Attention! When writing this essay-review on the topic, the master's work has not yet been completed. Work protection will be held in the summer of 2020, the full text will be available from the author or supervisor after the specified date.
Goals and objectives
The purpose of the master's work is to optimize the distribution of educational load faculty to improve the quality of education.
The implementation of the goal involves the following tasks:
- analysis of methodology of formation and calculation of educational load in higher education institution;
- overview of methods of distribution and optimization of learning load;
- mathematical formulation of the problem;
- development of a model for calculating and optimizing the learning load;
- software implementation;
- checking the efficiency of the model and optimization algorithm;
- definition of effective parameters.
The pedagogical process is aimed at the transfer of knowledge and skills of the teacher to students. The main element of the organization of such a process is its planning in accordance with the legislation and local acts of the educational organization [1]. The planning includes the preparation of documentation, the main purpose of which is to create high-quality training of students in the appropriate profile. Such documentation includes the learning load (LL). LL is primarily formed by the Department (DL), which then distributed among the teaching staff (DLTS). DLTS is demonstrates the relationship of the teacher, disciplines and groups, which based on numerous factors affecting the quality of education at the University. The first part of the factors specified in the relevant documents, the second part is expressed in the individual characteristics of the teacher:
- teaching experience, level of knowledge, preference for a particular discipline;
- preference of a certain type of occupation, etc.
Distribution of DLTS is carried out on the basis of DL by the head of the Department, then checked and signed by the educational Department of the University. The duration and complexity of this process depends on the established restrictions, the actual staff and the amount of reading subjects. Thus, the more training profiles and, accordingly, subjects and graduating departments, the more complex the process, which requires a responsible employee of high professionalism and significant time costs. I propose to consider possible methods of automation of DLTS distribution in order to improve the efficiency and productivity of the teaching staff and, as a consequence, the quality of educational services of the University.
Scientific novelty
The mathematical formulation of the problem of effective distribution of the DLTS is formulated, taking into account all the restrictions associated with the specifics of the problem. A modified genetic algorithm of multicriteria optimization has not been used for similar systems before.
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