Brief resume
Name | Marina Riabtseva |
Date of birth | September 25, 1980 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | 1987–1997 – School I–III steps No. 107; 1997–1998 – Gymnasium named after V. Stus No. 107. |
Technical College | 1998–2001 – Donetsk Chemical Engineering College, specialty Analytical quality control of chemical compounds. |
University | 2015–2018 – Donetsk National Technical University, correspondence department of the Institute of Innovative Technologies, specialty chemical technologist– bachelor; 2018–2020 – Donetsk National Technical University, correspondence department of the Institute of Innovative Technologies, specialty chemical technologist– master. |
Personal qualities | Stress-resistant, sociable, hardworking. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating systems: Windows, Android; 2. Application programs: Microsoft Office; 3. Markup languages: HTML, CSS. |
Additional courses, internships, grants | The presence of a driver’s license, experience with office equipment. |
Professional experience | 2003–2005 – Donetskprodtorg – computer typing operator; 2005–2007 – DP SESA-TradeDonetsk – office manager; February 2015 – Hydrometeorological Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR, position – Technician Laboratory Assistant, Category I. |
Future plans | Job title – chemical engineer. |
Contact information | |