of its operation). In particular, there is a functional-analytical approach, a comparative-analytical, systemic or complex approach.

Within the framework of the functional-analytical approach, the efficiency of the enterprise is considered from the point of view of the analytically studied functions of its management. Therefore, this approach establishes that any management function can influence one or another parameter characterizing the efficiency of the enterprise. Analytical comparison is carried out for one or several periods, for objectivity, comparable values are usually used.

The comparative analytical approach is a kind of functional and analytical campaign, but the comparison does not involve the interrelation of the functions and parameters of the enterprise's activities (activities), but a set of certain key indicators that, as a rule, give a general idea of the efficiency of the functioning and development of an economic entity for a number of periods (in comparison with similar indicators of direct competitors, in comparison with the average industry indicators).

An integrated approach that regards an enterprise as a socio-economic system in which the effectiveness of the performance of functions correlates with the performance indicators of the business entity and takes into account the influence of a number of external and internal factors that determine the ability of the enterprise to perform an effective activity on one hand and, on the other hand, threats localized in the external environment. The integrated approach assumes that the efficiency of the enterprise is assessed not only by financial, but also by social and economic indicators, including including the innovative and human resources [4].

3.3 Existing Approaches to Improving the Efficiency of an Energy Generating Enterprise

For energy management of industrial enterprises, two tasks are relevant [6]. The first task is in the field of minimizing current expenditures for fuel and energy, developing mechanisms for reducing energy intensity of products and managing costs. The second direction is connected with the development of rational behavior when working in energy markets and the formation of appropriate energy strategies.

To improve the efficiency of the company should be guided by the following principles of rational behavior.

Motivation to reduce (optimize) energy costs.

Different consumers will tend to a certain type of behavior in the energy markets, depending on the strength of their motivation for active action. There are two possible behaviors: active rational (left) and passive inefficient (right). At the same time, it should be noted that only positioning in the market either as a qualified consumer (being an independent wholesale market entity) or as a subscriber of a sales company does not yet indicate in advance the subsequent ineffective actions (this positioning may be regulated by the technical characteristics of the consumer).

Monitoring of own energy market potential.

The energy market potential characterizes the technological, economic and organizational prerequisites for maneuvering the consumer in a competitive market and effectively managing market risks. The introduction of this concept and the relevant characteristics of the enterprise is necessary to determine the market status of the consumer, motivation to reduce energy costs and conduct energy business, readiness of energy management for active work in the markets, priority market strategies (taking into account the results of the previous analysis).

It can be concluded that the larger the company's energy market potential, the greater is the scope for active actions and the wider choice of energy strategies, the options for combining them, and strategic management acquires greater flexibility.


Proceeding from the above, it can be argued that the study and development of methods and approaches to improving the efficiency of the energy generating company will always be relevant.

The often changing situation of the markets and the economy of the state forces us to constantly improve approaches to increasing the efficiency of enterprises in order to minimize costs and maximize profits by increasing the number of factors of production taken into account or by changing them depending on the situation.

Thus, in the implementation of expedient strategies for improving the efficiency of operation, energy generating companies will be able to secure a long-term perspective of developing competitive advantages and achieve their economic goals.


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