The results of the impact of digital information technologies on the economic activities of enterprises
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance
- 2. Purpose and objectives
- 3. The impact of Internet technologies on macroeconomic and marketing factors
- 3.1 Integration of business entities
- 3.2. Increase in efficiency
- 3.3 Expansion of trade
- 3.4 Improving the Efficiency of Capital Use
- Conclusion
- References
Digital technologies significantly expanded the information base of people and enterprises, reduced information costs and created a fundamentally new type of product – information. This simplified the searching of information, its comparison and exchange, which ultimately helped to strengthen the cohesion and cooperation of economic entities, and influenced the ways of companies operation.
1. Relevance
Over the past ten years, the number of Internet users was increasing significantly: there were about 1 billion internet users at 2005, and by the end of 2015, it has reached 3.2 billions. Every year this number increases, which means that today, communication networks connect manufacturers and consumers more than ever.

Figure 1 - Dynamics of the distribution of digital technologies in the countries of the world [1]
The digital revolution brought us a lot of benefits: it became easier and more convenient to communicate and receive information, there are a lot of free digital products, and there are new forms of leisure. Thanks to it, we developed a feeling of deep social interconnection and global community.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The main goal underlying the ongoing research is a comprehensive consideration of the impact of information digital technologies on the economic activities of enterprises in various fields of activity.
The objectives of the study are:
- Assessment of the scale of development and dissemination of digital technologies in the countries of the world;
- Consideration of the content and results of the influence of digital technologies on the activities of business entities, including in the field of marketing.
3. The impact of Internet technologies on macroeconomic and marketing factors
Overcoming information barriers, increasing production resources and changing the nature of products, digital technologies can make development more integrated, efficient and innovative.

Figure 2 – The scheme of the impact of digital technology on the economy of the country
(animation: 8 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 116 kilobytes)
Let's consider the private results of the Internet impact on various indicators and spheres of activity.
3.1 Integration of business entities
Digital technologies allow new transactions, which reduces the cost of obtaining information, and increases the amount of the available information.
Information about the use of mobile phones, e-commerce between companies, a "shared economy", network reputation building mechanisms and digital identification systems help to overcome these information barriers.
These factors help to improve the efficiency of the market, but the most important advantage gained by using of them is their effect of creating new markets: expanding trade, creating new jobs and increasing access to public services, which means promoting integration.
3.2. Increase in efficiency
Decreasing of the prices of digital technologies has driven the companies and the governments to replace existing factors of production - labor and capital not connected with ICT, as well as to automate certain activities.
In addition, digital technologies enhance non replaced factors of production and increase their productivity. They help managers control the work of employees more effectively, and at the same time they enable workers to use technology to increase productivity, which increases their efficiency and the returns for their human capital.
3.3 Increase of trade
According to forecasts, by the end of 2018 the total sales of online stores around the world should reach $ 2.77 trillion. Growth in comparison with 2017 will be 21,1%. And by 2020, compared with 2016, the total sales in electronic commerce should double. The forecasted growth dynamics of global sales of online stores is shown in fig.3

Figure 3 – Predictable dynamics of global e-commerce [11]
3.4 Improving the Efficiency of Capital Use
Internet provides, perhaps it’s largest contribution to the economic growth by reducing costs and increasing efficiency and productivity in virtually all sectors of the economy. Getting of the better quality information helps companies to improve their using of the existing potential, optimize the management of material and technical resources and the supply chain, reduce downtime of production equipment and reduce the risk.
These were just a few examples of global transformations of the economy generally and marketing activities in particular, which emerged under the influence of the development of the Internet and its introduction at all spheres of life. It is difficult to estimate accurately the degree of this influence, but its colossal volumes are beyond doubt.
Digital information technologies, including Internet technologies, have a huge potential to promote economic development, but this potential is only partly realized. The Internet literally turns upside down the established markets for products, services and labor, creating new business models, manufactured goods.
Here the following quote:
“Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate.” [12].
So, the issues of detailed study of the impact of digital information products on the activities of enterprises require further consideration and constant modernization of its information flows in order to keep the adaptation of activities to current market trends.
Work on writing a master's thesis on the chosen subject is still under way. In this abstract only preliminary results of one of its parts are presented.
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