- Introduction
- 1. Improvement of quality management systems
- 2. The choice of tools to improve the quality
- 3. Modern strategy of quality management
- Conclusion
- References
How many works devoted to the theme of quality, but this topic does not lose relevance. Whatever the product is industrial or consumer, we always pay attention to quality. People have always tried to define quality. The ancient Greeks and Romans, who gave us astronomy, physics, mathematics, philosophy, and strove for perfection. The concept of quality can be identified with the notion of perfection or the standard.
In modern society this topic is not losing its specificity and its taste. There are new inventions, new trends of motion. The world is developing, it is moving forward. Set new goals and targets, becomes a new task. And quality, new concepts and new challenges
If previously the quality was allocated as a property, now it is a science. The topic I have chosen is not accidental. Every day we have to deal with this concept. If you look from the point of view of the pyramid Maslow, the first basic need is physiological and how here not to address the quality of food, quality of sleep, quality of care? The second tier of the pyramid is safety. Security is a separate property included in the quality concept. And the top of the pyramid is the need for self-fulfillment and then the person thinks about the quality of life. In all areas we face with the quality in the material and non-material side of life.
Quality of life, music, education, health care, food, metal products, etc. the list goes on and on. In this work, will be considered the strategic objectives in the quality control of products
Any products has its own standards and these standards as everyone else, need to know how to lead. This task confronts the managers of any level and need to know how to make the best of any situation. Any Manager knows that all the spheres need to follow a complex that everything is in a close relationship. And if you suffer one, it entails all the rest. Select the quality as a separate industry and determine its relationship to such industries as marketing, Finance, risk, potential business, image, etc.
The aim of this work is the study and improvement of the quality management process.
Main objectives - to consider current trends and the quality management principles, to determine the right strategy and choose the tools of quality management.
The object of study is the process of quality management, its basic principles.
The subject of the research – the quality of the company products.
1. Improvement of quality management systems
TImprovement as a factor, even the most important, continuous improvement of products, however, cannot be implemented without the appropriate quality management system. The content of the improvement and its significance also depends on the level of the system. To correctly, with minimal errors, to predict the development of methods for quality improvement, it is necessary to consider dynamics of development of quality management systems, providing appropriate levels of improvement.
Should first be noted that it is generally accepted systematisation, and especially classification, quality management systems do not yet exist. Many foreign and domestic authors on the quality of offer their methods of systematization, which you can agree or suggest your own. Almost everyone recognizes that each new quality management system is not created at the new location, and the result of the accumulation of new means and methods of management is being reformed in a new system, to the maximum extent appropriate current at the time the leading economies of the world. The resulting system works as a higher type. Quite naturally, a new quality management system finally develops almost at the peak of the current forms of economy.
Tracing the history of the development of the economy, we can distinguish several stages of organization of works on quality[1] .
The first stage, an individual form of work organization. It is characterized by the fact that one worker decides independently all questions of creation, manufacture and sale of products, incurring responsibility for its quality. This is in keeping with demanufacture handicraft production, as well as the characteristic modern self-employment, when the scale of the production process does not require a deep division of labor.
This initial form of labor upon closer examination discovers all the elements of modern quality management process:
- identifying needs,
- the product complies with the requirements
- the required consistency and accuracy of manufacture of the conceived product,
- periodic monitoring of its work,
- making adjustments in the process (feedback), etc.
The second stage – craft form of work. This form of work caused by the transition to manufacturing production. For it is already characterized by the division of functions and responsibility for quality. Managers or owners of the shop identified the so-called policy in the field of quality, determined the kind of products that are in greatest demand, and the requirements for it. Master organize production, establish the sequence and content (i.e., technology) works. For the quality of work bore the responsibility of the employee and the master for the organization of work.
With the growing scale of production formed the independent service control, and in the production of weapons – and even "sovereign supervision". Under the influence of the development control functions began to form the impression that control is the main if not the only means of achieving high quality products. There is a certain fetishization of the role of control in the mechanism of quality management. The Guild form of control exists in our time on many small businesses. The third stage is the industrial form of work. This form connected with further growth of the production scale, the deepening of concentration and specialization. At this stage, the allocation function of the development and design of new products in the independent professional unit or organization. For the third stage is characterized by the strengthening of the role and value of such production units as the design, testing, technological training. Along with this, these areas of work is not considered as links in a single chain in the General system of the work quality. In the field of work as there is a process of deepening technical division of labor on a number of private functions in different professional groups, departments and people. Technical division of labour is not only differentiation but also integration of production, the labor process. Intensify contacts with suppliers of raw materials and components. In the as drawn a growing number of services and participants
Along with this industrial form of work is also characterized by inconsistency, unclear interaction between design and technological services, production and technical control, etc., which causes many misunderstandings in the quality assurance, directly reducing it, slowing down the pace of the creation and development of new products, reducing the efficiency of work quality. This form works as prevailed in the first half of the last century. However, abroad since the mid 60-ies under the influence of the intensifying of market competition, quality problems began to be discussed not only in industrial branches but also at the management level of firms, which began to understand the crucial importance of quality in the welfare of the company. Some works of A. Feigenbaum (USA) is viewed with concern, that the care as laid out at all, obespechivaetsya can become a draw [2]. In Japan there is a new approach to quality based on the idea of participation of all staff in control of their own activities, explore and develop methods to improve quality. In Russia many enterprises have developed new approaches to the organization of work in quality, different from the traditional (PI, NORMS, CANARE, etc.). The development of production and the increasing role of product quality demanded to take the next step in the development of forms of work organization with the purpose of enhancing the interaction of all departments and services to ensure quality.
The fourth stage is the systematic organization of works on quality. To the 80-th years of 20-th century at us, and abroad all the more clearly felt, that the quality control even with the full reinforce and scale-up, increasing the number of objects and participants cannot substantially change in the status of quality products. Control, even a General, could not provide solutions to the many issues that sharper put practice: how changing quality requirements with the development of technical progress, as the quality depends on demand, how to achieve continuous upgrading the quality, etc. In order to combine all possible quality improvement in a single complex, it was necessary to penetrate deeper nature of quality, to understand what forces and in what order to participate in the process of creation, fabrication and product updates, find patterns to create the management system which guarantees continuous quality change. So gradually, from the mid 80-ies formed the universal quality management system (TQM), which absorbed all that was best in preceding systems of quality management, and enriched with standards ISO series 9000 and new approaches in quality management principles[3]. In some works, the establishment of quality management systems is counted from the end of the 19th century, when production began on the application of standards, Metrology, there was an Assembly line. To this period belong the work of F. Taylor on the introduction of tolerances in the design documentation, which laid the scientific foundations of management[4]. Polish scientist K. Lisiecki in 1997 proposed an interesting graphical chart of the evolution of approaches to quality management (Fig. 1.1). In this scheme there are no development of Soviet specialists and scientists in the period 1955-1978 years. Historically it would be correct Lisiecki scheme to complement these developments, which was done by A. Pichevin in[1]. Already today it is possible to distinguish two prospective factors: methods for robust planning of Taguchi and knowledge management (sharp increase in the share of intellectual labor staff of the enterprises). In our opinion, it is in these areas will develop the quality management system.
Figure 1.1 – the Evolution of approaches to quality management .
The practice of leading companies shows that a common set of quality requirements of products must be ensured at all stages of the product life cycle with continuous updates. The paper presents an interesting scheme of quality management , which includes the following blocks:
- the sphere of production and personal consumption
- study of the nature and scope of new market needs, marketing
- design and technological preparation of production of new products
- plan quality
- the quality of manufactured products
- information about the actual quality
- comparison information
- development of measures to eliminate the causes of deviations quality
- implementation of measures for maintaining quality or improving it
After all these activities you can go to the choice of instruments to improve quality.
2. The choice of tools to improve the quality
The vast majority of both Western and domestic companies are well aware that without improvement of quality is almost impossible to stay in the market. Along with this, a lot of examples of where innovation invested significant financial and human resources, and the planned quality is not achieved. Even one such bad experience for a long time discourages business leaders willingness to take risks, although the benefits are visible to the "naked eye". Studies of such situations, reveal, usually, the lack of clear companies comprehensive strategy for improvement. The choice of the quality management framework suitable to a specific enterprise, is the first step towards the successful implementation of initiatives (proposals) to improve the quality of activities. Figure 1.2 shows a diagram of a control and quality improvement. It will help you understand in more detail what are the best tools to use to manage quality. After all, quality management is not only materials management, but also managing people and processes, determination of the main influence factors which affect our final product.
Figure 1.2 - Scheme of management and improvement of the quality
Strategy, plan and tools improvements. Tools (methods, approaches, methods) quality improvement should be selected based on the capabilities of the enterprise on its own to achieve the goals and objectives. In other words, these tools should allow you to close or narrow the gap between the actual property improvement and that which is determined by the requirements of the chosen quality management framework. Commitment to team goals will enable the company to avoid the frustration that can occur when throwing the manual on the implementation of the established plans.
Clarity of purpose and area of each improvement initiative should be such that their contribution to the overall strategy for the improvement was the highest. A critical review of the suitability and benefits of each of the initiatives within the overall improvement plan must guarantee their compliance and support of the plans of the enterprise. Every initiative must be analyzed in terms of its priority in time. It should also be noted that depending on the level of corporate culture some tools improvement at this time perceived better, with less resistance than others. The sensitivity of personnel for such temporary considerations greatly enhances the likelihood of successful implementation of initiatives.
The choice of tools for the improvement determined by the current needs and traditions of the enterprise. The specific terms and spirit of the team also influence the degree of success. The specific choice and sequence of application of tools of the individual units is determined by the improvement plan and is consistent with our strategy of improving the entire enterprise. Let us consider the individual components of the quality management and the inherent tools of improvement. Management processes (management processes). Considering one of the first tools to improve management processes, we believe that in practice it is in the process of production is manifested initiative staff, aimed at their improvement. Typically, the improvement processes do not require significant (relative to other tools) costs, and the contents of the process are usually the most available to the employee. With the changes in technology it is possible to conduct faster than in the design or operation that reduces the time of getting payment. For example, in Japan management processes is seen as a cornerstone of its successful economy and a global market presence in most industries. The most effective and promising instruments of management processes include the cycle the Shewhart-Deming, which is based improvement method Six Sigma, allowing defective products to be reduced to almost zero; the function of quality loss Taguchi, amazing advantages which has not been sufficiently evaluated and are hardly used in practice.
Along with this, Russian companies are far behind Western companies in the application of reengineering and "General care of machinery (eng. Total Productive Maintenance), "TPM, implementation of which will significantly reduce costs on many items of cost of production. Unfortunately, it is necessary to note the insufficient development and application at the Russian enterprises of statistical methods of process control, especially as the degree of application of statistical methods is largely past, and today characterizes the level of product quality.
Cost management (cost management). The quality of the product and its price are the main "actors" of competitiveness of the goods. If the quality of the goods is laid down in the design documentation, the cost of its production (i.e. cost) is entirely determined by the cost of all company activities related to the implementation documentation for the goods in material design.[7] For nearly the entire second half of the 20th century cost management was the managing costs of quality. If the old version of ISO 9000 series the main emphasis in the improvement were made on the quality of the product (excluding its economic characteristics), in the new version of the standard the focus is already on quality management. The economic indicators of production have become the object of constant attention quality services. A new concept of cost management for the products focuses on the fact that the purpose of creation of effective system of quality management aimed at ensuring competitiveness of products in General. And the increase in competitiveness does not always require reduction of all quality costs, but only those costs that contribute to the increase in the number of sales of products with the aim of achieving the maximum possible profit from the activities of the enterprise. In this case, the objective of quality management and enterprise management are closed, and therefore, it is necessary to move from cost management to quality management of all costs within a single economic enterprise, that is, to the system of management accounting costs.[8] As shown by economic analysis, quality costs, that is, the processes directly associated with the manufacture of the product, can be considerably inferior to the size of the costs associated with logistics processes (marketing, procurement, transportation, storage, distribution, marketing, etc.) and management company.
Thus, the main focus of cost management are not quality costs and the cost value of products, as a base for carrying out the corresponding price policy of the enterprise. The cost management should focus on mobilizing each employee at cutting costs in the workplace, to create an effective management structure that provides the least overhead in the implementation of modern concepts of reduction in the duration of the production cycle ("just in time" "requirements Planning", "Lean production," "demand Response", etc.).
Design management (project management). Given the fact that today the efficiency of the sales depends entirely on consumer satisfaction of purchased products in the operation, marketing and design when creating new products were decisive in its success. It is obvious that even if the products are manufactured without a single defect, the demand for it in the first place will be determined by the presence in it of those values expected by the consumer, not the absence of defects during operation. Design management should provide both the selection and the opportunity to implement in the actual design of those quality metrics that exceed the corresponding figures of competitors. To date, the main tool guarantees of creating successful products is to use the method of "structuring the quality function (QFD)". This tool improve the quality, unfortunately, is almost never used in Russian enterprises, which is largely associated with the lack of advertising this method and the lack of necessary training of specialists on its implementation.
Unlike Japan, the Russian government is not pursuing a national policy to improve the quality of domestic products. One of the competition for the quality award of the RF Government, in which participation of companies is voluntary, is not enough for serious progress companies towards a better quality of domestic products, especially since our country entered the WTO and the Eurasian customs Union. Without adopt and implement effective industrial policy to allow no restrictions to the Russian market economic "bison" United States, Japan and Europe would be unwise. In recent years, has increased dramatically in the West, the interest in the partnership benchmarking, which saves a lot of time searching for the information in terms of quality and economic performance of products, similar in purpose manufactured in the company. Where the state (in the structures) could facilitate the search for partners and to minimize organizational barriers.
The use of the method QFD does not guarantee the absence in the design of a new product design defects, which can not only lead to unexpected costs (if they are detected, and elimination), but what is much worse, to a loss of image of this brand products and a sharp reduction in participation of the enterprise in the market. The higher adaptability of the design, the greater the likelihood of structural defects. In the West, no program quality will not apply without necessarily the inclusion of the method FMEA-design (analysis of the causes and consequences of failures of structural elements), and many Russian companies are not even familiar with the acronym of the method
Effective project management is unthinkable without economic justification. Most often, this leading enterprises, especially in the West, using the method of "Functional cost analysis (FCA)". This method is time consuming and requires highly skilled professionals equally versed in the technique of question and in the economy. As a result of the FSA, if selected for the project funds, obtain the optimum allocation of these funds for the elements of the product depending on their importance in ensuring the required reliability of the product. Product quality was the focus of intense international competition, quality management has become crucial that have to deal with companies[9]. Extension of Japan in a number of economic powers has largely been the result of the revolution in the field of quality. Achieving a certain level of quality has always been one of the priorities of the human community, however, if you previously, this goal is seldom got in the field of view of political leaders, in our days the situation has changed radically. Despite the fact that to the development of the FSA was accompanied by the efforts of Russian scientists, the practice of the application of this method in domestic companies is poor.
Resource management (management of resources). The most important resource of any company – people, United in the formal concept of "staff". The quality of human resources is crucial in the results of operations of the company. It proved to Japanese firms as its long-term experience of familiarizing each employee to the belief that high quality it work is critical to the success of the entire company. The corporate culture of Japanese firms has so far remained an unattainable ideal for almost all corporations, organizations and enterprises in the rest of the world. Realizing the impossibility of repeating the results of Japanese managers, the authors of numerous articles on management and quality, as a rule, refer to the special mentality of the Japanese people
However, the main provisions of the TQM, as well as the series of standards ISO 9000 version developed largely on the basis of Japanese experience, focus on a new approach to personnel management, in which the very enterprise of consumer goes into a vendor status, and workers from the workforce – in consumers. And rightly so. The people of each country has its own mentality, but the need to change the relations between employer and employees is a matter of time and due to the increasing competition in world markets. In the 21st century will be to increase sharply the role of mental labour, and old labour relations must yield to a new, more effectively revealing the creative potential of employees. Also need to change the relationship of supplier and consumers. The development trend of partnerships between former competitors is caused by the expediency of uniting the efforts, and even funds for more effective meeting the expectations of the customers. Experience a new relationship with its suppliers of JSC "AVTOVAZ" it is encouraging that the leading enterprises of Russia picks up world tendencies of business development. Knowledge management (knowledge management). In principle, knowledge is one resource that provides quality of products, processes, services and, ultimately, quality of life. Management could be considered in managing resources. Along with this knowledge is a special resource which cannot be produced or operated without the consent of the person. In previous years traditionally, the creation of knowledge was the prerogative of mostly scientific and educational institutions. A new approach to creating and managing knowledge is that in recent decades the attention of many researchers in different countries increasingly focuses on how knowledge is created, used and reproduced within the enterprises (associations, corporations, firms). And it does make sense. If the company is a generator of new ideas, which creates a new quality and a new product, the ability to learn faster than your competitors is becoming a major competitive advantage
Enterprise interested in creating high quality products, creates today quite favorable conditions for attracting to the solution of complex scientific problems in academic science, in dire need of funds, but even more requiring information from the "front edge" of science and technology. Many scientists are increasingly willing to become consultants for enterprises. Design Bureau leading companies (foreign and domestic) have scientific potential that rivals many of the scientific institutions. Thus, the enterprise becomes a "temple" in which to create new knowledge and new products. Practice shows that the idea created by the company, is most easily embodied into the design. If Russian companies will take the approach to "weapons", i.e. to create the so-called "factory science" (which took place in the USSR in 1950-60–ies), it is very likely that their access to world markets is greatly accelerated. The generation of new ideas or solving problems is an arduous intellectual work. Creative work requires appropriate motivation. It should also be noted that the most difficult intellectual tasks in the team, that is, collectively. It is logical to assume that the employment relationship between the company and the creative team needs to be mutually beneficial, because each party is equally dependent on the other: if there is no demand, there will be no sentences, and no team will "strain" without appropriate incentives. Thus, the continuously growing demand for creative, intellectual work will require a new employment relationship between the company and its employees. New approaches to personnel management based on TQM principles already laid down in the standard ISO 9004:2009. You can be confident that this process will be very intensive development.
After selecting tools, you can move on to designing and developing the strategy.
3. Modern strategy of quality management
The successful functioning and development of the enterprise in a market economy requires a sound approach to developing its strategies. In many modern works in the field of strategic management the concept of strategy is interpreted as a set of rules and techniques that must guide the enterprise to realize the mission and to achieve global and local goals [9]. Classification allows us to specify the task of goal setting and appropriate mechanisms developed for different groups of targets.
The majority of researchers attribute the choice of directions and methods of influence on the quality of the following aspects [10]:
- analysis of the reasons for inadequate quality of products;
- choice of methods and means of quality managementStudies show that the analysis of causes of insufficient quality should be the basis of any decisions on the improvement of product quality. The validity of this statement, the author, explains the following fundamental principles of the modern theory of quality management:
- the quality of the products is the result of technological processes of production, and depends on many factors that determine the conditions of their occurrence
- conditions of technological processes, in turn, are the result of processes, resourcing and quality management, and therefore, product quality depends on many factors determining the conditions of flow and this process group;
- to ensure the effectiveness of decision-making on the improvement of quality should be based on careful analysis of actual data and information.Thus, the above raises the need to study the methods and means of analysis of the causes not of appropriate quality. The main method of analysis of the reasons is causal analysis. The essence of causal research analysis is to establish causality between the product quality and underlying factors (reasons) by collecting, evaluating and analyzing data. While these researchers pay attention to three important aspects [11]:
- necessity of taking into account the direction of the impact of the variability of the reasons for the discrepancies in quality based on the theory of variations
- the need to study the possible causes with the greatest objectivity to ensure decisions about improving the quality on the basis of facts;
- identify the differences between coincidence and causality. The connection that detects a high degree of compliance with the data requires verification and confirmation based on new data collected through a carefully developed plan.It is important that scientists do not indicate the necessity of considering the influence of the identified causes for the achievement of the strategic objectives in the field of quality. Meanwhile, the same reasons for discrepancies in quality may have different importance for the new strategic goals and objectives related to the past planning period. Thus, for the formation of an effective management strategy as a necessary assessment of the impact of the reasons of insufficient quality to achieve new strategic goals in the field of quality. According to the formation strategy involves not only choosing the direction of impact on quality but also addresses selection of appropriate methods of influence on the product quality. The main component of which are methods of quality management. With their help, the controls affect the elements of the production process, ensuring the achievement and maintenance of planned quality of products [10].
Today, the theory includes a number of different methods of quality management. A variety of methods in combination with the complexity and scope of quality management significantly complicates their choice and highlights the need for a structured approach to selection of methods of quality management. Classification of modern methods of quality management are presented in the work of several local researchers Glicheva A. V., V. M. Mishin, V. V. Okrepilov Most informative this issue is reflected in the work of V. M. Mishin, among which he highlights the following: organizational-administrative,economic,socio-psicologicas-Kie. The problem is the selection of quality management techniques covered only a few and, in our opinion, is not enough. Note that in the work of these researchers does not address the issue of a hike to the choice of methods of quality management in accordance with specific business needs and priorities of the enterprise. The absence of such a campaign, as pointed out by Gardner R., leads to an inadequate choice of methods of quality control that does not allow to achieve positive results in addressing the causes of non-conforming product quality. In connection with the foregoing, we consider it necessary to develop principles of selection of methods of quality management as an integral part of the development process and selection of strategies for quality management. As pointed out by Brun M., measures to improve quality may require significant investment for their implementation. From this it follows that evaluation of economic efficiency strategy is an essential element in the development process. Summarizing the results of the analysis, the author offers the methodological aspects of the development and selection of strategies for quality management, which should include four main steps:
- the identification based on the analysis of the causes of actual and potential nonconformities of product quality factors have the greatest influence on the achievement of strategic objectives in the field of quality;
- determine the methods and means of quality management as a way of influencing the quality;
- development of the strategy of quality management;
- evaluation of options and selection of strategies for quality management;
- policy development in the field of quality, supporting the implementation of the strategy of quality management. The first stage is to identify the factors that affect the achievement of strategic objectives in the field of quality and assessment of the significance of these factors to achieve strategic objectives [12].As factors affecting the achievement of strategic objectives, believe it is necessary to take the causes of actual and potential discrepancies in quality. Evaluation of factors influencing the achievement of the strategic goals are based on assessments of the significance of the causes of actual and potential discrepancies in quality. While the significance of reasons offered for groups of causes, suitable for the current main factors affecting the quality of the products that will be evaluated. To ensure that the source data for the assessment of the significance of the reasons for the facility pre-approved qualifiers:
- the classifier of the main groups of causes of nonconformities product quality;
- classification of discrepancies in terms of quality of products;
- classification of categories the probability of detection of discrepancies by consumers of product quality.As the direction of impact of selected factors which have the greatest influence on the quality and achievement of strategic objectives. As ways of influencing the quality choose the most suitable and appropriate methods and tools of quality management. It is recommended to consider several options strategies, with different directions and/or ways of influencing quality. For the formation of efficient strategy of quality management in the choice of methods and means of quality management the author believes to be guided by the following principles:
- the principle of conformity of methods and tools of quality management to the development priorities of the enterpriseThe application of the principle means that quality management methods must be selected in accordance with established strategic goals and based on significance to ensure the quality of activities to which they apply.
- the principle of the suitability of the quality management techniques to solve specific problems of quality management.
- the principle of strengthening strategic positions. The application of this principle means that, when addressing the specific problems of quality management priority should be given to those methods of quality management that best fit the capabilities of the enterprise, strengthen the threats and weaknesses of the enterprise, and strengthen competitive advantage in General.To assess the effectiveness of policy options for the management of the quality, it is recommended to use indicators of efficiency of investment projects. It will also assess the effectiveness of investments in the development of quality compared to other investment projects. To assess the effect of management strategy as it is proposed to use a calculation of the effect of development quality. To estimate the cost of implementing the strategy of quality management it is proposed to use the total costs of implementation of the strategic plan for this strategy [13]. The final stage of development of the strategy of quality management is to develop policy in the field of quality that support its implementation.
In conclusion, we note that the proposed methodology is based on systematic approach to the identification evaluation and selection of directions of impacts on quality, providing the greatest contribution to the achievement of objectives. The use of this method at the enterprise will allow us to decide on the most effective areas of investment in quality development.
From the foregoing , it can be concluded that quality management is a very vital issue which confronts every Manager .
In the course of work, we define the notion:
- quality
- quality management
- management approaches ( process and system)
- considers the current tendencii in quality management
- considered a feature of the Russian and European approach to quality management
Further research is directed to the following:
- quality management will be reviewed in a particular specialization, a specific example
- evaluation of the latest standard in quality management.
- a modern Analysis of the global market quality
- to develop a new approach to quality management
When writing this abstract master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: may 2018. Full text
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