Summary of the final work
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study, the planned results
- 3. Review of research and development
- 3.1 Overview of international sources
- 3.2 Review of national sources
- 3.3 Local Source Overview
- 4. Autonomous water and power supply complexes are the most important component of global greening
- Conclusions
- List of sources
The problem of extracting water from an air basin is an urgent scientific task, which currently has no established and dominant solution. In most cases, the development remains at the level of patents. Constructive decisions confirming the data stated in the patent are rare. The growing shortage of fresh water on the planet, caused by overpopulation and pollution of existing sources, brings the task of uninterrupted and high-quality water supply of the population to the fore. It is worth noting that one of the fundamental factors in the existence of human civilization, at this stage, is the supply of energy. The development and inclusion in the production of any innovative methods and design solutions should be correlated with a decrease in anthropogenic load.
1. Relevance of the topic
Since the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies is difficult in the modern world (lack of funding, fuel and energy lobbies, the high cost of single projects, etc.), the development of projects in this direction, as well as their adaptation to the actual existing conditions, is an innovative activity aimed at the maximum approach of such technologies to the ordinary man in the street. The practical significance of the work performed is the ability to implement the concept in conditions of low funding, weak infrastructure and the level of civilization development in the region. The introduction of water supply devices is the most important task on the path not only of greening, but also the survival of humanity as a whole. P>
As an object of research in scientific work are the complexes of autonomous water and energy supply. Their creation and use in production cycles, as well as their application in various conditions of the planet are the fundamental task. The subject of study stands out a complex of devices that allow you to create a closed cycle of water and electricity production, based on existing methods.
According to existing data, the annual evaporation of water from the surface of the planet is more than 570 million tons. This volume falls in the form of precipitation, making a cycle several dozen times. River annual runoff is only 7% of the total precipitation. Thus, the main source of fresh water - atmospheric air - is unused. According to the data of existing works [1], the average absolute humidity near the earth's surface is 11 g / cm3, and sometimes even higher. A large number of countries in the tropical and temperate zones suffer from a lack of water resources, although their reserves in the atmosphere are very large. Climate conditions in the arid regions of the planet do not allow water vapor to reach saturation, under which precipitation is possible. The consequence of this is the impossibility of the traditional circulation of water.
From the point of view of biogeographical classification, the most problematic areas are desert climates with irregular precipitation: equatorial climates (Peru coast), tropical (southwestern Africa, Arabian Peninsula), with marked precipitation seasons (Sahara, California, eastern Turkestan ). Climates of non-desert areas: intratropical with the presence or absence of a dry season, extratropical continental and Mediterranean, subpolar and polar. [2] Long since fresh water was obtained by collecting condensed droplets from the air as a result of natural daily radiation cooling of the earth's surface, as well as cooling at night in desert areas of porous stones with the formation of dew on them. The resulting volumes were extremely insignificant. At the present stage, there are various methods of desalination and condensation of water, associated with the production and consumption of electrical or other energy. The main and defining issue of this problem is the cost of a liter of water, the mobility of the installation and the corresponding performance. Naturally, the value of the installation itself matters.
Based on these requirements, the paper suggests ways to solve the problem in the conditions of southern Ukraine, the Black Sea region, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, temperate latitudes and tropics.
Since the modern concept of the development of ecology as a whole, and therefore the engineering ecology, provides for minimizing the costs of resources and energy, we will follow the rule of least costs and environmental load.
To solve the problem, it is proposed to apply methods that are alternative in their approach, namely, biological and technical. The existing literature describes a set of technical solutions to this issue, however, an important omission is the lack of financial justification and selection of materials for execution. Biological way, mankind does not extract water, due to the lack of acceptable methods. The proposed method should be fundamental in the development of this area of ??ecology and biology.
The purpose of the study is to develop the concept of a closed autonomous complex that can provide the consumer with water and electric energy. Such an approach will create conditions for life in any particular point of the planet where the climate will allow to achieve acceptable performance indicators of equipment operation. On an industrial scale, the introduction of such technologies will be a step towards greening existing industrial complexes and reducing the burden on natural sources of water supply and fuel resources.
In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to investigate the existing methods for the condensation of a gas-air mixture, as well as to justify the most appropriate for use in the implementation of the proposed concept. There is a task to show the connection of water and energy supply, to indicate the possibility of interconnected use of devices and, as a result, to identify the most rational approach in solving the problem of water supply, using passive and forced condensation. In the course of work, a scheme of a closed complex will be developed, and options for the placement of such installations will be proposed. Based on the need to control and maintain the activities of the proposed facility - its management techniques. Consideration of innovative approaches and combining their developments will allow us to offer specific installation parameters, materials and the cost of their implementation.
It is supposed to use a systematic approach in studying the question posed. The collection and analysis of data will allow a number of theoretical, analytical and applied actions. Ultimately, it is possible to develop on their basis such innovative, managerial and resource-saving technologies that eliminate or at least reduce the negative impact on the environment and population of residential areas, as well as motivate staff to implement and implement them.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study, the planned results
The purpose of the study is to develop the concept of a closed autonomous complex that can provide the consumer with water and electrical energy. Such an approach will create conditions for life in any particular point of the planet where the climate will allow to achieve acceptable performance indicators of equipment operation. On an industrial scale, the introduction of such technologies will be a step towards greening existing industrial complexes and reducing the burden on natural sources of water supply and fuel resources. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to investigate the existing methods for the condensation of a gas-air mixture, as well as to justify the most appropriate for use in the implementation of the proposed concept. There is a task to show the connection of water and energy supply, to indicate the possibility of interconnected use of devices and, as a result, to identify the most rational approach in solving the problem of water supply, using passive and forced condensation. In the course of work, a scheme of a closed complex will be developed, and options for the placement of such installations will be proposed. Based on the need to control and maintain the activities of the proposed facility - its management techniques. Consideration of innovative approaches and combining their developments will allow us to offer specific installation parameters, materials and the cost of their implementation. p>
The main objectives of the study:
It is assumed to take a systematic approach in studying the question posed. The collection and analysis of data will allow a number of theoretical, analytical and applied actions. Ultimately, it is possible to develop on their basis such innovative, managerial and resource-saving technologies that eliminate or at least reduce the negative impact on the environment and population of residential areas, as well as motivate staff to implement and implement them. Since the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies is difficult in the modern world (lack of funding, fuel and energy lobbies, the high cost of single projects, etc.), the development of projects in this direction, as well as their adaptation to the actual existing conditions, is an innovative activity aimed at the maximum approach of such technologies to the ordinary man in the street. The practical significance of the work performed is the ability to implement the concept in conditions of low funding, weak infrastructure and the level of civilization development in the region. The introduction of water supply apparatus is the most important task on the path of not only greening, but also the survival of humanity as a whole.
3. Review of research and development
1. История водоснаб.
2. Абрамов Н.Н., Водоснабжение, М., 1967
3. Фальковский Н.Н., История водоснабжения в России, М. – Л., 1947.
4. Гальперин М. В. «Экологические основы природопользования»: учебник. 2-е изд., испр. – М.: ИД «ФОРУМ», 2009. - 256 с: ил. - (Профессио¬нальное образование).
4. Неверов Л.В. «Экономика природопользования». – М.: Наука, 1991. – 320с.
5. Папенов К.В. «Экономика и природопользование». – М.: Изд-во МГУ, . – 240с.
6. Л.С. Юдасин, «Энергетика: проблемы и надежды», М., «Просвещение»,1990.
7. Е.Б. Борисов, И.И. Пятнова , «Ключ к Солнцу», М., Мол. Гвардия, 1964.
8. Проценко А.Н., «Энергия будущего» , М., «Мол. Гвардия», 1980.
9. Конденсация. Типы конденсаторов.
10. Типы осаждения
11. Межфункциональные связи.
12. Конюшков А.М., Водоснабжение предприятий тяжелой промышленности, М.,1950
13. Алексеев В. В. Получение пресной воды из влажного воздуха [текст]/ В. .Алексеев, К. В. Чекарев // Аридные системы, Т. 2, 1996. №2-3.
14. Andrew Delano, Design Analysis of the Einstein Refregeration Cycle. Georgia Institute of Technology, June 1998.
15. Журнал Plumping and Mechanical.
16. Получение атмосферной воды.
17. Цены на электроэнергию в различных странах.
18. Цены на воду.
19. Строение солнечной электростанции.
20. Конструкция электростатического осадителя.
4. Autonomous water and power supply complexes are the most important component of global greening
Study of the problem of water supply in the historical aspect
In the course of the development of human civilization, the life of society was associated with water sources, and then with the receipt of various types of energy. Most large settlements of ancient people to the rivers and lakes, which served as uninterrupted sources of fresh water. It is the limitation of food and freshwater resources that have become the limiting factors for a growing human population. Initially, the method of water intake was in the simplest collection of river and other runoff. Water purification, at that time, was not a primary task, due to the adaptability of the ancient human body to natural pollutants and the absence of acute toxicants in the consumed liquid. In the course of development of settlements in the city, there was a need for centralized water supply. To solve it, various ways of delivering water from the original source have been proposed. The complex of engineering structures and devices designed to obtain water from natural sources, its purification and supply to consumers is called the water supply system. The most ancient waterworks discovered during excavations in the 20th century on the banks of large rivers.
Since ancient times, the waters of the Nile brought the Egyptians disaster and prosperity. The Nile was the main source of water in the country. The annual floods of the river caused the extraordinary fertility of the river valley. However, sometimes the streams of water carried with them the devastation of land. The Nile flows through the alluvial plain, so its ebb and flow cause the earth to move annually. When the water level in the Nile becomes minimal, the earth dries out completely. During the spill, the dry earth absorbs water like a sponge and swells by 30–70 cm. After the water subsides, the earth again sinks to its normal level, but not evenly. Ancient Egypt occupied the entire Nile delta to the north and stretched south over sandstone and limestone. The territory of the state was divided into two separate kingdoms, located at the top and bottom of the Nile. Around 3000 BC. e. Pharaoh Menes (Mena) united both kingdoms into one powerful state that existed for more than 3000 years. He began his reign with the construction of reservoirs for draining water during floods, digging canals and irrigation ditches for the reclamation of swampy soil. The development of engineering art in Egypt contributed to the creation by 2500 BC. e. An extensive system of canals, moats and gutters, which existed before the Roman invasion. The Egyptians reached a fairly high level in designing drainage systems due to the special role that water played in their lives and in the rituals of cleansing and burial of the pharaohs. According to the Egyptian religious beliefs, death was only a transition from one form of life to another. For the afterlife they needed food, clothing and other household items. In some tombs, archaeologists have found bathrooms. During the excavations of the tomb of Pharaoh Sahura in Abusir, niches were found in the walls and the ruins of stone basins. They were trimmed with metal and could be used as a toilet. The drain in the pool was blocked by a lead plug, attached with a chain to a bronze ring. The basin could be emptied through a copper pipe leading to the sewer below. The diameter of the pipe was about 60 cm, and the thickness of its walls was about 2 cm. A brass drainage pipe was found in the temple pyramid built by Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), leading from the upper temple along the paved road to the outdoor temple on the river. Ancient Egyptians widely used pipes and various techniques for the manufacture of copper alloys. They used clay pipes made of straw and clay. The process of their creation consisted of the following: first dried in the sun, and then burned in the oven. Improving the clay pipes, the Egyptians were able to drain the lowest areas of the Nile Valley, which allowed them to turn the whole country into a blooming garden. In Egypt, Noria was also invented and introduced into widespread use. It was a chain with buckets or ladles suspended in a circle using a wheel to capture liquids and bulk materials. The Egyptians were skilled in metalworking. They melted the metal in pots of refractory materials - crucibles. High temperatures were provided by the fact that people fanned the fire with the help of reed furs with clay tips. The molten metal was poured and allowed to cool, then it was beaten with smooth stones to the required thickness. Then metal was cut, giving it a certain shape. The painting found in one of the tombs shows the technology of the process of smelting metal.
In the north of Greece, on the site of Olympia (a rich metropolis, whose inhabitants enjoyed the luxury and the latest achievements of water supply systems), during the excavation, tiled bathrooms and swimming pools with drainage were found. Some of these pools have survived to this day almost not destroyed. Underground pipes were made of clay, lead pipes were not found. Ancient plumbers were wary of lead. Nevertheless, during the excavations, a pool fastened with a lead bracket was found in one of the bathrooms. Judging by the shape of the found pools, the bathers most likely sat with their legs lowered into the recess at the bottom of the pool. Probably, this custom was the result of the dissemination of the ideas of Hippocrates, who said that sitting in the bathroom is more useful than lying. The "father of medicine" was also a supporter of a cold shower, considering it almost a panacea. The ancient Greeks diligently followed all his advice, since they were serious about maintaining physical and spiritual form. Their attitude to physical exercise and cleanliness was reflected in the organization in 776 BC. e. Olympic Games. In any large city, starting from VII century BC. e., it was possible to find a gym, equipped with bathrooms with hot and cold water. However, since the use of hot water was considered the lot of women, men for the most part preferred a cold shower. For this purpose, there were special marble tanks about 76 cm in height. Private bathrooms, as a rule, contained portable clay tubs for ladies who preferred warm and relaxing water treatments. For the Greeks it was very important to show hospitality towards travelers. To offer the traveler a bathroom was considered good form. Many houses in ancient Greece were equipped with toilets, the flow of which was carried out in the sewer pipes under the streets. Most likely, these pipes were washed with water. Some of them had ventilation shafts. The Greeks paid special attention to the protection of their water supply systems. To avoid overlapping the supply of water to the city by enemies, the pipes most often hid under the ground, sometimes to a depth of 18.3 m. Some of these underground pipes were so wide that two people could disperse into them. At the same time, the widest pipes were connected to the surface with the help of large wells. Water supply in Athens was provided by a large number of aqueducts that supplied water from the mountains. Residents were also largely dependent on deep wells, which they had to dig in hard rock. All the water that came into the city was sent to cisterns, which in turn provided water to multiple fountains, some of which are still used today. Similarly, the water was directed to the homes of wealthy citizens (Figure 1.1.1).
For the ancient Greeks, everything in nature was marked by the divine presence. Water also played a key role in the development of their culture. For example, the construction of fountains and springs was filled with a certain mystical meaning and was associated with an extensive pantheon of gods and goddesses, which the ancient Greeks worshiped. The free citizen of the Greek polis took the three most important baths in life: at birth, at the wedding and after death. To ensure a long and happy family life, the bride washed in water taken from the nine-pipe Kalirrho fountain. In Athens, the fountain of Kalirrho was also the main source of water supply, to which water came from the River Illiziy. During the time of the ancient Greeks, a significant leap was made in the development of water supply systems, especially the supply of cold water. However, their success was destined to be different. In 201 BC. e. under the onslaught of the Roman legions fell Carthage, and four years later - Macedonia. The ancient Greeks lost their independence, as well as all their conquered lands in the Middle East: Assyria, Judea, Egypt.
The capital of ancient Israel is located at an altitude of 762 m above sea level. In the X century BC. e. Jerusalem was a kind of buffer zone between the belligerents of Assyria and Egypt, and later came under the influence of the culture spread to the east by Alexander the Great. By 173 BC. e. Jerusalem turn into a typical Greek city, full of gymnasiums. Then this territory was conquered by the Romans, and erected magnificent buildings with a water supply system serving them. From the moment of its appearance, the city was completely dependent on hidden wells and underground cisterns. Fueled by groundwater, the Gion Spring, located on the eastern slope of the Ophela Hill in Jerusalem, was the only source of water in this part of the city. Depending on the season, he provided the city with better or worse water. With the help of the Source of Gion, irrigation of nearby fields and gardens was carried out through several open channels along the Kidron channel. Even in the most ancient settlements on the site of Jerusalem city water pipe began outside the walls of the city. Like other civilizations, the ancient Jews were forced to protect access to water from enemies who could cut off the city’s water supply. There was a tunnel that brought water to the city and diverted it to the underground pool, hiding a precious source. Allowing to survive the possible siege of the city by the Assyrians, the tunnel became an example of the unprecedented skill of ancient engineers. It took about seven months to dig a 233 m tunnel in solid stone soil. Work was carried out simultaneously from opposite sides of the mountain to its center in order to connect the aqueduct of Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Focusing only on the crack of water, workers were able to dig a tunnel about 91 cm wide and 91–273 cm wide. During the work, one person chopped rock, while others behind him collected fragments of stone in baskets and passed back. In the place where the two teams working from opposite sides met, archaeologists found the inscription “Tunnel Day”, in which “stone breakers moved towards each other with each sweep of the hoe”. The tunnel delivered water from the Source of Gion to a hidden point at the western wall of Jerusalem. For centuries, Jerusalem was sparsely populated. He began to grow during the time of the biblical king David, who made him the capital of his kingdom. By the time of the accession of his son Solomon in 956 BC. e. Jerusalem has become a city with narrow, narrow streets and spacious rooms for the royal court and retinue.Жители древнего Иерусалима сначала пытались прорубить скважину до подземных вод в пределах города, но это им не удалось. Примитивных орудий бронзового века для такого масштабного труда было недостаточно. Поэтому им пришлось копать и в вертикальном, и в горизонтальном направлении, создавая угловатый и темный туннель. Он спускался, окруженный высеченными из камня ступенями, располагавшимися спиралью вокруг 13-метровой шахты, и выводил к естественной пещере за стенами города. В дальнем конце пещеры (22,9 м в длину, 7,6 м в высоту и 46 м в ширину) был найден источник, не иссякший до сих пор.
Judea was one of the first peoples whose religious ideas contained ideas of hygiene and cleanliness. During religious rites, the clergy washed their hands and feet, as well as the victim; in everyday life, the Jews were required to observe personal hygiene. The water supply of Jerusalem began to develop from ancient times. Drainage systems were built to discharge water from homes and from the streets, while solid waste was transported in carts through a special gate. The temple required a special "clean water", so there were two separate water supply systems in the city. This required additional costs, but the ancient plumbers have developed a system that allows the use of waste water. This water flowed through special channels into the collectors, where it was stored and then used to water the fields. Any excess water was used for breeding gardens. More elaborate water systems have been found in smaller cities in the region. They included a main pipe with branches leading to the houses. In the courtyard of the Temple of King Solomon, there was a “copper sea” and 10 copper washstands on pedestals. “Sea” was a 2-meter pool of polished copper, 4.6 m in diameter and 7.7 cm in thickness. He was on the backs of 12 brass oxen, arranged in four groups of three. Biblical scholars have calculated that the weight of the "sea" was 33 tons, but it is impossible to confirm these data. The pool was located near the “Water Gate” of the temple and was connected to the water supply system outside the complex. Judean King Herod the Great created a unique water supply system in the middle of the desert, turning the top of Masada (a mountain that rises 450 meters above the sea) into a fortress with fountains and green gardens. Providing this barren land with water was the greatest achievement of engineering. Two small moats were located at a distance from the fortress. During the rains they quickly filled with water. To hold water to the required level, dams were built. If necessary, they opened, and the water went through aqueducts and channels to the fortress. Herod also constructed a reservoir network at the top of the fortress and connected them to drains. The entire system supplied water to two large and five small palaces. Herod's northern palace was divided into three tiers. In Roman style, it included a bath consisting of four rooms: a hot room (caldarium), a cold room (frigidarium) with a small cold pool, a warm room (tepidarium), and a hallway with changing rooms. The walls were decorated with frescoes imitating marble and alabaster. The floor in the hallway was decorated with a mosaic, later replaced by a triangular tile. Caldarium was the largest room of the bath. Under it was a steam room, the floor of which was supported by 200 small columns of brick. On porous clay pipes, hidden in the walls of the steam room, hot air rose upward, which was injected into the furnace below. The device of the bath resembled baths in Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Middle Ages.
After the fall of the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages, a period of stagnation began, including the development of sanitary equipment. Cities were in an unsanitary condition, epidemics claimed thousands of victims. Initial information about the device of centralized urban water supply in Europe dates back to the 12th century: - at the end of the 12th century, the first self-flowing water supply system was built in Paris - in the 13th century the centralized water supply of London began - in the 15th century water supply systems were built in German cities - in Japan the first water supply system was built in 1590 in Edo City (Tokyo) - an aqueduct 79 km long and distribution network of wooden pipes.
History of water supply in Russia.
From the history of the development of water supply in Russia, it is known that in the 12th century at Yaroslavsky Dvorische there was a gravity water pipe made of wood. And the first in Moscow water pipe was built in 1491 by order of Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich III. The plumbing system served the Kremlin exclusively and was intended in case of an enemy invasion or, as the chronicle pointed out, "siege for the sake of sitting." The source of water was a spring in the dungeon of the Sobakin Tower (now the Angular Arsenalnaya), from which water flowed by gravity through a brick pipe towards the Trinity Tower. The second in time Kremlin water pipeline appeared already in the first king of the Romanov dynasty, Michael, in 1633. He was very perfect in design and was a water supply "pressure type". Water from the Moskva River through this water supply system flowed by gravity into a well lined with white stone about 9 meters deep and 5 meters in diameter, built in the Sviblova (Vodovzvodna) tower of the Kremlin. Near the well was a “water-lifting machine” that “cocked” water into a special lead-lined reservoir built on the top of the tower. And already from there, the Moskvoretsky Vodichka flowed through lead pipes into the royal Kremlin "courtyards" - Hearty, Hlebny, Kormovoy, Konyushenny, as well as some palaces and the upper palace garden. This water supply system was constructed by Russian craftsmen under the guidance of the Englishman Christopher Galloway, who was listed in the tsarist registers as the "sentry and waterworks masters". This water pipe stopped working at the beginning of the XVIII century. Due to the fact that the Vodovzvodnaya tower was then almost rebuilt twice after that, there were no traces of water supply. In 1718, in St. Petersburg, on the orders of Peter I, a water canal was built. In 1722, Peter commanded to develop a "project of connecting the rivers," but did not manage to carry out his plans. Peter came back to the idea 100 years later - at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I. For 20 years of construction of the canal connecting the Sestra and Istra rivers, 38 stone locks were built, a dam was built, which allowed to create a large reservoir in place of a small lake, called Sunflower or Senezhskoye. But the money, as is often the case in Russia, ran out and the construction stopped. And in 1844, it stopped and shipping started on the constructed section: the century of railways came and the canal was forgotten. In 1721, the famous Peterhof fountains began to be built - in their scale and perfection of plumbing technology, they surpass the Versailles. Peterhof fountains were built before 1750. The pressure pool had a capacity of about 130 thousand m 3. A pipeline with a diameter of 600 mm was brought to one of the fountains “Samson”, the height of the jet of this fountain was 21 m. The water supply system was built to supply water not only for drinking and drinking, but also fire safety needs. According to the data of 1911, water supply was only available in 1911 cities out of 1063, which is about 21%. Remote parts had no water pipes at all, for example, Yekaterinburg. Even where there were running water, they supplied the central parts of the city, for example, in Moscow only 20% of the buildings received water from the centralized water supply. The water consumption rate was 25-30 liters per person per day.
Modern water consumption has increased significantly, including at the expense of industry and public utilities, for whose needs specialized water recycling and purification plants are being created.
At the moment there are such main types of water intake:
Surface Sources
From the history of the development of water supply in Russia, it is known that in the 12th century at Yaroslavsky Dvorische there was a gravity water pipe made of wood. And the first in Moscow water pipe was built in 1491 by order of Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich III. The plumbing system served the Kremlin exclusively and was intended in case of an enemy invasion or, as the chronicle pointed out, "siege for the sake of sitting." The source of water was a spring in the dungeon of the Sobakin Tower (now the Angular Arsenalnaya), from which water flowed by gravity through a brick pipe towards the Trinity Tower. The second in time Kremlin water pipeline appeared already in the first king of the Romanov dynasty, Michael, in 1633. He was very perfect in design and was a water supply "pressure type". Water from the Moskva River through this water supply system flowed by gravity into a well lined with white stone about 9 meters deep and 5 meters in diameter, built in the Sviblova (Vodovzvodna) tower of the Kremlin. Near the well was a “water-lifting machine” that “cocked” water into a special lead-lined reservoir built on the top of the tower. And already from there, the Moskvoretsky Vodichka flowed through lead pipes into the royal Kremlin "courtyards" - Hearty, Hlebny, Kormovoy, Konyushenny, as well as some palaces and the upper palace garden. This water supply system was constructed by Russian craftsmen under the guidance of the Englishman Christopher Galloway, who was listed in the tsarist registers as the "sentry and waterworks masters". This water pipe stopped working at the beginning of the XVIII century. Due to the fact that the Vodovzvodnaya tower was then almost rebuilt twice after that, there were no traces of water supply. In 1718, in St. Petersburg, on the orders of Peter I, a water canal was built. In 1722, Peter commanded to develop a "project of connecting the rivers," but did not manage to carry out his plans. Peter came back to the idea 100 years later - at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I. For 20 years of construction of the canal connecting the Sestra and Istra rivers, 38 stone locks were built, a dam was built, which allowed to create a large reservoir in place of a small lake, called Sunflower or Senezhskoye. But the money, as is often the case in Russia, ran out and the construction stopped. And in 1844, it stopped and shipping started on the constructed section: the century of railways came and the canal was forgotten. In 1721, the famous Peterhof fountains began to be built - in their scale and perfection of plumbing technology, they surpass the Versailles. Peterhof fountains were built before 1750. The pressure pool had a capacity of about 130 thousand m 3. A pipeline with a diameter of 600 mm was brought to one of the fountains “Samson”, the height of the jet of this fountain was 21 m. The water supply system was built to supply water not only for drinking and drinking, but also fire safety needs. According to the data of 1911, water supply was only available in 1911 cities out of 1063, which is about 21%. Remote parts had no water pipes at all, for example, Yekaterinburg. Even where there were running water, they supplied the central parts of the city, for example, in Moscow only 20% of the buildings received water from the centralized water supply. The water consumption rate was 25-30 liters per person per day.
Modern water consumption has increased significantly, including at the expense of industry and public utilities, for whose needs specialized water recycling and purification plants are being created.
At the moment there are such main types of water intake:
Surface Sources
Those 50% that are available are so thoughtlessly selected that if the situation is not completely remedied, then in 40-50 years, mankind will have to drill wells more than a kilometer deep to provide themselves with drinking water. An example is the underground waters of the Sahara desert, the volume of which, according to recent estimates, is up to 625 thousand cubic kilometers. But the trouble is that the area of ??their occurrence is such that the replenishment of the underground reservoir does not occur naturally, and pumping is very intensive. In addition, recent geological processes in the area have led to the fact that groundwater began to emerge in the form of springs, only a small part of which falls on places of compact human habitation. The rest of the water, literally goes into the sand. As the scientists explain, this is because the huge freshwater reservoir under the Sahara represents several large lakes, the surface of which, after movements of the earth's crust, crossed in some places with the surface of the Earth. From what springs and even artesian springs were formed, especially where the water was under considerable hydrostatic pressure. When the water in the depths of the Sahara does not become at all, it is impossible to say for sure, but that this moment is not far off, environmentalists say for sure about this. In addition, it would not hurt to let such water through household filters, but this is not always possible. Extraction of underground fresh water goes at a much faster pace than was possible even 20-30 years ago. And this is due to the advent of high-tech drilling equipment and powerful pumps for lifting water from great depths, which allows extracting significant volumes of water per unit of time. However, in some regions of the planet, increasing water consumption carries with it negative consequences. The fact is that underground reservoirs practically do not replenish with water in a natural way, and its pumping leads to a decrease in the water level, which entails an increase in the cost of its production. Moreover, in places where underground reservoirs are completely depleted, subsidence of the earth's surface is observed, which makes it impossible to continue its operation, for example, as agricultural land. In coastal areas, the situation is even more dramatic. Depleted aquifers, even those from which water can still be extracted for several years, are mixed with saline sea or ocean water, which leads to soil salinity, and that small amount of fresh water that is still in the coastal region. The problem of freshwater salinization has another reason related to human activities. After all, the source of salt can be not only the seas and oceans, but also fertilizers or water with a high salt content, which is used for irrigation of fields and gardens. Such processes of salinization of groundwater and soil are called anthropogenic, and more and more civilized countries face them.
Getting fresh water from icebergs
In conclusion, we will pay attention to the production of drinking water from icebergs. Scientists say that only in the glaciers of the continental part of Antarctica, up to 93% of all freshwater resources on Earth are found, which is about two thousand square kilometers of frozen moisture. And since, in the near future, there will be practically no surface and underground source of drinking water on the planet, a moment will come when humanity will have to turn its attention to icebergs. The idea to get drinking water from glaciers was first expressed in the 18th century by the English navigator and discoverer James Cook, better known for being eaten by the natives. And although this is only a legend, he is remembered not for the revolutionary idea at the time - to extract water from the glaciers of Antarctica, but for the ridiculous death in the boiler of cannibals, which in fact was not there. Why Cook drew attention to icebergs as sources of fresh water is not known for certain. But the fact that the navigator was the first to propose to use chunks of ice in distant sea voyages as natural repositories of water reserves, we probably know about this from a number of written sources that have come down to our days. Modern followers of Cook have gone even further, and they propose to break off huge chunks of ice from glaciers, in order to deliver them to regions where there is a shortage of drinking water. At first glance, the idea is brilliant, but with the implementation of such a project, difficulties may arise that cannot be overcome, even with the modern development of technology. Breaking away a large iceberg from a glacier is quite problematic, and traditional mechanical tools, as well as a directed blast, are not suitable here, because an iceberg can break. To deliver an iceberg to its destination, without losing a significant part of it, which simply melts in warm waters and under the scorching sun, it is simply impossible.
In the course of the first section, we reviewed the historical process of development of water supply systems and emphasized the fundamental relationship of human needs for food, water and energy source.
At the moment, such methods are used to obtain clean drinking water, such as: drilling wells, desalinating sea water, burning ice, collecting and cleaning river and rainwater, re-cleaning and using the flow of cities and enterprises. The main problem of all these methods is the completeness of water resources and the widespread pollution of watercourses with various types of waste. In the context of economics, it was shown that the environmental effect and production efficiency is a consequence and reflection of economic indicators and efficiency. Based on this, it is impossible to achieve acceptable environmental performance, without a high profitability of the enterprise. The issue of management, that is, maximizing the positive effect of work at the minimum cost of various kinds of resources, is fundamentally important, along with the development of new methods for obtaining, transmitting and using the described resources, which become a kind of product for sale.
It is necessary to understand and distinguish between the needs of human society as a whole and promising scientific developments, allowing to operate in conservative environmental conditions. Common needs have a need for simplicity and low cost solutions, while scientific developments are designed to solve complex private problems, with the use of excess resources and a lot of funding to achieve the goal. In our case, the goal is to form complexes that can be used to work in unfavorable regions of the planet. Often, there is a low standard of living and technical development, which means that the installation should be easy to use, effective, durable. The prospects for the development of life support systems are very broad. The growth and development of society entail an increase in its needs, which means that any development in this area is of paramount importance. During the analysis of the relationship between energy and water, some types of alternative energy sources were considered, whose activities are related to water, its use, production and disposal. It is at the junction of the methods of energy and water supply that a rational approach to the development of complete life support complexes is sought.
Most of the described developments have a high cost, so you need to offer and implement various types of materials and methods for implementing projects. Mass production and use will lead to cheaper and better quality of work of the units, as it happened with electric alternating and direct current in the USA. In the course of the analytical chapter, the stages of the design and operation of various condensation complexes were examined in detail. The following issues are considered in detail: supply of gas-air mixture, drainage of dried air and liquid, intensification of the condensation process in the body of the dryer, a couple of water extraction installations with external energy sources (including WPP, SES, internal combustion engines). It was found that the combined use has great prospects and, in some cases, is used in everyday life in the work of various devices.
Investigated and analyzed various existing methods of condensation. As a result, the analysis showed that the most promising AXA. The working substance AXA consists of natural components, a water-ammonia solution and an inert gas. They are conditionally harmless to OPS. They have zero ozone depleting potential and greenhouse effect. The absorption of refrigeration devices has a number of such unique qualities as: noiselessness, high reliability and long service life, the absence of vibration, magnetic and electric fields during operation; the possibility of using several sources of energy in one device - both electric and alternative (heat of combustion of fuel, solar radiation, exhaust gases of internal combustion engines, hot air flow of the vortex tube, heat-loaded elements of electronic equipment), the ability to work with poor-quality energy sources, including and electrical, in the voltage range of 160 - 240 V. The advantages of AHP include lower, compared with compression analogues, the cost, which, in many cases and determines their popularity among users. It is emphasized that for the operation of such enterprises a clear vertical of power and an extensive management structure is necessary. The matrix model with vertical and horizontal connections seems to be promising in this vein. Such a model will significantly expand the potential of personnel in the enterprise, as well as allow new developments to be introduced into the apparatus operation cycle, due to the wide interaction and autonomy of the management segments. On the basis of the considered data, in the applied part of the work, several connected water and energy supply complexes were proposed. The development of the idea of ??creating closed systems should make it possible to expand areas suitable for agriculture, to significantly reduce the burden on the TSO, by reducing the share of traditional sources of water and energy. The resulting pure water will increase the profitability of the systems connected to the condenser, since the cost and utility of water is higher than in electric energy. In the applied part of the work, we examined the technical side of the issue of efficient condensation of water from air. It was shown that in conditions of high prices for drinking water on the planet, there is a possibility of increasing the profitability of water supply complexes, by selling water on the market. The combination of forced dehumidifiers and passive moisture condensers with various electric power generation complexes is an essential step towards greening. Making a profit should be the impetus for investing in this area, and the growth of water and energy consumption will increase demand for products. In the course of the work, tasks were set and implemented to analyze the existing methods of gas-air mixture condensation, the possibilities of using various design solutions in implementing the concept of an autonomous life-support complex were evaluated. As a result of the analysis, some possible constructions of connected water and power supply complexes, which can be realized in real conditions, were emphasized. Relying on the economic component of the sale of water and electricity, it has been shown that a combination of this kind significantly increases the profitability of the operation of expensive solar energy, wind and geothermal energy storage complexes.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not completed yet. Final Completion: June 2019. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after the specified date. p>
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