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The coal industry, which is strategically important for the economic security and viability of the state, has been in crisis. For the majority of mines of Donbass the following phenomena as sharp decrease in volumes of coal mining, growth of its Prime cost and deterioration of mining and geological conditions of working off of coal seams became characteristic.

Studies have found that the crisis processes in the coal industry, which can be considered as a complex production system, associated with its cyclical development.

The analysis of the stages of the constructed life cycle of the coal industry showed that its development is due to specific features that are associated with the monoproduct nature of the mines and a significant dependence on the geological conditions.

The coal industry of the Donetsk basin has long been and remains unprofitable. According to experts, the main reasons for the loss of production of Donbass coal is a large depth of coal seams (from 600 to 1000 m or more, low power layers – about 1 m). High ash content of ordinary coal (up to 40%) with a high content of pyrite sulfur (up to 10%) require additional capital costs for multi-stage enrichment. At the same time, as the depth of mining reserves increases, geological conditions of occurrence of layers deteriorate, and production costs, despite the various possibilities of its mechanization, inevitably increase.

The growth of coal production at the mine unprofitable, has to have a substantial budget investments on improving the state of mountain agriculture. In addition, due to the lack of working capital, the increase in coal production often causes an increase in the company's debt to suppliers. Taking into account the progressive state subsidies and debts, the real price of coal products, that is, the one for which it receives society, is much higher than the declared market, which creates macroeconomic problems.

1. Theme urgency

To date, the enterprises of the coal industry of the DPR produce more than 30 thousand tons of black gold per day. There is a systematic stabilization of the mine Fund. But not only the increase in coal production is occupied by the Ministry of coal and energy of the Republic. Its structure includes mines that are not engaged in mining.

The priority direction of the restructuring of the mine Fund, in accordance with the Law On state regulation in the field of production and use of coal, on the features of social protection of workers of coal industry organizations from 12.06.2015, adopted for the strategic development of the industry, is to reduce the number of mines, leaving only powerful (for the conditions of the DPR) and effectively operating coal mining enterprises. At the same time, it is equally important to improve the comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of coal mines, and to ensure the economic efficiency of those unprofitable enterprises where coal of valuable varieties is extracted. In addition, in the conditions of the existing coal shortage in the DPR, there is a clear contradiction between the emergency needs for coking fuel and the unsatisfactory condition of many mines where coal of such brands is produced.

The need to preserve potentially viable coal enterprises has led to the urgency of solving problems associated with a comprehensive assessment of the feasibility of mining coking coal reserves on deep horizons, the disclosure of internal reserves, increasing the level of economic reliability and reducing investment risks.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the study is the theoretical justification, development of tools and practical recommendations for assessing the efficiency of the coal mining enterprise.

The main objectives of the study:

  1. To systematize and to generalize theoretical and methodical aspects of management of efficiency of activity of the enterprise.
  2. To develop a methodological approach to the three criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise operating in a competitive environment.
  3. To develop the conceptual and terminological apparatus in terms of clarifying the content and interpretation of the concept of performance management of the enterprise.
  4. Clarify the essence of the concepts of efficiency, investment activity, investment project, efficiency of the investment project.
  5. Systematize the existing methods of analysis of the effectiveness of investment projects according to the criterion of expediency of their use in the practice of domestic economic entities.
  6. To offer a sequence of analysis of the effectiveness of investment projects of industrial enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of domestic coal mining enterprises and international experience.
  7. Perform an economic and financial assessment of the preparation and commissioning of a new treatment face.

Research object: the process of improving the efficiency of the coal mining enterprise.

Research subject: theoretical and methodological foundations and tools to improve the efficiency of the coal mining enterprise.

3. Analysis of the formation of internal economic reserves in coal mining enterprises

The problem of specialization of production refers, as a rule, to the existing production capacities. In many industries, having the same list of resources, it is possible to produce different types of products. In this case, the task of optimal management of the efficiency of the enterprise is to choose such a program for the use of internal economic reserves of existing industries, which provides their necessary relationship within the existing opportunities and achieves the best, in terms of the adopted criterion, the result. In other words, the determination of the optimal variant of specialization of interconnected coal-mining enterprises has a number of common features with the task of determining the optimal location of the production complex, in which the choice of the best location for the construction of new enterprises (along with determining the size of their production capacities) and the choice of options for the preservation and expansion of existing enterprises. Both tasks have to take into account production costs and constraints. The actual variables in both tasks are the volume of production of commodity products and various types of diversification products, as well as the scheme of sales of these products at points of consumption. And in this case, if different variants of their specialization are possible for existing and future production capacities, it makes sense to consider a single mathematical problem, which includes the problems of specialization, cooperation and combination.

The issues related to the simulation of the development of coal mines, simple and expanded reproduction capacity of the individual enterprises and groups of enterprises within the coal-producing regions, attracted the attention of many researchers, such as A.], A. Astakhov, A. Bardas, O. Cars, A. Galushko, A. Kabanov, I. Pavlenko, I. Petenko, B. Reichel, T. Reshetilova, V. Sally A. Trifonova, I. Fesenko, etc.

In fact, the organization of industrial coal mining in one way or another is based on the consolidation, management of a certain set of production resources and their management in order to influence the economy of the coal mining enterprise. The means of managing the state of the enterprise are most often found in the literature, presented by the level and quality of reserves of the mine field, labor and material (especially energy) resources [1]. The resources spent in the production process are embodied in commodity products and form indicators characterizing the efficiency of the remaining reserves in the subsoil [1]. A prerequisite for identifying various ways to improve the efficiency of coal mining and capacity growth is a quantitative assessment of the state of individual technological units that determine the production capacity of the coal mining enterprise or have significant internal economic reserves to increase this capacity.


In the master's thesis on the basis of research carried out theoretical justification and practical solution of the actual problem of assessing the effectiveness of the coal mining enterprise and determine the strategic directions of its improvement.

The main conclusions and results obtained in the course of the research are as follows:

  1. The Coal industry is of strategic importance in addressing the country's energy issues. However, the discrepancy between the structure of energy consumption and the available reserves determines the need to carry out import purchases of gas, oil and nuclear fuel abroad and causes an increase in the energy dependence of the state. Changing the structure of energy consumption is possible only by increasing the share of coal, the reserves of which allow to meet the needs of the state energy in solid fuel at the expense of its own resources.
  2. Based on analysis of the literature highlights the main algorithms that can be used in the proposed approach to the unification of the synthesis of Moore automata.
  3. Analysis of the current state of the coal industry revealed negative trends that characterize its crisis state (a sharp decrease in coal production, deterioration of mining and geological conditions of coal seams, a constant reduction in the number of existing treatment faces, the increase in the cost of coal mining and a significant lag in the technical equipment of domestic mines from foreign). A retrospective analysis of the stages of development of the coal industry as a complex social and economic system, which is subject to cyclical fluctuations, allowed to establish the prerequisites for the crisis, to consider the methods of state regulation of the industry, the main periods of its restructuring and the consequences of the closure of mines.
  4. The system for assessing the performance of industrial enterprises is Central to their management. The improvement of these indicators depends on the fuller use of existing reserves by enterprises and the focus on improving the final results of work.
  5. The market Demand for coal products cannot be met by developing reserves in equally favourable natural conditions. On each mine field they will be the.
  6. Reducing the level of loss and supporting the economic potential of enterprises, the preservation of jobs - the essence and the main content of the investment policy and strategy of the state in the coal industry regions. Unfortunately, the main part of the financial resources is spent on compensating the loss of coal production. At the same time, the shortage of some brands of coking coal and anthracite support the interest of consumers in the market.

When writing this essay master's work has not yet been completed. Final completion: June 2019. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.


  1. Кабанов А. И. Прогнозы инновационного развития угольной отрасли / А. И. Кабанов // Вісник економічної науки України. – 2009. – № 1. – С. 84 – 88.