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In the current and constantly changing structure of the national economy, increasing competition, human resources of the organization are of paramount importance. In particular, the fundamental development of both the enterprise and society as a whole depends on the competence of personnel, their professional and individual qualities. The strategic development of the enterprise requires the improvement of human resources, as well as the involvement of professional, creative and innovative potential of employees with a high level of managerial and professional competencies.

1. Theme urgency

In the aggregate of issues considered for the strategic activity of the enterprise, among which, competitive advantage, development strategy, improving the organizational and economic management mechanism, an important place is occupied by the study of applied aspects of personnel management, in particular, the introduction of innovative technologies aimed at realizing the labor potential of the enterprise through a synergistic approach to HR management

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of the study is to consider the theoretical and methodological foundations, develop proposals and practical recommendations for the formation of a synergetic personnel management system of the organization.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. To consider the goals and objectives of strategic personnel management.
  2. Explore the basic elements of strategic personnel management.
  3. Consider the synergistic effect in personnel management as a factor in the strategic management of the enterprise.

Research object: Processes associated with the formation of the personnel management strategy of the organization.

Research subject:Theoretical and methodological foundations and practical issues of the synergistic effect in personnel management as a factor in the strategic management of the organization.

3. Theoretical aspects of strategic personnel management

3.1 The relationship of HR strategy and organization development strategy

Strategic personnel management is the management of the formation of the organization’s competitive labor potential, taking into account the ongoing and upcoming changes in its external and internal environment, allowing the organization to survive, develop and achieve its goals in the long term [1].

Strategic personnel management involves managing the organization’s team based on correct and far-reaching forecasts of the development of the organization and its environment. This management is based on human potential as the foundation of the organization [7].

Between the personnel management strategy and the organizational strategy of which it is a part, various options for interaction are traced. In accordance with this, three main approaches to explaining the HR strategy are determined, which differ in the degree to which they are tied to the business strategy and are examined in more detail in Fig. 1.

Рicture 1 - The main approaches of the HR strategy

Based on the known levels of development of the organization’s strategy (corporate, business, functional), we clarify that the personnel management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels [11]:

  1. For the organization as a whole in accordance with its general strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organizational level;
  2. for individual areas of activity (business) of a diversified, diversified company - as a functional strategy of each business sector, corresponding to the goals of this sphere.

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They consist in the fact that within the traditional areas of personnel work, strategic aspects are becoming increasingly important. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as planning for personnel needs, selection, business evaluation, training and others act as components of a personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, in tune with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization [6].

The concept of strategic personnel management includes [10]:

  1. A situational analysis, as well as a forecast of the entire range of production, entrepreneurial, internal and external factors;
  2. the potential of research and development;
  3. management system and organizational forms;
  4. internal principles of labor management.

Thus, strategic management should include not only determining the general course of the organization’s activities, but also increasing the motivation and interest of all employees in its implementation [3].

The essence of strategic personnel management lies in answering three critical questions:

  1. Where is the organization and its staff now;
  2. in what direction, according to senior management, should staff develop in accordance with the development strategy of the company;
  3. how personnel should develop in order to become what is required to fulfill new tasks of the company in the future.

In each particular case, the personnel management strategy may not cover all, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategies of the organization, goals and strategy of personnel management. The components of personnel management strategies are shown in pic. 2.

Рicture 2 - Components of HR strategy

The strategic personnel management system ensures the creation of structures, information channels, and most importantly the formation of a personnel management strategy, its implementation and control over this process. In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover all, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategies of the organization, goals and strategy of personnel management [4].

Strategic management is based on human potential as the foundation of the organization. The core of the organization’s strategic management is the system of strategies, which includes the personnel management strategy, which is a priority area developed by the organization’s management aimed at creating a competitive, highly professional, responsible and close-knit workforce focused on achieving long-term goals and implementing the organization’s overall strategy.

3.2 Current trends in the development of management strategies

The term "strategic management" appeared in the scientific literature in the second half of the twentieth century. Such a term was introduced to indicate the differences between operational management at the level of departments, branches and services and high-level management [5].

At the end of the twentieth century, management as a form of practical work entered a new stage in its development, when top managers began to pay great attention to environmental issues. This approach allows you to respond in time and take appropriate measures in connection with changes in the external environment, which also helps to create a competitive advantage for the company.

Current strategic management trends include:

  1. Transition to an open strategic management model;
  2. Increasing the flexibility of strategic decisions;
  3. Innovation;
  4. Humanization of management;
  5. The exceptional meaning of “individual organization”.

The incentives for the introduction of innovative technologies and the manifestation of innovative activity in the field of strategic personnel management for each enterprise are individual, however, the common motive is the desire to ensure sustainable development in the face of fierce competition.

3.3 Synergetic effect in personnel management as a factor of strategic enterprise management

The combination of internal incentives determines the choice of an innovative staff development strategy. At the moment, the domestic economy is experiencing crisis phenomena, at the same time increasing competition in the markets, require economic entities to search for new approaches to increase the overall efficiency of the enterprise’s labor resources. One such condition is organizational synergy.

Purposeful intracorporate interaction with scientific theory and practice is considered on the basis of an integrated approach focused on an adequate understanding by the top management of the enterprise of the possibilities of complementing the activities of the association members. The preparation and implementation of common programs and projects, the organization of systematic work on the implementation of corporate standards and values, the development of agreed decision-making technologies should be standards for the effectiveness of the overall activity. Thus, the system of practical measures providing the cumulative effect of personnel activities (synergies) should be aimed at developing regulations for synergistic interaction of the enterprise labor resources [9].

From the definition given by Solovienko K.N. in the scientific and practical publication: synergetics (theory of complex systems) - a scientific field that studies the laws of self-organization of systems of various nature. Self-organization is a systemic phenomenon of spontaneous occurrence and autonomous support of complex structures, orders and consistent behavior

Synergy involves the study of systems consisting of a large number of subsystems that interact in a complex way. It should be noted that the synergistic effect can be positive and negative. With a negative value, synergy in personnel management is considered ineffective and this system is rejected [8].

In modern personnel management, there are three processes that are implemented into an aggregate effect, which is combined into collective thinking in the first place:

  1. An effective exchange of knowledge and current information between employees of the organization;
  2. Adequate planning;
  3. Current coordination of work.

In more detail, the system of practical measures providing the cumulative effect of the personnel’s activity is considered schematically in Fig. 3.

Synergetic system of the personnel management area

Figure 3 - Synergetic system of the personnel management area
(animation: 5 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 160 kilobytes)
(xi – input signals, yi – bites of state code, zi – output signals)

Synergy in modern conditions occurs vertically or horizontally at the same time, the cumulative effect of both positive and negative arises as a result of interaction with factors of the organization as a whole. The basis of the concept of the theory of complex systems uses the following statements [12]:

  1. Organization - a complex system, in many ways similar to living organisms;
  2. Organization is a complex system, therefore, it is impossible to predict the result of its changes by and large;
  3. Better when the change initiative comes from within the organization;
  4. The organization of changes does not consist in their planning, but in promoting self-organization of the system;
  5. The goal of the management consultant is not to change the organization, but to help it become more prepared for change.

Analysis of different-quality criteria that determine the realistic content of the synergistic effect of staff interaction may consist of the following steps: We are all connected to each other - this is an important point in theory. With the help of this condition, a feedback chain is built that coordinates the activities of personnel and adapts it to change the external environment of the organization. At the same time, the isolation of employees from each other and from divisions, when employees are islands divided into departments, is reduced and target settings appear that do not contradict the collective interests of various groups. It is advisable to formulate goals in the following areas of activity: organizational and production potential, competitiveness, market participation, fixed assets, scientific and technical development and research. The criteria for the formation of a system of goals is concreteness, realism, balance.

A new leader role - the leader is responsible for creating conditions that facilitate quick adaptation to innovations, and not strengthen unjustified control over employees, perceives the team as a whole, encourages staff training and development, supports the development of self-sustaining trends, opens up self-organization channels, removes barriers to her way.

On the verge of house - it is a key system of the theory of synergetic management and this is the state of the organization when it is most ready and capable of changes. However, stable and chaotic systems are difficult to change. The most productive state, according to this theory, is precisely on the verge of house changes at the enterprise (organization) are easy, small incentives can cause big changes. But it is not possible to find out exactly whether the enterprise is on the verge of house, in this condition the manager can, only hopes for his intuition.

Emergence in organizations is the possibility of a “miracle”, which sometimes manifests itself in the life of complex systems. It is found in the emergence of new structures, properties, qualities or patterns of behavior at the macro level that arise from interaction at the micro level. Moreover, these new properties cannot be deduced from the properties of parts of the system.

The main feature of emergence is that this process cannot be controlled, it cannot be predicted, and it cannot be controlled.The market method of housekeeping requires appropriate skills and concretization of knowledge for effective functioning. In this regard, a paradoxical situation arises, the contradiction of which lies in the urgent need for experienced personnel who own new management methods and the lack of conditions for developing these skills as a result of authoritarian approaches to enterprise management

At the same time, the liberalization of management, the provision of an independent decision-making right to managers at different levels, will lead to an imbalance in the personnel management system and the loss of the original intention of integration interaction [13].


Thus, in the conditions of domestic reality, rationally reasonable administration and a combination of two approaches: centralized and decentralized. Centralized management will allow to form a complex of corporate problems and exercise control over their solution, decentralization will be implemented on the principles of self-government, stimulating initiative from below, developing the entrepreneurial qualities of the staff. At the same time, it is advisable to introduce a synergistic approach into the personnel management model based on the conscious and voluntary participation of personnel, the organization of feedback in the formation of enterprise development strategies, and the role of senior management is reduced to the coordination activity of interactive coordination of interests of various groups of participants, stimulation of self-organization and self-learning, organizational capacity building.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: June 2020. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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