- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the research topic
- 2. Purpose, subject and object of research
- 3. Theoretical bases of formation of anti-recessionary management at the enterprise
- 3.1. Crisis management – prerequisites for the development of the modern enterprise
- Conclusion
- References
The market economy is characterized by an uncertain and rapidly changing environment, large fluctuations in prices, sales volumes, costs and profits. A significant number of organizations are in a difficult situation, when at times costs can exceed revenues. In organizations there is a crisis situation, which can result in loss of solvency and bankruptcy. In such circumstances, the only means to enable the organization to survive is effective anti-crisis management. The more organizations are in crisis, the more urgent the problem of anti-crisis management at the corporate level, the more important is the study of theoretical and practical problems of crisis management of organizations [2, p. 718].
The term anti-crisis management, as a rule, is applied in connection with the financial insolvency of organizations. But this is far from a complete view of the problem – in the theory and practice of crisis management, in order to clarify the real situation of the organization, in addition to assessing its solvency, many other factors that determine its multifaceted production activities, taking into account the specifics of the state of the economy, the totality of internal and external influences.
1. Relevance of the research topic
The topic is relevant, because in modern economic conditions, organizations are not prepared for the exit from the crisis. To survive in a market economy and not allow the bankruptcy of an enterprise, it is necessary, with the help of financial analysis, to identify and eliminate shortcomings in financial activity in a timely manner and to find reserves to improve the state of the enterprise and its solvency.
2. Purpose, subject and object of research
The aim of the study is a theoretical study of the problems of anti-crisis management in the organization.
The object of the study is the process of anti-crisis management in the construction sector.
The subject of the study: the theoretical and methodological foundations of crisis management.
3. Theoretical bases of formation of anti-recessionary management at the enterprise
3.1. Crisis management – prerequisites for the development of the modern enterprise
The modern development of any country is characterized by crisis phenomena both in the country's economy, and in the development of its individual regions, industries, in the activities of some economic entities caused by the impact of the ongoing global financial crisis. The most important role in this situation is the overcoming of the crisis in enterprises.
Crisis management in leading companies of countries with developed market economies is an integral element of a unified system of enterprise management and makes up a system of measures aimed not only at getting the enterprise out of the crisis and improving its health, but also to prevent entry into such a situation. The process of anti-crisis management in such companies is carried out constantly: from the establishment of the company and throughout all subsequent life cycles of the enterprise.
Crisis management is an effective management that provides an opportunity to take the enterprise out of the crisis; this is a complex system of measures aimed at preventing a crisis and providing conditions that would eliminate the prerequisites and consequences of its emergence through forecasting the socio-economic development of the enterprise and the implementation of an crisis strategy to strengthen the company's competitive position in the market environment.
The crisis is a revolution, a time of transition, a turning point, a state in which existing means of achieving goals become inadequate, resulting in unpredictable situations. The consequence of the economic crisis is a decrease in the real gross national product, massive bankruptcies and unemployment, a decline in the standard of living of the population.
The essence of crisis management is expressed in its characteristic features, which are aimed at predicting and eliminating risk management decisions. It is, first of all, the possibility of forecasting and planning crisis situations, the regulation of existing crises through the use of specific management approaches. That is why, in a broad sense, crisis management is seen as a management in which predictions are made about the dangers of the crisis, analysis of its symptoms, as well as measures to reduce the negative consequences of the crisis and the use of factors for its further development.
The main goal of the crisis management is to ensure a stable development of the enterprise, a confident position in the market and a stable financial situation under any economic, political, social situations in the country.
Particular attention in crisis management should be given to the choice of directions and strategy of the company to overcome the crisis. After all, proceeding from the essence of the crisis management it is clear that it is the choice of an adequate response to the crisis that guarantees the restoration of a healthy
state. Each organization chooses a strategy suitable for its financial rehabilitation. It is worth remembering that an irrational approach to overcoming negative trends in the enterprise, that is, choosing the wrong exit strategy may lead to worse consequences. In order to avoid undesirable results, it is necessary to remember that the main goal of crisis management is the quickest way out of the crisis, and to implement this goal, an enterprise must develop a special document – an anti-crisis program.
It is advisable to note that the position of the enterprise in conditions of negative trends in the economy is primarily determined by the activity of the manager in adapting the enterprise to new conditions. First of all, this is a redistribution of the responsibilities of senior management through the creation of a network of operational groups of managers. Heads of structural subdivisions, specialists of economic and legal services are involved in their structure. To coordinate the activities of such groups, the so-called Crisis Center, headed by the head of the enterprise, is created. Each group, depending on the direction of activity, submits to the Crisis Center an analysis of the situation at the enterprise, measures to minimize the impact of negative factors, and the effect of their implementation is possible.
An effective method of overcoming the crisis is to attract external consultants from among consulting companies, because a fresh look from the outside
will provide an objective view of the situation, and, accordingly, adequately assess the state of the enterprise. Especially this event is appropriate with a small number of its own administrative apparatus, since the development of anti-crisis measures is a labor-intensive process.
Modern authors provide the following recommendations – ways to improve the efficiency of crisis management of the enterprise in the current conditions of management under the circumstances of the factors of the growing crisis, it should be determined:
- advanced training of management and other personnel of the enterprise; external consulting;
- the formation of an anti-crisis team that is able to perform tasks assigned to them professionally, adequately and creatively;
- formation of corporate spirit in the enterprise;
- efficiency and flexibility in making managerial decisions;
- development of own software for conducting diagnostic procedures;
- formation of the innovative and investment potential of the enterprise.
Also, we will reflect the main principles of anti-crisis management of the enterprise (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 – Principles of crisis management of the enterprise (animation: 5 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 190 kilobytes)
Thus, summing up, we can say that today's difficult financial condition of some enterprises was a consequence of both objective and subjective reasons. Bankruptcy is one of the legal mechanisms for updating and reforming enterprises; This is a development mechanism through the effective redistribution of property. Bankruptcy does not always mean the liquidation of an enterprise.
Of course, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent a crisis situation. If the enterprise is in a debt hole, it is necessary to undertake complex efforts to restore solvency, effectively using legislative procedures for bankruptcy and methods of crisis management.
However, it is not effective to deal with crisis phenomena only with the methods of crisis management, since the fight against the crisis occurs in conditions when it has already come. Economic crises must be managed using the methods, methods and techniques of all modern management. In this regard, the concepts of "crisis management" and crisis management in the enterprise
should be distinguished, since the crisis management process is beyond the scope of crisis management and includes forecasting, prevention and overcoming of the crisis. Crisis management performs only the function of overcoming the crisis situation, since the methods and procedures of crisis management are applied to the enterprise in whose activities the crisis has already come. Forecast the onset of the crisis is possible through monitoring the internal environment of the enterprise and its external environment. It is expedient to prevent the onset of the crisis by methods of strategic and tactical management.
A feature of crisis management is an operational response to changes, both outside the organization and inside it. In this situation, the need for an analysis of the prospects of the organization as a whole, and the development of a strategy for its further development, are repeatedly increased. Only by determining long-term goals, having worked out the criteria for evaluating the result, it is possible to help the organization in solving its problems.
Crisis management has two aspects: preventing the crisis, as well as effectively overcoming it. The modern manager should be constantly ready for crisis situations and have a plan for overcoming them. The nature of the crisis and the cause of its emergence can be quite diverse, but the direct fault in its offense always lies with managers.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete.
Final completion: June 2018. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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