- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The essence of the crisis, types, forms, classification
- 4.Modern concepts of crisis management
- Conclusion
- References
The management of systems in a condition of a disbalance and demands development of certain skills of anticipation and recognition of crises. Crisis management includes a complex of methods which are applied in different functional subsystems of management. Social technologies, methods of the economic analysis, forecasting, development of anti–recessionary programs, plans of restructuring and reorganization are applied in a complex to timely prevention and overcoming crises
The problems of the emergence of economic crises and cyclical development of economic systems at the macrolevel is deeply studied in economic theory. The problems of economic crises at the macrolevel were devoted to the works of such scientists and economists as: J. Lescourt, K. Rodbertus, U. Mitchell, V. Sombart, A. Shpithof, S. De Sismondi, K. Juglar, K. Marx, J.B. , Say, J. St. Mill, G. Kassel, J. Keynes, M. Friedman, P. Samuelson, ND, Kondratiev, M.I. Tugan–Baranovsky, A.A. Bogdanov.
1. Theme urgency
The urgency of the problem lies in the objective need to search for a fundamentally new management concept in conditions of turbulence the external environment, which includes elements of crisis management that will allow to formulate a strategy for the anti–crisis development of socio economic systems, taking into account the laws and patterns of their formation.
The study of this problem requires the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of an anti–crisis strategy. The improvement of the categorical apparatus, the formation of definitions and the elimination of uncertainty in the terminology used in practice, which provides the necessary scientific basis for the continuation of the subsequent study of the theory and practice of anti crisis development.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of this work is the need to use the system of anti–crisis development of socio–economic systems in modern conditions
Main tasks of the research:
- To consider conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of crisis;
- To study the laws and laws of development;
- Analyze the macroeconomic and microeconomic environment;
- To assess the potential of the region in order to formulate a development strategy;
- To study the issues and problems of labor protection in the industry;
- To form the anticrisis strategy of development in modern conditions.
Research object: processes of forming a strategy for the development of socio–economic systems in a crisis.
Research subject: methodological, informational, organizational and economic support for the strategy of anti–crisis development of socio–economic systems.
3.The essence of the crisis, types, forms, classification
The crisis is the aggravation of numerous contradictions that threaten the functioning of any social formation in the surrounding sphere. The socio– economic system is characterized by interrelated processes of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of various benefits. The causes of the crisis can be different. They are divided into objective, related to the cyclical needs of modernization and restructuring, and subjective, reflecting errors and voluntarism in management, as well as natural ones, characterizing climate phenomena, earthquakes, etc. The causes of the crisis can be external and internal. The former are connected with the trends and strategy of macroeconomic development or even the development of the world economy, competition, the political situation in the country, the latter with a risky marketing strategy, internal conflicts, shortcomings in the organization of production, imperfect management, innovation and investment policies.
The diversity of crises can be classified according to various criteria. The types of crises we can observe in picture 1.
In the understanding of the crisis, its causes and certain consequences are of great importance: the crisis can lead to abrupt changes or a mild and consistent exit. The different consequences of the crisis are determined not only by its nature, but also by crisis management, which can mitigate the crisis or exacerbate it. The impact on economic results is expressed in a decrease in all indicators of economic efficiency, an increase in the costs necessary for the functioning of all subjects of the market economy. Influences on the socio–economic performance of the firm are expressed in the contradiction of interests and the degree of their satisfaction with an individual, social groups or classes of society. Structurally, crises can be divided into five levels:
1)The crisis of an individual enterprise, a group of enterprises, a sub–sector or a small region;
2)A local crisis, covering a region or group of enterprises, interconnected industries;
3)Crises, which cover the individual stages of a single reproduction cycle, crises of this level include crises of overproduction;
4)The general crises of the productive forces;
5)The general crises of production relations, which inevitably include the crises of the fourth level.
4.Modern concepts of crisis management
The concept of crisis management is a system of methodological views on understanding the essence, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and methods of managing crisis processes, as well as organizational and practical approaches to the formation of its implementation mechanism in specific operating conditions of organizations. The concept of anti–crisis management includes the development of methodology, systems and technology for crisis management.
The methodology of crisis management presupposes the consideration of the essence of crises as an object of management, the process of formation of the organization's behavior, the corresponding goal of survival, methods and principles of crisis management. The concept of the crisis can be divided into three groups:
1)The first period — this is the beginning of the XX century until the middle 1970.There was a formulation of the concept of crisis as a social phenomenon.
2)The second period — from the middle of 1970 to the end of the 20th century — the application of the concept of "crisis management" within the framework of the theory of disasters;
3)The third period — the end of XX century. to the present — the creation of an integral concept of crisis and crisis management. To date, the most popular and most effective concept is the concept of active crisis management. This concept is based on the fact that with the help of active anti–crisis measures it is necessary to restore the pre–crisis state and prevent bankruptcy. The main tools of such a concept are: reorganization, sanitation and liquidation.
All three instruments are aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise, increasing the output of competitive products, increasing production efficiency, restoring liquidity and solvency. So, despite disagreements in the interpretation of the concept, in our opinion, "crisis management" should be viewed as a set of measures aimed at or mitigating the consequences of the crisis, ensuring the operation of the enterprise in a crisis period, and also recovering from the crisis with minimal losses. Anti–crisis management is an important component of the company's financial and economic security strategy. Anti–crisis management has certain basic provisions, but depending on the field of application it has certain specific properties that should be taken into account for the effective application of anti-crisis measures. Retrospective consideration of the concepts of economic crises in the light of world economic development allows us to speak of the continuous evolution of the theory of crises synchronized with certain changes in factors that determine the stability of the structure of the economic system.
General regularities of the development of reproduction characterized by an ordered sequence , were investigated in the study of economic cycles. Fluctuations in production volumes, periodic changes in unemployment and bankruptcies is inherent in any sphere of the national economy. In the works of famous scholars do not have a clear idea of the content of crisis management at the micro level, there is ongoing debate on the definition of the boundaries of crisis management as a subject of scientific research. In the management of socio–economic objects is closely intertwined legal, economic and informational aspects of crisis management, represent a complex bi– directional control actions.
Conceptual framework of crisis management include certain components. They are based on the theory of economic dynamics and cyclical crises. In them based on the fundamental works of leading representatives of the world economic science that reveal the deep systemic vision of the Genesis of the crisis and related problems. The following conceptual component of crisis management is based on the object views.
It connects crisis management directly with operations. This conceptual approach highlights the following features of crisis management: the change in development priorities; improvement of the efficiency of adoption and implementation of managerial decisions. Especially emphasize the tactical nature of crisis management. They reflect the idea of surprise and the randomness of crises, which has some merit, but is contrary to the conceptual provisions of the theory of cyclical crises and economic dynamics in General. All the early methods, principles and functions will serve as the basis for further analytical studies on anti–crisis management of socio–economic systems.
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