- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study
- Conclusion
- References
One of the most important sources of prosperity for any state is its land resources. From what for and how the land is used, ultimately, depend on the well-being of every member of society, social progress, economic development and ecological balance. The Constitution of the Donetsk People's Republic states that the possession, use and disposal of land and other natural resources is carried out by their owners [1]. But the right to use and obtain useful properties of the land is impossible without clearly defined boundaries, which are the result of surveying.
1. Theme urgency
To determine the term boundaries
of the land plot, the Instruction on the establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of
the land plot in kind (on the ground) and the fixation of them by landmarks is used. The concept of the boundaries of a land plot is defined as a
set of lines that form a closed contour and divide land plots between them [2]. The Law of Ukraine On Land Management
defines the procedure for
establishing (restoring) borders – surveying – a set of works on establishing or restoring borders in kind on the terrain) of administrative-territorial
units, boundaries of land plots of landowners, land users or tenants, with fixation of turning points of landmarks [3].
Establishment of the boundaries of land plots is carried out if there is a need for the formation of new land holdings, land use, with full or partial loss of the old boundaries of the land plot, with improper establishment of boundaries in the case of a simplified procedure for privatizing land plots in the process of drafting a state act on land ownership, with disagreements between owners or users of adjacent land plots, with the division (consolidation) of land plots, in the execution of a court decision on ochnen boundaries, and for transactions with land [4-6].
At the end of the cadastral survey of the land plot, technical documentation on land management is being developed regarding the establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground) [3]. Based on the developed documentation, title documents for the land plot are issued, if the goal of setting boundaries requires this.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the ultimate goal. This is due to errors that allow land management services when performing
cadastral surveys or registrars when submitting information to the State Land Cadastre. The result of such unfair work is the imposition of boundaries
of adjacent land plots or the formation of cracks, which is often the subject of land disputes. Starting from January 1, 2013, the problem of imposing
boundaries of land plots was most acute, when the Law of Ukraine On the State Land Cadastre
ordered landowners to obtain the cadastral number of the
land plot [7]. Since this law prohibits the state registration of land plots in cases of finding a single land plot within the borders (or part) of
another about the full ownership, use and disposal of land, speech can not go[8-11].
The experience in the field of delimitation of land plots was analyzed and a conclusion was drawn that there were issues not regulated by the legislation in the procedure for establishing borders, making mistakes in information, and also searching for ways to correct them. Investigators of the formation of land-cadastral information in Ukraine were engaged in such researchers as Grinko S., Miroshnichenko A., Marusenko R. Nosik V., Martin A., Ryabchiy V., Kuchakovskaya N., Starostenko D. and others. In the Russian Federation – Galchenko S., Pospelov I., Burov M., Vaneeva M., Strekalovsky G., Titov B., Avreneev V., Grechikhin V., Ignatenkova T., Rudich T., Uvarov A., Tishkin V., Seregina E., Kazyulin R., Omelyanyuk G., Khairulina A., Gnedikh E., Smolyakov A. etc.
2. Object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study
The object of the study is the work connected with the establishment of the boundaries of land plots.
The subject matter is the automation of the surveying process, connected with the survey, computational work and the formulation of the results.
The purpose of the study is the development of an organizational and technical system consisting of a set of automation tools for the issue of disengagement, as well as a rationale for the effectiveness of using the developed system in eliminating problems associated with the imposition of boundaries of land.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to fulfill the tasks:
- Analysis and comparison of existing approaches and land survey methods in different countries.
- Combining the information obtained and identifying shortcomings, ways to solve problems.
- Rationale for the need to create an automated workplace, as one of the ways to eliminate the shortcomings of the procedure.
- Modeling of the automated system for increasing the effectiveness of disengagement.
- As a result of the research work, the study of the procedure for establishing borders in countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and England was carried out. It is concluded that in the neighboring states the procedure is similar, the differences are present in certain types of work, for example, such as reconciliation with adjacent landowners or land users of borders. In Russia, the procedure for conducting the procedure is regulated in regulations, in Ukraine, it is necessary to supplement the procedure with this procedure.
- In the section
Analysis of experience on the delineation of land plots
, a conclusion is drawn about the existing shortcomings, which are connected with making mistakes in the information on the boundaries. There is a need to automate the activities of land management services to minimize the assumption of errors. - The necessity of creating an automated workplace of a land surveyor in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic is justified as one of the ways to eliminate cadastral errors in information about the boundaries of land plots in the absence of operating software systems.
- In the future, it is planned to simulate an automated system to improve the effectiveness of disengagement.
At the time of writing the essay, the research is not yet complete. The final results will be presented in June 2017 on the protection of master's work.
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