- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Overview of resource promotion technology including educational.
- 4. Development of information resources
- Conclusion
- References
The number of Internet users is increasing every year. New types of promotion of information resources are becoming increasingly important. Internet promotion. In modern conditions, the user receives objective information, which means information and perception as an answer to the question. Promotion on the Internet differs from various types of promotion and has the following advantages: operational analysis and adjustment of the advertising campaign in the course of its conduct. The second important advantage is its interactivity (the ability to receive feedback from the consumer through an advertising medium). Also, online advertising has the effect of self-promotion. Our list has a relatively low promotion cost.
1. Theme urgency
On the Internet, thousands of information resources are created daily. Information resources on the Internet can carry a different function: educational, informational, news, entertainment, etc. Almost every one of them needs to be promoted. Promotion of an information resource includes a large number of stages that begin with the idea of creating a resource. Given the above, the problem of promoting information resources is relevant.
Master's work is dedicated to the actual scientific task of development a unified approach to the synthesis of Moore FSM, which is directing on hardware amount reduction in resultant device and is including algorithmic, combinatory and circuitry optimizing techniques. FPGAs by Xilinx, which combine functionality, programmability and availability to consumers, are used as the target basis. CAD Xilinx ISE, Verilog HDL and Java SE are applied as tools of the research.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the study is to study the effective use of modern computer infrastructure for promoting information resources.
Main tasks of the research:
- AOverview of the main trends in the development of computer infrastructure
- Determination of the main characteristics and features of modern computer infrastructure.
- Forecast of the development of modern computer infrastructure.
- Overview of technologies for promoting information resources in the context of their effectiveness.
- Development of options for promoting specific resources and their implementation.
- A comparative study of implemented options and their effectiveness.
3. Overview of resource promotion technology including educational.
Today, there are a large number of diverse technologies and ways to promote information resources. Some require additional investments; others are shareware. Each of them, to one degree or another, is aimed at increasing the number of visitors to the resource as well as its maximum recognition.
An educational resource can be understood as a resource that contains information on disciplines and specialties studied at the university, information on the teaching staff, as well as information on events and scientific conferences held at the university. Also on this resource can be placed the necessary educational and training materials, catalogs and descriptions of educational resources, auxiliary electronic resources, reference information, interactive and news sections, information about conferences and Internet conferences, multimedia support and test systems, as well as all necessary for the training process: teaching methods, stages, lecture plans, hours, and, finally, all that is necessary for training. [1]
Conventionally, there are 5 main rules for promoting a resource:- The presence of the correct domain name, which will be "heard" by users;
- The presence of the correct site structure, which is understandable and convenient for users;
- Search engine optimization of the site, through semantic analysis of texts or highlighting keywords.
- Placing advertising links and banners on the resource on other sites and vice versa, placing links to other sites on the educational site.
- Use of additional types of promotion.
An educational site is the “face” of a university. A university, due to an incomplete educational site, can easily lose a large number of people who want to enter this university. Indeed, if an applicant, having visited the site of an unfamiliar university, does not find the necessary information about this university and his chosen specialty, then he will lose interest in this university.
Development of information resources
An important part of promoting an information resource is its creation. It is here that the foundation is laid on which then all the other bricks of a successful resource are superimposed. When developing a site, it is important not only to write the code correctly from the point of view of programming, but also to draw up the correct structure of the site that would allow in the future with less effort to deal with its promotion.
The main tools for creating the appearance of the site are the HTML hypertext markup language and the so-called CSS style sheets. JavaScript is responsible for the dynamic elements, and for storing and processing the database information itself and a bunch of PHP and MySQL. It also becomes a choice to write a content management system, and admin panel yourself or use ready-made engines that provide an already defined set of tools for basic site management.
From the point of view of choosing a content management system for an information site, the first thing that comes to mind is the Wordpress system. It has a fairly large set of basic functions, as well as the ability to expand them using additional plug-ins. In this work, it will be used exactly to create the resource.
Effective use of modern computer infrastructure to promote information resources is an urgent task for the solution of which a complex of measures is needed. In the framework of the studies performed:
- The main factors wagging on the promotion of an information resource were identified.
- The moments requiring solutions to complete the task are highlighted.
- Further research focuses on the following aspects:
- The main characteristics and features of modern computer infrastructure are determined.
- The analysis of the main trends in the development of computer infrastructure.
- Developed options for promoting an information resource.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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