- Introduction
- 1.Theme urgency
- 2.Goal and tasks of the research
- 3.The main principles of resource formation
- 4.Directions for the efficient use of enterprise resources
- 5.Improving the enterprise resource management system
- Conclusion
- References
The formation and development of an economic system focused on the intensification of the use of resources is impossible without the development of scientifically based methods and tools for managing the processes of using the enterprise’s production resources. In conditions of increasing resource shortages, the use of a set of measures for the rational use of material resources can increase efficiency and reduce the level of uncertainty in the enterprise, which, along with improving product quality, is an important competitive advantage in increasing the market share of the enterprise.
1. Theme urgency
In modern economic conditions, the most important problem is the limited resources, which necessitates improving the efficiency of their use in the conditions of the enterprise. This makes it necessary to formulate new approaches to the resource management process both at the state level and at the enterprise level..
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the study is to consider methods and tools for managing production resources at an enterprise, study the mechanism for managing production resources of an enterprise, and develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of using these methods.
Subject of research:scientific principles and economic methods of formation and use of enterprise production resources.
Object of study: the process of managing enterprise production resources.
In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are formulated:
- reveal the economic nature and role of resources in the activities of the enterprise;
- consider the classification of enterprise resources;
- analyze resource management activities;
- to study the state of the resource management system in the enterprise;
- consider the problems in resource management by the example of an industrial enterprise;
- develop guidelines for improving the resource management system at the enterprise.
The research of this theme did: B. A. Anikina, S. Kolesnikova, A. M. Zevakova, G. A. Kobrinsky, M. Linders, A. D. Maydanova, M. A. Matushkina, I. M. Basco, L. B. Mirotina, Zarichanskaya E. V.
The scientific significance of the work lies in revealing the theoretical foundations and developing methodological recommendations for improving the enterprise resource management system.
Testing the results of the work: The main scientific and practical provisions of the work were presented at scientific conferences: “Resource conservation. Efficiency. Development ”in 2017 – 2018, the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference, Gorlovka.
3. The main principles of resource formation
The activities of the enterprise should be based on an effective management policy of the enterprise, which is manifested in increasing competitiveness, improving the quality of products, increasing profits in the reporting period. Also, the primary factor should be the introduction of an effective enterprise resource management policy, which is one of the most important branches of production management.
Resources are an important component, as they are factors used for the production of economic goods [1].
The classification of resources is presented in table 1.

Table 1 – Classification of resources
The enterprise’s production resources include those resources that the company uses directly in the technological process and which are in any way connected with the activities and functioning of a particular enterprise.
The main objective of the formation of production resources is to ensure the achievement of the goals of the enterprise – the implementation of its economic purpose and profit. To achieve this goal, the planning of production resources and the melon resource management system has the following tasks:
- uninterrupted production process;
- production at all stages of the production process with the lowest cost;
- production with maximum output.
It is precisely because of the inefficient management of enterprise resources in individual companies that salary arrears, shortages of goods or raw materials can arise [2].
Internal manifestations of enterprise competitiveness are, in particular, material resources. The desire to obtain competitive advantages over enterprises in a particular industry gives rise to the emergence of scientific research on the formation of modern ways of managing the competitiveness of an enterprise.
The process of rationalizing the consumption of materials provides for the rational and efficient use of all types of material resources, accompanied by an increase in material productivity and the productivity of aggregate social labor.
Since one of the main subsystems of enterprise management is the management of material resources, it includes the processes of procurement, supply, distribution of material resources of the enterprise. The main task of managing material resources is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of management.
The enterprise resource management system is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – The system of material management of the enterprise
(animation: 6 frames, 7 cycles of repetition, 145 kilobytes)
The enterprise resource management system is created to manage a specific business entity and cannot be regulated by norms and standards binding on everyone. A well-organized enterprise resource management system provides not only the control of the current operation of the enterprise, but also the improvement of the future performance.
4. Directions for the efficient use of enterprise resources
The enterprise resource management system includes many components, the regulation of which in the aggregate, it is possible to achieve the effective operation of the enterprise.
First of all, it is necessary to take into account the most technological methods associated with the introduction of certain automated systems at the enterprise. ERPs are becoming more and more popular in practice. They are systems that allow you to create a unified environment for planning, accounting, control and analysis of the main operations of the enterprise. The introduction of these systems entails increased control over all components of the company’s activities and ensures the growth and further development of the company.
Functionality of ERP-systems:
- financial management;
- tracking the logistics of the enterprise;
- formation of a logistic chain;
- staff motivation;
- regulation of relationships with suppliers and customers [3].
ERP-systems are focused on the continuous balancing and optimization of enterprise resources through a specialized integrated application software package.
Management of the enterprise as a whole proceeds from its competitiveness in the market, increasing which you can increase the size of profit. Resource management is based on an assessment of the use of the latest technologies and innovations as one of the factors of competitiveness, which is taken into account in the applied management strategy. So, for example, modern promising technological processes are being actively implemented in many industries: in the space industry, aviation, housing construction, instrument making. The use of additive technology opens up the possibility of manufacturing products according to the digital model by the method of layer-by-layer addition of material using computer 3-D technologies: 3D printing, stereolithography, layer-by-layer polymer application, laser sintering of metal materials, direct laser growth of metal products, cold gas-dynamic spraying. Undoubtedly, this technology must be taken into development by many companies and enterprises, however, require significant investments to introduce additive technologies [4].
It is also necessary to note other areas of efficient use of enterprise resources. Relying on the fact that in the current conditions of transition to a market economy, improving the quality indicators of the use of production resources (reducing unit costs of materials in the cost of production, all-round savings, etc.) is of great importance, it is recommended that enterprises introduce non-waste technologies into production. The technology of non-waste production in the first place sets itself the task of reducing the cost of materials by recycling them, as well as reducing the harmful effects on the environment.
The use of non-waste technologies at the enterprise implies compliance with certain requirements, which are aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise through the introduction of innovative resource-saving technologies [5].
These requirements include:
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
- Production using recycled raw materials;
- Reduction of technological stages;
- The use of continuity technology in the process in order to achieve savings in raw materials and energy;
- Increasing the capacity of units to rational indicators;
- Use of automated processes;
- Implementation of a process for cleaning processed raw materials;
- The use of biological fuels [6].
It should be noted that non-waste production requires some reorganization of the enterprise, respectively, the volume of waste is reduced in stages.
Thus, the continued effective use of material and energy resources requires the organization of economy of raw materials, materials and energy resources, which should cover all areas of the enterprise. At the present stage of economic development, the issues of resource saving, reducing harmful environmental impacts on the environment and reducing resource losses in production processes are becoming increasingly relevant.
At the same time, industrial enterprises, being complex systems operating in conditions of increased competition, experience a constant shortage of necessary natural resources. This necessitates the introduction of resource-saving technologies into production that will help solve the identified problem. The basis for the organization of this methodology is the enterprise-oriented technological development of the enterprise, which covers four complex tasks:
- Savings in raw materials, materials and energy resources inherent in the process of product development.
- Design and implementation of waste processing systems for production and consumption, use of secondary resources in the production cycle.
- Improvement of the technological process, the implementation of research and development.
- The use of resource conservation – is to maximize the conservation of available natural resources at all stages of the production process of the enterprise.
Resource-saving methods are shown in table 2 [7].

Table 2 – Methods of implementation of resource conservation
5. Improving the enterprise resource management system
In the third section of the master's thesis, it is supposed to consider directions for improving the mechanism of enterprise resource management. It is planned to consider the existing mechanism of enterprise resource management, as well as develop recommendations for improving the enterprise’s production resource management system based on economic and mathematical modeling. It is also planned to carry out a performance assessment from the implementation of the proposed activities.
Thus, the effective management of production resources of the enterprise is an important factor in improving the efficiency of the enterprise. The necessary measures that can be used in the technological chain should be comprehensive and characteristic for enterprises of a particular industry. The considered methods of application at the enterprise will ensure the growth of profit and market share of the enterprise.
One of the priority areas for increasing the efficiency of resource use is resource saving: based on the introduction of progressive norms, standards and resource-saving technologies, the organization of effective accounting and control over the use of resources, the study and implementation of best practices in the implementation of the saving regime.
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