Master's Summary

name Kudoyar Vladislav Ivanovich
Date of birth 10/02/1996.
Place of birth Makeyevka
School (s) School ¹15 Makeyevka (grades 1-4), Lyceum ¹1 with School ¹61 (grades 5-11)
university DonNTU
Average score The average score during the bachelor's degree (rounded to one decimal place)
Language proficiency Russian - perfectly, English - medium level, Ukrainian - above average
Personal Achievements 2nd place at the University Programming Olympiad (2017)
Hobbies Playing the guitar, mastering various areas in the field of IT
Personal qualities Purposefulness, hard work, ability to find a solution to complex problems, modesty:)
Professional specialization and computer skills Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Android
Directions of work: mobile applications (base), backend, frontend, deep learning, parsing and data analysis
Programming languages: Java, Kotlin, C ++, Python, JavaScript
Framework: Android SDK / NDK, RxJava2, Django, ExpressJS, Anko, Android Architecture Components
Version Control Systems: git
Internet technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, bootstrap
Development environments: Android Studio, Intellij Idea, PyCharm, WebStorm, Visual Studio
Experience  2016 - DonbassInformService. Android developer
 2018-2019 - Napoleon IT. Android developer
Future Plans Working in IT
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