- Introduction
- 1. Problem statement
- 2. Relevance of the topic
- 3. Primary partition
- Summary
- Source list
The historical development of science, technology, industrial production showed many moments when Metrology became an effective tool for solving the most important scientific, technical, economic and social problems. Therefore, at the present stage, in the transition to market relations, the issues of improving the accuracy and reliability of measurement information, have a significant place.
1. Problem statement
At the present stage of development of metrological support from purely applied, aimed mainly at improving the processes of development, production and operation of measuring instruments and systems, has become an active and real tool to ensure the creation of effective technological processes, the introduction of flexible automated production, reliable evaluation and quality control of finished products.
2. Relevance of the topic
Metrological service-the service bearing administrative and technical responsibility for definition and implementation of the system of management of measurements
In modern society, the organization of the measurement management system plays an important role. This is due to the fact that there is practically no sphere of human activity, no matter where the results of measurements are used.
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that measurements provide information that serves as the basis for decision-making at all levels of management, regardless of the process, whether it is the quality of the product, quality of service, quality of the process, scientific experiment, etc.the Correctness of the decision depends on the reliability and accuracy of the data. Unreliable information leads to a decrease in product quality, accidents, mass marriage, costs.
3. Primary partition
Measurement management systems – a set of interrelated or interacting elements necessary to achieve metrological confirmation of suitability and control of measurement processes. Many processes are involved in production, which can be divided into two subgroups: internal production and supplied parts and components. In both cases, the component quality control process is mandatory.
However, the most important thing is to develop a system that will ensure the accuracy of measurements, regardless of whether the measurements are made by the same person, the same tool, at the same time or at different intervals. To perform this task, you should appoint a chief metrologist at the
enterprise. Metrologists carry out control of measuring equipment and supervision of quality of production, check compliance of measuring instruments to the state and international requirements. The object of the metrologist's check is not only the equipment, but also the accompanying documentation of the equipment. The metrologist is also responsible for monitoring the status of measuring equipment at the enterprise, namely: for ordering, numbering, counting, moving, organization of verification, calibration and blocking of substandard equipment, its withdrawal from production.

To maintain the necessary documents and records relating to the systematization and tracking of measuring equipment, the chief metrologist is in charge of the database, which contains all the necessary information. This is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the law on ensuring the unity of measurements
Metrological support is carried out by the following divisions of the enterprise:
- Department of chief mechanic;
- chief designer's Department;
- the office of the chief technologist;
- production and technical service;
- technical control Department (OTC);
- main production units;
- the divisions of auxiliary production developing means of measurements, control and tests.
Other technical divisions of the enterprise are involved in works on metrological support in accordance with the established procedure.
Metrological support of the enterprise (organization) includes:
- analysis of the state of measurements at the enterprise or organization;
- the establishment of a rational nomenclature of measured values, items of workers and precision, optimal standards of measurement accuracy;
- selection, verification and metrological certification of necessary measuring instruments;
- development of measurement methods depending on the established accuracy standards;
- creation and maintenance of conditions necessary for measurements;
- metrological examination of technical tasks, design and technological documentation.
In the absence of commercially available industry measuring instruments necessary to control the process, the metrological support includes the creation and legal recognition of so-called non-standardized measuring instruments. The metrological support also includes the introduction of state and departmental metrological NDT, the development of the enterprise's NDT on metrological issues, monitoring the production, condition, use and repair of measuring instruments and compliance with metrological rules, norms and requirements at the enterprise. An important activity for metrological support is the creation of a fleet of working and exemplary measuring instruments and their readiness for use.
The level of metrological support of the enterprise or the organization of communication is defined:
- availability of the technical documentation regulating adjusting and operational standards of measurements, and also requirements to measuring instruments and methods of their performance;
- serviceability and correct use of measuring instruments;
- the correct execution of measurements;
- introduction of new measuring equipment;
- organization and compliance with the requirements of tasks on metrological provision of qualification of workers performing measurements and carrying out repair and verification of measuring instruments.
Direct work on metrological support of the enterprises of Association is carried out by the divisions entering into basic metrological service: group of supervision and metrological support.
For the purpose of more complete and effective solution of tasks of metrological support of the enterprise have to constantly improve and develop system of NDT on metrological support of production. Its structure can include documents of methodical character which development is expedient in cases when provisions of methodical documents of the state and branch level demand specification.
The main instrument of implementation of tasks of metrological providing are metrological services of the enterprises
In recent years, gradually there is a shift in emphasis in the tasks of the metrological service. If earlier the main attention was focused on solving the problem of ensuring the unity of measurements and the activities of the metrological service was mainly aimed at fulfilling the requirements for the elements of metrological support, today comes the understanding that the metrological service, in particular the enterprise, should move to the management of measurements, to the creation of such a measurement system at the enterprise, which would give the opportunity to develop solutions at all stages of production. At the same time, the contribution of the measurement system to the provision of production indicators should serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of the metrological service, its usefulness for the enterprise. The search for such criteria is a complex task. But without its decision it is difficult to prove to the management of the enterprise irreplaceability of metrological service.
Source list
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