- Introduction
- 1. The theoretical basis of the technology for preparing coal for coking
- 1.1. Characterization of coking feedstock
- 1.2. General information on mandatory technological operations in the preparation of coal for coking
- 1.3. Schemes of the technological process for preparing coal for coking
- 2. Analysis of the preparation of coal for coking in the conditions of the Yasinovsky Coke and Chemical Plant (YCCP)
- 2.1.
Yasinovsky Coke and Chemical Plant
as a source of environmental pollution - References
Coal can be processed, depending on desire, into liquid, gaseous and solid fuels by hydrogenation, gasification, coking and semi-coking. From an economic point of view, the conversion of fossil fuels into coke is very advisable, since the relative value of a kilogram of carbon in coke is 1.5 times higher than in coal.
Given the above, it is reasonable to conclude that coking is one of the most efficient ways of processing fossil fossil fuels.
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that due to the negative environmental burden, there was a need to develop the scientific basis of coking with the aim of improving and technical re-equipment of coke production with increased requirements to reduce harmful emissions from coke production. One of the directions is the development of measures to reduce environmental pollution in the preparation of coal for coking.
The aim of the study is to develop measures to reduce environmental pollution in the preparation of coal for coking (for example, Yasinovsky coke plant).
The object of study is the preparation of coal for coking.
The subject of the study is theoretical and practical methods, means of improving and developing measures to reduce environmental pollution in the preparation of coal for coking.
In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks:
– determine the characteristics of the raw materials used for coking and its potential danger to the environment;
– show the infrastructure of the coal preparation shop;
– to analyze the technological schemes of preparing coal for coking;
– give the technological characteristics of the Yasinovsky coke-chemical plant;
– establish the environmentally hazardous consequences of the work of the YCCP, in particular the work of the coal preparation shop;
– to develop, as an action to reduce environmental pollution in the preparation of coal for coking, the technology of partial briquetting of a dust-gas mixture and industrial waste of an enterprise as an additive to a charge at PJSC Yakkaterinburg Chemical Plant.
The subject, goals and objectives of the graduate study determined the scientific and applied nature of the work. In this regard, it carries out both a theoretical study of the tasks and verification of the main conclusions and provisions in practice.
The methodological basis of the study are: a systematic approach, a system of methods of logical, structural-functional, economic, statistical analysis and synthesis, program-oriented methods.
The information base of the study. In the thesis used normative, factual, methodological materials and statistical data, as well as periodicals.
The scientific novelty of the results is: in the development of measures to reduce environmental pollution in the preparation of coal for coking, taking into account the specific operating conditions of the coal preparation workshop of the Yaklichny Zavod Plant and the latest trends that ensure a reduction in the environmental load on the environment.
Theoretical significance. The thesis defines the concept of preparing coals for coking
. Methodological principles and approaches to the formation of the technological infrastructure for preparing coal for coking are disclosed. The composition of the coals for the mixture and environmental loads during its formation are revealed; The potential of the existing technological infrastructure of the Yasinovsky Coke and Chemical Plant is investigated, the existing environmental performance indicators are substantiated; Recommended measures to reduce environmental pollution in the preparation of coal for coking.
The practical significance is determined by the application of the research results in the development of plans and programs for the strategic development and modernization of the Yasinovsky Coke and Chemical Plant.
1. The theoretical basis of the technology for preparing coal for coking
1.1. Characterization of coking feedstock
1.1. Characterization of coking feedstock
Among the main factors affecting the yields of coking products are the properties of the processed coal. However, regardless of the place of coal mining, practically the same relationships can be traced between the content of volatiles in it and the yield of coking products. As for the composition of the gas produced, an increase in the amount of volatile in coal leads to an increase in the concentration of methane, carbon monoxide and olefins in the gas, while the content of hydrogen and nitrogen decreases, and the volume fraction of carbon dioxide passes through a maximum of ~ 2% (vol. ) at the exit of volatile from coal ~ 28%.
The second group includes factors that depend mainly on the technology of the preparation of the charge and the coking process: the density of the bulk mass of the charge, the degree of grinding, humidity, temperature and coking rate.
1.2. General information on mandatory technological operations in the preparation of coal for coking
Coal crushing and grinding is a mandatory technological operation in preparing coal for coking.
Crushing is a technological process when particles of a material are brought to a particle size of more than 5 mm, grinding, when a material is obtained with particles of a particle size of less than 5 mm.
In the coal preparation workshop of coke-chemical enterprises it can be carried out as preliminary crushing of coal.
Preliminary crushing of coal is carried out to a particle size of 80 ... 100 mm.
The purpose of pre-crushing is to make coal more uniform in size to improve the dosing process in the preparation of the charge, as well as to increase the productivity of hammer crushers in the final grinding of coal.
The ingress of these objects into the path of the coal preparation workshop can cause clogging of the gutters, cutting of conveyor belts, and destruction of hammer crushers.
In fig. 1.1 presents a pre-crushing unit equipped with a drum crusher DB-28.

Figure 1.1 – The Department of pre-crushing, equipped with a drum crusher DB-28 [1]
1.3. Schemes of the technological process for preparing coal for coking
The complex operation of preparing coals for coking and the sequence of their execution is a diagram of the technological process of preparing a coal charge. The choice of the scheme and methods of preparing the charge is determined by the type of incoming coal (ordinary or enriched) and their technological properties, which depend mainly on natural properties.
2. Analysis of the preparation of coal for coking in the conditions of the Yasinovsky Coke and Chemical Plant (YCCP)
2.1. Yasinovsky coke plant as a source of environmental pollution
2.1. Yasinovsky coke plant as a source of environmental pollution
, being a modern coke-chemical enterprise, implements a complex of complex technological processes characterized by the large tonnage of consumed raw materials and auxiliary materials, continuous production, a variety of apparatuses, a wide range of products, which is inevitably associated with the formation of emissions of pollutants, by-products and waste [8–11].
Reducing emissions of pollutants at PJSC YCCP
is one of the most important tasks to be solved along with production. To solve it, modern technologies are being introduced with sufficiently high financial costs.
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