- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The review of researches and development.
- 3.1 Modern approach to the “productive potential of the enterprise” concept.
- 3.2 Evaluation methods of productive potential of the entity
- 3.3 Increase in efficiency of use of productive potential on industrial enterprise.
- Conclusion
- References
- 3.2 Evaluation methods of productive potential of the entity
In modern conditions the main tendencies of market development is globalization, concentration of ownership and great competitiveness that requires from industrial enterprises close attention to effective use of productive potential which is capable to provide the leading market positions to economic entities.
The enterprises must arrange effective use of productive potential in the internal environment on production and usage of all economic resources involved both in business processes and in an external environment on its implementation for this purpose.
1.Relevance of the topic
The productive potential plays a significant role for improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprise because it is impossible to have a favorable effect from the use of available resources without assessment and effective management.
In this regard, the problem of development of the methodological and scientific bases of potential production of industrial enterprise usage, its valuation principles and improving the efficiency of its usage is another urgent matter.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the research is development of productive potential, efficiency of its use and also measures for improvement of the efficiency of productive potential of the enterprise.
Main tasks of the research:
The main objectives of the research are:
- Modern approach to a productive potential of the enterprise concept.
- Methods of productive potential of the enterprise.
- Improving efficiency of productive potential usage on industrial enterprises.
Research object: ways of assessment of productive potential of industrial enterprise..
Research subject: the subject matter of research: theoretical methods and practical approaches to assessment of an economic condition, productive potential of the entity, and their interrelation.
3.The review of researches and development.
The significant contribution to the development of separate aspects of a problem of effective use of economic resources was made by fundamental theoretical works of many domestic and foreign scientists. However in domestic science a systematic methodological basis of industrial enterprises productive potential, the strategy of activization of its use require further development in connection with new tendencies in economy. It was the reason for the choice of thesis, its aim and specific objectives.
3.1 Modern approach to the “productive potential of the enterprise” concept.
Nowadays the concept “productive potential of the enterprise” as economic category still remains debatable. The understanding of structure and assessment of productive potential of the enterprise also varies depending on commitment of the researcher to this or that approach and its determination. Potential of the enterprise in general understanding is considered as abilities of resources system and competences of the enterprise to produce result for interested persons by means of implementation of business processes. [1].
There are several approaches to treat this economic category: resource-based, structural (functional) and target approach.
1. Resource-based approach is oriented to the concept of productive potential as set of production resources. This approach regards productive potential as the amount of physical and cost evaluations of its separate components .
2. Structural approach emphasizes an implementing productive potential of the enterprise rational structure. It measures its size, proceeding from the progressive regulations and standard ratios set by the most advanced technologies, production organization in general and the separate subsystems of an enterprise used in industry [2].
3. The target or productive approach directed to identification of the available potential for achievement of its objectives.
The main task of the productive potential is to manufacture products, namely its reproduction. Thus, in order that the productive potential could perform this fixed, continuous process, it has to be reproduced.
3.2 Evaluation methods of productive potential of the entity
The problem of measurement of size of productive potential of enterprise is very important both theoretically, and practically.
This raises the question how to estimate size, condition and level of productive potential. Each enterprise aims for itself various purposes: from producing of a certain product quantity and certain income level to achievement of other purposes. A big variety of approaches to interpretation of the concept "productive potential production of the enterprise" caused emergence of various methods of its assessment.
The techniques developed by G.S. Merzlikina and L.S. Shakhovska, L.D. Revutsky, P.A. Fomin and M.K. Starovoytov belong to similar techniques.
The most successful approach to a problem of assessment of productive potential level of the enterprise at the moment can be considered assessment technique offered by P.A. Fomin and M.K. Starovoytov according to which assessment of productive potential level of the enterprise implemented in three stages.
1) determination of elements of productive potential of the enterprise
2) development of the generalizing and private indicators of an efficiency evaluation of use of productive potential of the enterprise by types.
3) determination of threshold measure values and reference of the analyzed enterprise to this or that category (high, average, low level of prosuctive potential) [7]
For assessment of productive potential of the enterprise it is necessary to perform assessment of its structural components [9].
3.3 Increase in efficiency of use of productive potential on industrial enterprise.
Capacity of industrial enterprise as the structured resource pool acts as a planning process basis that is resources of the enterprise are considered, first of all, as means of goal achievement and only then as financially the existing objects. Productive potential acts the main of production planning therefore from that, the productive potential will be how effectively created the operability of an internal economic mechanism which is capable to provide effective functioning of industrial enterprise depends.
All these principles directly influence level production the capacity of the enterprise.
The structure of potential contains two aspects of stabilization of the entity:
1) quantitative (operational) development - expansion and more effective use of productive potential of the enterprise therefore growth of production volume and sales of products will be observed;
2) high-quality (strategic) development - activization of use of elements of strategic potential, for the purpose of achievement of qualitatively new condition of the entity.[12]
Productive potential of the enterprise is the complex concept characterizing a capability of the enterprise to achieve the objectives in case of a certain level of profitability and stability of a market condition.
Master's work is devoted to actual scientific problem of combining the basic methods of minimizing the instrumental Moore automata. In the trials carried out:
- The structure of a unified process for the synthesis of Moore automata and defines the functions of its components.
- Based on analysis of the literature highlights the main algorithms that can be used in the proposed approach to the unification of the synthesis of Moore automata.
- A number of experiments on the use of a unified process for the synthesis of Moore automata, analyzed the results.
- The possibilities of integrated automation of the developed approach to the unification of the synthesis of Moore automata are estimated requirements for the software by searching for functionally similar software synthesis of sequential logic circuits.
The size of productive potential and its structure can have a broad range of application in planning, forecasting and stimulation of production of goods.
Further researches are directed to the following aspects:
- Forming of the basic concept of productive potential of industrial enterprise.
- Assessment of production resources, and further development of potential
- Development of actions for development of productive potential of industrial enterprise
When writing this paper the master's thesis isn't finished yet. Date of final completion: June, 2017. The complete text of work and materials on a curtain subject can be received from the author or her academic adviser after the specified date.
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