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DonNTU Master Sichko Nataliia Nikolaevna

Sichko Nataliia Nikolaevna

Engineering-economic Faculty (CST)

Department of management and business law (CE)

Speciality "Anticrisis enterprise management services"

Crisis management business services

Scientific adviser: candidate of economics, associate Professor — Romaniuk Natalia Vladimirovna



Crisis situations are an inherent part of functioning of enterprises in conditions of market economy (the conditions of economic, financial and political instability). Currently, a large number of large, medium and small enterprises of our country, not just experience difficulties in their activities, but sometimes be on the edge of a precipice. The legislation provides for the rescue plan of enterprises against which criminal case on insolvency bankruptcy. But, unfortunately, very little is said about how to avoid bankruptcy through the use of accumulated in the modern economic science of the experience of the management of the enterprises.

There are quite a number of works linking the crisis with the cyclical development of the economy, conjunctural fluctuations in demand and consumption. But the works on the organization of management of the enterprises, being in a state of crisis, currently very little. Some works focus on the crisis as such, its definition, types, reasons, others are mainly dealing with problems of crisis management descriptive, without clear algorithms and calculations. Very little attention in these works is given to crisis management from the point of view of system approach.

Crisis management is the management of extreme situations, in danger or the state of bankruptcy. Such management requires decisive action, programming avoid crisis or exit him, extraordinary decisions and predict their consequences. It also involves the skillful and effective the use of state support, banks and business organizations.


The country's economic reform has put a number of new problems, one of which is the problem of crisis management businesses. The reason for this was the emergence of a large number of insolvent enterprises, many of which have so far not managed to adapt to the new economic conditions. This contributed to economic instability, unfavorable investment climate, inefficient fiscal policy and other macroeconomic factors, as well as the instability of the political and economic situation, in consequence of the never-ending combat actions.

Gradually, however, there was an understanding that, despite all the difficulties in the development of the real sector of the economy, much depends on the enterprises themselves.

the Crisis of some enterprises is a normal phenomenon of a market economy in which, by analogy with the Darwinian theory, survival of the fittest. The company, which does not match the environment must either adapt and use their strengths or disappear. It should be emphasized that the depth and nature of the crisis depend on the control, i.e. the skill to anticipate and prevent crisis situations. In such circumstances, the problem of crisis management businesses, aimed to overcome and, most importantly, crisis prevention becomes even more urgent. It is not so much liquidation of the enterprise, management of the process of its bankruptcy, but rather preventing a crisis situation, restoration the solvency of debtors, the financial restructuring of the company. In connection with such originated as a scientific and the practical need to consolidate the existing theoretical knowledge in the field of crisis and practical experience crisis management and, on this basis, the development of methodological approaches, forms and methods of anti-crisis control.


The Purpose of this work — theoretical basis and develop practical, methodical recommendations for managing services in a crisis.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. To systematize the currently existing methodological approaches to the definition of economic crisis and anti-crisis enterprise management.
  2. Explore the features of the management services in terms of economic instability.
  3. To develop a method of diagnostics of the economic state of the enterprise of sphere of services in different stages of instability.
  4. To develop a model of crisis management and acceptance criteria managerial decisions on choice of strategy and tactics of crisis management.
  5. To develop the business plan of the enterprise crisis management services.

Object of study: The object of research is process management company LLC "Autocrossers" operating at the regional consumer market.

The Subject of the study is the set of organizational and economic relations in the enterprises of the service sector, arising in the management of the prevention and overcoming crisis situations.


The first section describes the causes and patterns of occurrence of crisis situations on enterprises and their consequences. We have formulated the main approaches to the explanation of the causes of crisis situations, systematic management services in a crisis. In the process of conducting economic the reforms created a number of new challenges, the most pressing among them is the issue of crisis management.

Crisis management in modern management is a specific system enterprise management aimed at preventing or addressing adverse events through the use of its potential, the development and implementation of special programs that allow you to eliminate temporary difficulties, maintain and improve market position by relying mainly on its own resources.

Thus, the concept of crisis management can be reduced to a set of methods techniques that allows to recognize crises, to implement their prevention, to overcome their negative consequences, to smooth during the crisis. [2-4]. The crisis management system includes two major blocks — crisis state regulation and crisis management. The main task of the state anti-crisis regulation is the creation of conditions for overcoming of the crisis phenomena in activity of the enterprises, liquidation of failures of the market mechanism. We are talking about development at the macro level, measures aimed at protecting businesses from crisis situations, prevention of bankruptcy. [3, 5-10].

Thus, a retrospective analysis of definitions of concepts "management" and "crisis management" it can be concluded that the causes of the different interpretations of these concepts due to various understanding their nature, formed in a certain historical period, under the influence of appropriate economic conditions. The definitions of these concepts reflect the essence of the conceptual framework of General management theory and its variants — crisis management and are subject to change in accordance with the evolution of society and scientific views of individual scientists or scientific communities [10].



Crisis management is characterized by technological schemes, which take into account its specificity: lack of time, reduced handling, the presence of a conflict of interest, a high degree of uncertainty and risk, the complex interweaving of various problems, the pressure of the external environment, the loss of competitiveness [12-13].

In the second Chapter identifies the main approaches to anti-crisis enterprise management at various stages of crisis process, are considered for operational management of the process out of the crisis, the graphic model of break-even analysis of the enterprise, as well as methods of Express-diagnostics of the crisis situation. To determine the internal causes of crisis situation of the company analyzes his financial and economic activities, which gives a comprehensive assessment of the current state and prospects of the company. The purpose of crisis analysis is to provide timely and objective assessment of the economic sustainability of the enterprise for the substantiation of a complex of measures to resolve the crisis. The method of crisis analysis for a long time evolved in line with the purely financial diagnostics of bankruptcy. Main the units of analysis was based on liquidity, solvency, and credit. Currently, methods of assessment the probability of bankruptcy developed in the following areas: finding the most appropriate indicators of insolvency; the development of standards and thresholds key criteria of bankruptcy; assessment of the impact of individual factors on the synthesis indicators of financial and economic activities; forecasting of possible bankruptcy[6].


In conclusion, this work I would like to note that, in accordance with the set the thesis investigated the purpose of the methodological substantiation of mechanisms of management of enterprises of the sphere services in conditions of economic instability. In this study, the following results were obtained:

1. Crisis situations are an inherent part of the functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of economic instability and a market economy. Their presence is not only negative but also positive. A crisis can be foreseen and overcome.

2. To overcome, predict and prevent crises, you need to use all the Arsenal of crisis management at both the micro and macro. It is necessary to develop anti-crisis measures state regulation with the use of the accumulated experience of crisis management, both in our country and beyond abroad.

3. Special attention in the framework of crisis management should be given to the enterprises of sphere of services as a major component of the economy of the country. The paper identified the main features of crisis management enterprise services, namely: change of the criterion of management decision-making, the application of the most modern and effective management tools, fast and effective reaction to the changing environment.

When writing this abstract master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: June 2018. Full text works and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his head after specified date.


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