Attention!At the time of writing this abstract, the master's work is not completed. Estimated completion date – May 2020. The full text of the work and materials on the research can be obtained from the author or his scientific adviser after the specified date.
- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research, expected outcomes
- 3. Overview of existing methods for protecting graphic materials
- 3.1 Application
- 3.2 Hidden transparent image
- 3.3 Using segmentation
- 3.4 Blocking the right mouse button
- 4. The author's approach to the protection of graphic materials from parse
- Conclusion
- References
Protection of information and graphic materials is currently one of the most urgent problems of the world wide web. This is a very extensive topic and requires the attention of any Internet resource owner. Images are probably the most common type of content. As a result, there is a need to protect graphic materials. They illustrate articles in electronic mass Media and on personal pages of users, provide visibility and attractiveness of advertising and information resources. A beautiful, relevant image can attract attention to the site, increase interest in the information posted on it, and make a person linger on it in an endless journey through the expanses of the world wide web. [1 – 2]
1. Theme urgency
With the advent of free access to the Internet, when information became available and operational, the question of its protection became even more urgent. Since looking for illustrations, most people just type in the appropriate query in any search engine and choose the right one from the images they like, without thinking about who owns the rights to it and whether the author agrees to use it, for example, for commercial purposes, to advertise a particular product.
Webmasters and owners of web resources have to find ways to protect the copyright of the site themselves, and most often resort to technical rather than legal methods. The fact that the only 100% protecting the page from viewing HTML code is a disabled server, because if the page is available for at least one of the browsers, the visitor always has the opportunity to save the code of this page. Therefore, all technical methods of protecting HTML code can be divided into 2 ways: encryption of HTML code and other methods (disabling the right mouse button, prohibiting the saving of images using scripts, bringing html code into a difficult state for perception, etc.). [3]
2. Goal and tasks of the research, expected outcomes
The purpose of this work is to develop a method and algorithm for protecting graphic materials of an information site from parsing.
The following tasks were set for the implementation of the master's work:
- Analyze the issue and study the literature and Internet sources on methods of protection of graphic materials;
- Review current methods and algorithms for protecting graphic materials;
- Determine the effectiveness of existing methods for protecting graphic materials;
The result of this work is the development of the author's method and algorithm for protecting graphic materials of information sites from parsing.
3. Overview of existing methods for protecting graphic materials
This section describes several current methods of protection.
3.1 Applicationwatermark
Creating watermarks & ndash is a technique for superimposing one image on another. Applying a watermark is often used by photographers to indicate the authorship of the photo. Watermark is also often used by owners of online stores for copy protection.
You can create a watermark on an image in a variety of ways, either manually or automatically using helper programs. You can manually apply a watermark using Photoshop or any other image editor, but it will take much longer. To save time, there are special programs for automatic, mass watermarking, online or installation for a desktop computer. Services for the creation of watermarks: Watermark Image, WaterMarquee, PicMarkr, Watermark.ws and others.[4]
Figure 1 – Example of applying a watermark
3.2 Hidden transparent image
In the image editor, a transparent image is created and superimposed over the original image using HTML and CSS methods. When copying using the context menu, only the top transparent image is saved. For this purpose, you can also use the Photo Protect plugin.
Minus: you can bypass the plugin using the page's source code.[5 – 6]
Figure 2 – Example of a hidden transparent image
3.3 Using segmentation
The principle of segmentation is to divide the image into parts and then assemble the photo on the page into a single whole. When you save this snapshot to the user's computer, only part of it will be saved. This approach is not very convenient because you need to store several parts of a single snapshot on the server. This will lead to additional server loads and will take a lot of time to prepare the photo for publication.[7]
The disadvantage of this method is the length of page loading due to an increase in the number of files. In addition, high-quality implementation of the method requires a lot of time.
Figure 3 – Example of image segmentation
3.4 Blocking the right mouse button
It is often believed that by blocking visitors from calling the context menu with a right-click, they can prevent the content of their web page from being stolen. But, this is not exactly true. Disabling clicks the right mouse button can be easily bypassed by more experienced users, and access to more parts of the code page does not require a click with the right mouse button. You can also access the context menu using the keyboard. On the keyboard, you can execute a right-click command by holding down the Shift key and pressing the F10 key
If you really need to disable right-clicking on a page on your site, you can use very simple JavaScript that blocks access to the context menu. Adding only this small piece of code to the body tag of your web page will block your visitors from accessing the context menu (which is called by right-clicking).[8]
4. Author's method for protecting graphic materials from parsing
The author’s method of protecting graphic materials of a site is based on a model of network interaction client–server. The protection of the website’s graphic content is based on the fact that all the graphic content is not loaded automatically by the browser, as is usually the case when adding images to HTML code using a tag <img>,and by executing JavaScript code executed after the page has finished loading. Thus, when saving a page, protected images will not be saved, as modern browsers usually do not execute JavaScript code when saving a page. JavaScript code itself will consist of two parts: open and secure. In the protected part there are image identifiers, as well as an indication of the place in HTML–code, where this image should be inserted. The protected part is uploaded to the page later by executing an AJAX request. The open part of the JavaScript code is used to load protected images, therefore in the future we will call it the loader. Thus, to download images, the browser is forced to send an additional request to the server using AJAX technology, i.e. the provision of images to the end user is fully controlled by the server and may be suspended or extended at any time. The interaction model is shown in Figure 4. During development, it was decided to use a programming language JavaScript[9], scripting language PHP[10], feature set jQuery[11], server interaction technology AJAX[12] and a relational database management system, abbr. RDBMS.[13]
Figure 4 – Interaction model client–server.
In the case of using the copyright protection method, the owner of the Web resource must embed the source code of the loader on the pages of his resource then using the attached script–utilities:
- convert the HTML code of your site’s pages so that the tags <img> all images that need protection have been removed from the source code of the page;
- assign unique numbers to each protected image– identifiers–and create a list of these images as a JSON file. Information about each protected image will include its identifier, its path on the server and the place where it must be inserted in the HTML code. Save the file to a folder on the server, access to which must be limited only for PHP scripts that run on behalf of the site owner;
- move the protected images themselves to a folder on the server that has the same rights as the folder mentioned in the previous paragraph. Protected images can be stored together with the list of images or in a separate folder.
The utility performs all these actions automatically when it starts. For the end user, the principle of the method can be arbitrarily represented in the form of the following steps:
- User logs on web–resource, opening it in a browser. The browser sends the user full HTML page code with a built-in loader;
- After the page is fully loaded, the browser will launch the bootloader for execution. It initiates an AJAX request to the server, which will send a list of protected files and the places where they should be in the user's browser.
The browser, having received them, will insert the missing <img> tags in HTML code, and unique identifiers are used to identify images.
Thus, as a result of the bootloader, entries of the form will be added to the desired places in the HTML code <img src=
>; - Due to the change in the structure of the HTML code, the browser will begin to send additional requests for downloading images, passing the image identifier as a parameter;
- The response script located on the server, having received the image identifier, will be able to identify it and transmit it to the client. The principle of the author's method of protecting images is illustrated in picture 5.
As a result of the research work, materials were collected and studied on issues related to the theme of the master's work. Existing current methods of protecting graphic materials are considered.
The work carried out allows us to conclude that the existing methods of protecting the graphic materials of the information site from parsing have certain disadvantages. It is shown that a trained user will be able to circumvent such protection. This poses the task of developing its own method of protecting the graphic materials of an information site from parsing, which will provide more reliable protection.
- Æóëèê, íå âîðóé: çàùèòà èçîáðàæåíèé îò êîïèðîâàíèÿ (9 ñïîñîáîâ) [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïà: https://singree.com/blog/9-tips-to-protect-your-images-copyrights/.
- Çàùèòà èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûõ àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ â Èíòåðíåòêå [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïà: https://www.a-priority.ru/site/site.html.
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- 5 ïðîâåðåííûõ ñåðâèñîâ äëÿ íàíåñåíèÿ âîäÿíûõ çíàêîâ [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïà: https://www.analizsaita.ru/info/articles/5-proverennykh-servisov-dlya-naneseniya-vodyanykh-znakov/.
- 10 ñïîñîáîâ çàùèòû èçîáðàæåíèé ñàéòà îò êîïèðîâàíèÿ è âîðîâñòâà [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïà: https://www.designonstop.com/press/10-sposobov-zashhity-izobrazhenij-sajta-ot-kopirovaniya-i-vorovstva.htm.
- Ñêàçêà î ñïðàâåäëèâîñòè: êàê ñïàñòè ôîòî è âèäåî îò êîïèðîâàíèÿ [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïà: https://1ps.ru/blog/texts/2017/skazka-o-spravedlivosti-kak-spasti-foto-i-video-ot-kopirovaniya/.
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