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In article the main aspects of history of development of robotic technology are considered, the concept of the industrial robot is opened, and also state standard specifications concerning industrial robots and their components are selected. This article also envelops development of construction of the industrial robot on the basis of the pointing device "PUMA-560", determination of components and their coordinate systems.
The history of robots starts even before our era. The invention of the first robot owned by the Greek philosopher and scientist Of Architecture. He decided to create a wooden mechanical bird, which was powered by steam and could fly up to a height of 200 meters. It was in 4th century BC
The first humanoid robot (also called androids) in 1495 was designed by Leonardo da Vinci. The mechanical man was outwardly similar to the knight, able to move his arms and turn his head. Sketches of modern scientists have recreated the robot.
In the first half of the 18th century French engineer Jacques de Vaucanson (JaquesdeVaucanson) created the famous duck of Vaucanson, very similar to a real bird, and Android that played the flute. Blowing air and fingering in a certain sequence valves flute, he played 11 different tunes.
The first robots, with which began the modern robotics appeared in the late 40-ies. At oak ridge and Argonne national laboratories was initiated a research program to create a remote-controlled mechanical manipulators for handling radioactive materials. Developed manipulators gauge type, designed for accurate reproduction of the movements of the arms and hands of the human operator. The system consisted of specifying and copying manipulators. The Set point manipulator is powered by a human operator, and the copying manipulator is reproduced with maximum precision all the movements of the master [1].
Since the mid 50-ies of the mechanical methods of introducing feedback have been replaced by electric and hydraulic. Then they developed a more complex system that can perform repetitive operations offline. George C. Devol designed device - manipulator, the operation of which was set by the program as a sequence of elementary movements, certain commands this program. In 1959, the company "Yunimeyshn" first industrial robot was released. The basic idea in creating this device was to combine the paddle with a computer that allowed us to obtain a machine that could "teach" the automatic execution of various works. Changing the running robot operation was carried out by a relatively inexpensive and re-reprogramming.
In the late 60's-early 70's at Stanford University developed a robot Cervix (Shakey) – the first universal mobile robot able to reason on their actions. If other robots had to have the manual for each particular step, then the Cervix could analyze the command and break them down into simple parts. Thus, it was the first robot that combined the logical analysis and physical actions [4].
The first industrial robots with advanced microprocessor control Sensing and gained practical application appeared on the market in 1980-1981. Primarily on assembly, arc welding, quality control. Since the beginning of the 70-tenths begins development in robotic vision and elements of artificial intelligence. This was due with using of television cameras.
At the same time in a number of other countries are similar to the experimental installation of integrated robots, including controllers, computer control, various means of sensitization and communication with a human operator, which are intended for research in the field of artificial intelligence and the development of intelligent robots.
Around this period Will and Grossman of IBM company developed a computer-controlled manipulator with tactile and force sensors, designed to build a typewriter, consisting of 20 pieces. The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology carried out the work associated with the use of feedback signals from the force sensors. To ensure correct initial position of the gripper during the high-precision assembly work was used search method of navigation in the near field.
As for the android robots in today's world one of the most prominent representatives of ASIMO is, created by Japanese corporation Honda, which, since 2000, constantly improving, and has skills such as recognition of the environment, moving objects, gestures, sounds, persons; able to move at a speed of 7 km/h, and go up the stairs, is able to use the Internet, etc.
Japanese company Sony in 2000, announced the creation of a new generation of robot dog that understood in hearing about 50 teams and can even take pictures of what they see with their own eyes-cameras [7].
In April 2003 in Japan, in the city of Yokohama, was the fourth exhibition of robots "Robodex". It was exhibited: the robots Housewives, robot clowns and robot guards. The highlight of the show was the robot SDR-4X from Sony. The creators try to save his reputation as Entertainer: the new model includes 10 songs, 1000 body 200 interactive dialogues.
In 2004 there were racing cars without drivers to go from Los Angeles to Las Vegas is one of the significant developments in robotics.
During this period, the Pentagon significantly increased funding for projects on creation of military robots. During this period, the Pentagon has significantly increased funding for projects to build combat robots.
Since 2005, in Iraq and Afghanistan were from 50 to 100 robots-sappers, which are used of fields clearance and destroy the enemy ammunition.
The US Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity conducted in 2004, a scientific mission to study the Red Planet. Both devices are examined meteorite craters, conducted a search of interest for detailed study, found evidence of water on Mars. The list of amazing achievements in the field of robotics is very long [2].
Currently, robotics is a significant part of an extensive science. It includes questions of kinematics, dynamics, strategies, planning, programming languages, and artificial intelligence.
Today, it seems certain that the RTC in principle entitled to all the main features of intelligent systems. Moreover, some current RTC (with appropriate algorithmic software and their control systems) have already been, at least partially, these traits. Such RTC and associated FIC quickly and easily cope with the decision of individual intellectual tasks.
The main difficulty in creating a robotic FIC is not the lack of adequate components and computer equipment on which they can build, but rather no elaboration or imperfect algorithms and software, which determines the level of intelligence RTC. Therefore, the following description focuses on the methods of algorithmic synthesis of the technical FIC.
It must be emphasized that the RTC intelligence capabilities (as, indeed, and the possibility of human intelligence) is fundamentally limited. This is due to the fact that the amount of memory, speed of memory and reading information in the control RTK systems are limited in practice. In addition, it's not always possible to find efficient algorithms to solve intellectual problems. Nevertheless, thanks to the ability to learn and adapt robotic FIC are very flexible and can quickly develop new "profession" by automating the corresponding human intelligence.
In the sphere of robotics as a generational change takes place also. In the book, IM Makarova and Y. Topchieva are 4 generation of industrial robots:
The growing production needs in the production of quality products cause more and more widely used in industrial automation equipment, which are based on computer technology. The growing interest in using robots capable of performing a variety of production functions in an environment of flexible production process with lower material costs. The robot is a reprogrammable universal manipulator, equipped with external sensors and is able to perform a variety of work. This definition implies that a robot intelligence caused by computer algorithms laid down in the management and sensitization.
Industrial robot is a versatile, equipped with a computer pointing device, consisting of several solid units connected in translational or rotational joints. This circuit is connected to one end of the arm base, the other end is free and provided with a tool to act on objects or manipulate perform assembly work. The movement in the joints of the manipulator causes the relative movement of its parts. From the viewpoint of mechanics of the robot arm member (supporting structure) and a wrist assembly fitted with a tool. It can act on the objects located within its working volume. Under the working volume of the robot is meant a region of space in which each point of the robot arm can deliver the wrist unit. Usually, the robot arm has three degrees of freedom. The combination of movements to these degrees of freedom provided by the wrist node transfer in a given point of displacement. wrist unit typically has three rotational degrees of freedom. The combination of the rotation in the wrist unit provides the necessary for work with object manipulation tool orientation.
The main purpose of the job is, study the possibility of establishing special machines general-purpose, capable of performing intelligent and mechanical actions, such actions and operations performed by a man working on the computer: receives and processes the sound, voice and visual information while manipulating a computer devices or documents or items that need to move from place to place, or perform complex actions of various nature, or to search the network for the specified purpose. An example is the work of an ordinary worker, who during the whole working day shuffles bank money orders, or collecting (puts) with myriad details a device that does not require creative thought or calculation.
There are the following comprehensive studies, which together should form a unified system of complex machine of a new type - robot-computer or buttery: identify common structural and functional scheme of construction machines, the requirements for its mechanical and construction information, software requirements - general and special; general work machine control circuit on the basis of the received audio, voice and visual information and information from the network with appropriate software of the system.
Research provides lead on the following stages of the creation of units - components of the general system of the machine:
The totality of the above units can reconfigure the main unit, which will act as a regular computer with minimal configuration: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse.
In the process of working with the system using the previously obtained results for each block, and performing additional research if required for functioning of the system of Buster (semi-robot, especially its mechanical system. It is envisaged the following stages of research and development:
A common method for all blocks is provided as a virtual simulation of the machine itself, and it's some of units with the simultaneous application of known methods that are used to create visual recognition systems and speech patterns. The mechanical part is constructed by an experienced experimental research designs created by a variety of robots available to the experts at the institute.
The result is the establishment of a new type of machines, robots and semi-robots (buttery), capable of performing complex operations or operations information-mechanical nature, similar to a person who obtains network, sound, speech or visual information of the surrounding world from documents or commands and performs operations on drawing different things and shifting them from place to place. You will create the virtual models of some of the actions and movements of a robotic computer that acts like a man working behind a computer.
Research sample robotic computer will be created in the virtual version, which under favorable conditions, financial and technical support can be converted to a valid research and design sample with an appropriate design documentation. According to GOST 12.2.072-98 Industrial robots, robotic technological complexes f. Requirements for the design of industrial robots and their components.
General requirements
This IR management system shall comply with GOST 27487.
The functions of security, for example, may include:
A method of limiting the range of movement of the IR must satisfy one of the following conditions:
Based on the above Standards will develop an industrial manipulator.
Develop industrial robot is a universal Electromechanical manipulator, which is equipped with a computer. The manipulator contains of 12 links associated translational and rotational joints (Fig. 2). The links of the manipulator are presented solids described by a set of kinematic and dynamic parameters. Movement in the joints of the manipulator causes a relative displacement of its parts. From the point of view of the mechanics of the robot consists of two arms (bearing structure) of nodes and wrists of each hand is equipped with instruments (Fig. 3).
It can affect on the objects which are located within its working volume. The working volume of the robot means a spatial region, at each point where the "hand" of the robot can deliver the block the wrist. Typically, the robot arm has three degrees of freedom. A combination of movements of these degrees of freedom provided by the transfer node of the wrist at a given point of the working volume. Wrist joint usually has three rotational degrees of freedom. The combination of rotations at the node of the wrist is ensured by the necessary to work with the object of manipulating the orientation of the tool. Three angular motion implemented by the node of the wrist, often called pitch, yaw and roll. Thus, each six-membered robot hand provides the desired position of the tool, and the knot of the wrist – its correct orientation.
This device, anthropomorphic manipulator with eleven degrees of freedom is able to perform a variety of movements. The links of the manipulator are connected to each other in the joints, and rotate around axes of the coordinate system passing through the centers of the joints. The manipulator has two coordinate systems with respect to which it moves: the basic coordinate system and the coordinate system of the tool (Fig.4).
To control movement of the manipulator it is necessary to constantly monitor the position and speed of movement of the links.
According to GOST 30097-93 Robots. Coordinate system and direction of movement. The standard establishes three coordinate systems of industrial robots, nomenclature and designation of axes and is intended for use when installing, testing and programming. According to GOST coordinate system of the base must be denoted X1-Y1-Z1, the beginning of the coordinate reference system must be defined by the manufacturer, the axis Z1 is directed perpendicular to the docking plane of the base in the robot body, the axis X1 must pass through the projection center.
The main coordinate system of the mechanical manipulator consists of three perpendicular to each other axes (X, Y, Z) that intersect at the shoulder of the manipulator. Basic coordinate system does not move when crossing the links of the manipulator. It is used, for example, when teaching the robot new points [7]. The coordinate system of the tool also consists of three axes intersecting, but intersecting in a flange of the brush. It moves with the flange on the movements of the manipulator. The coordinate system of the tool can also be used to teach the robot new points.
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