Brief resume

Name Danil Svishchenkov
Date of birth Jan 19, 1996
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2002–2013 – Donetsk educational complex I-II steps № 16
Universities 2013–2017 – Donetsk National Technical University, electrotechnical faculty, specialty Electric Power Systems and Networks, bachelor.
2017–2019 – Donetsk National Technical University, electrotechnical faculty, specialty Electric power systems and networks, MA course
Average score 5 (90 A)
Languages Russian, Ukrainian – native languages, English – intermediate level
Personal achievements First place in the Olympiad in the direction of Electric Machines.
Participant of the International Student Olympiad ELECTRIC ENERGY – 2017
Hobbies and interests Books (dystopia, fantasy, detective thriller), active leisure, music
Personal qualities Purposefulness, responsibility, analytical thinking, diligence, honesty
Professional and computer skills 1. Office suites: MS Office, LibreOffice, OpenOffice
2. Mathematical packages: MathCAD, Scilab, MathLAB.
3. Programs for creating drawings: Compass, AutoCAD, Visio.
4. Graphic editors: Photoshop, Gimp.
5. Programming languages: C++ (fundamentals);
6. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS.
7. Databases: MS Access
Professional experience 2016 – practice at the RP REC.
2017 – practice at the department Electrical systems
Future plans Defend the diploma and find a job
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