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Relevance of the topic. In the context of the globalization of the world economy, increasing the intellectualization of industrial and commercial activities of enterprises, the problem of forming a strategy for the socio-economic development of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, which would be able to increase their competitiveness, profitability and efficiency, create favorable working conditions, expand sales markets by attracting both as many consumers as possible.

Permanent changes provide for an increase in social responsibility in all its aspects, the introduction of innovative methods of activity, which for the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex are necessarily accompanied by an improvement in the quality of service provision by expanding the assortment and the validity of their tariffication.

Under these conditions, the necessary modification of scientific approaches to organizational and methodological support for the formation of their strategy for socio-economic development. Accordingly, the activation of this issue, which is in the plane of interactive interaction and the quality management system, increases the potential for ensuring its growth and becomes a key point in the existence of enterprises in this field. The processes that occur in the coal industry have demonstrated the imperfection of the mechanism for developing a strategy for socio-economic development. New challenges that have arisen before the state,

The problem of forming a strategy for the socio-economic development of enterprises is attracting more and more attention of scientists from different countries. Among foreign researchers who have deeply studied this problem, it is worth highlighting L. Albared, R. Ankoff, I. Ansoff, J. Aras, L. Bartol, S.L. Vartika A.V. Williams, D. Wood, J. Coliman, P.L. Cochran, G. Minsberg, M. Porter, D.L. Swanson, B. Seligman, V.S. Frideck, M. Schwartz.

These issues are also reflected in the writings of domestic scientists such as O.V. Aparova, O.V. Balakhonova, D.O. Puddle, S.M. Bonyar O.P. Vashchenko, O.V. Vinogradova, D.A. Goroviy, O.E. Hutz, O.Yu. Gusev, G.V. Diha, G.A. Dmitrenko, V.K. Zbarsky, I.M. Zelisko, K.S. Kaymashnikov, Z.S. Cairo, O.A. Knyazev, O.I. Koltun, D.G. Lukyanenko, T.B. Superthin A.P. Nalivaiko, O.V. Pie, V.S. Ponomarenko, O.V. Raevneva M.S. Rimkina, R.V. Sevastyanov, L.S. Seliverstova, A. Sychova, N. Sychov P.A. Stetsyuk, V.G. Sumtsov, T.V.Semkina, I.V. Tyukha, R.V. Feshchur Z.E. Shershneva and others, paying tribute to the scientific work of scientists, it should be noted that today there is no clear strategy for the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises and the mechanism for its formation.

The above determines the choice of the research topic, goal, task, object, subject, presentation logic, its scientific and applied value.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is the substantiation of theoretical and methodological approaches and the development of practical recommendations on the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises, contributing to an increase in their socio-economic efficiency and competitiveness of activities.

Achieving this goal necessitated the formulation and solution of the following main tasks:

- deepen understanding of the concept of “socio-economic development” through clarifying its essence for coal mining enterprises;

- streamline scientific provisions regarding the characteristics and content of the components of socio-economic development for coal mining enterprises to determine the need and the possibility of their adjustment;

- disclose the definitions of “strategy” and “strategy of socio-economic development of the enterprise” and clarify them for coal mining enterprises;

- summarize the models for developing strategies in order to determine their optimal combination to formulate a strategy for socio-economic development for coal mining enterprises;

- systematize the methodological and practical achievements of determining the level of assessment of socio-economic development, taking into account the characteristics of coal mining enterprises in the formation of their strategies;

- substantiate the methodological tools for determining the level of socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises using an integrated indicator, which consists of an assessment of its components and their significance coefficient;

- identify the main trends in the modern socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises in the DPR;

- evaluate the components and indicators of socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises to develop strategic directions of their activities;

- develop scientific and practical recommendations on the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises to ensure their effectiveness and competitiveness in the market;

- to offer methodological foundations for optimization to maximize the profit of a communications enterprise as the main component of its socio-economic development.

The object of research is a set of socio-economic processes and phenomena in the activities of coal mining enterprises.

The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and organizational-practical foundations of the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises.

Research Methods. The methodological and theoretical basis of the dissertation research is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the fundamental principles of economic theory, management theory, the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on theoretical and methodological issues of the socio-economic development of communications enterprises, as well as the achievements of world science in solving the problems of forming their strategy.

The tasks set in the thesis were solved using general scientific and special methods.

Of the general scientific methods, the following methods were used: deduction (when constructing the structure of work in a logical relationship and studying the subject as a whole, the unity and interdependence of its individual components), induction (when forming general conclusions about the study), abstract-logical and synthesis (when clarifying the interpretation categorical tools for research topics), analysis (when developing classifications of strategies, studying trends in the socio-economic development of communications enterprises, processing their results) and historical (in the study of the evolution of the evolution of the economic essence of the socio-economic development of the enterprise).

In addition to the general scientific research methods, the following special methods were used in the dissertation: factor analysis (when studying the influence of individual factors on the socio-economic development of enterprises), design and construction method and comparison method (when substantiating the forecast of socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises and comparing actual and obtained results ), tabular and graphic (when analyzing and evaluating information), SWOT analysis (when assessing the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises events) economic – statistical (for identifying and causal relationships).

The information base of the study is the legislative and regulatory acts of the DPR, official publications of the DPR State Statistics Service, scientific papers of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of forming a strategy for the socio-economic development of enterprises, as well as the results of their own research.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of theoretical and methodological provisions and practical recommendations, which together solve an important scientific problem on the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises.

Section 1. Theoretical foundations of socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises

1.1 the Essence of socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises

The socio-economic development of any enterprise is an essential condition for its successful functioning. Especially important is the socio-economic development for coal mining enterprises. The essence of the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises has been studied by a large number of scientists. Today it is important to determine the need for socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises in order to ensure its effective functioning. Let us analyze several definitions of the socio-economic development of a coal mining enterprise proposed by leading scientists. Voronkova A.E. by socio-economic development refers to the characteristic of the dynamic state of a coal mining enterprise, due to the goals of its functioning and development, as well as the phenomenon of society’s life, which defines the “coordinate system” in which it carries out its vital activities [1, p.246] Dolishny MI and Zlupko S.M. determine the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises as the ability of its employees to cognize and create opportunities by integrating in space and time the processes of transformation of all types of resources for the production of material goods and services, pooling opportunities and processes for their implementation [2, p. 92]. Kachmarik Y.D. and Khutky R.I. consider socio-economic development as an integral set of interconnected and interacting social and economic institutions (entities) and relations regarding the distribution and consumption of tangible and intangible resources, production, distribution of exchange and consumption of goods and services [3, .142]. Melnik V.G. believes that socio-economic development is interpreted as a combination of all the resources available within it – material and spiritual, natural and labor, those that are already involved in the processes of social production and social development, and those resources that can be realized and used to strengthen socio-political stability, which will contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, increasing the efficiency of sectors of the economy. Feshchur R.V. and Tymoshchuk M.R. reveal the essence of socio-economic development as the ability to ensure long-term functioning and achievement of strategic goals based on the use of the system of available resources [4, p.136]. In turn, Tyukha I.V. formulated the following definition of the socio-economic development of a coal mining enterprise – this is a non-negotiable, directed, regular change in the economic situation and social infrastructure of a business entity as a result of which the enterprise transfers to a fundamentally new qualitative state [5]. Bychkov O.O. notes that socio-economic development is the ability of the system to maintain certain pace of movement and maintain equilibrium with external disturbances [6, p. 75]. Vorozheikin I.E. the socio-economic development of the coal mining enterprise is interpreted as the aggregate of all the resources available within its limits – material and spiritual, natural and labor; both already involved in the processes of production and social development, and those resources that can be realized and used to strengthen overall stability. [7, p. 45]. Rymkina M. derived the following definition of the socio-economic development of an enterprise – it is a continuous process of continuous improvement of positive qualitative changes, innovations in the production process, products, services, enterprise management with the effective use of available financial, labor, material, natural resources, aimed at increasing interests and meeting the needs of the team and improving the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole [8, p. 443] In this case, it is necessary to take into account the social aspects of enterprise development as determining factors in the formation of enterprise values, and economic aspects as core factors for improving the system as a whole [8, p. 443] Spare L.S. defines the socio-economic development of the enterprise as an irreversible, directed and regular change in the system based on the implementation of the inherent mechanisms of self-organization [9]. Ultrathin TB and Amelnitskaya O. V. reveal the essence of the socio-economic development of the enterprise as qualitative changes in its economic activity, which leads to the appearance of fundamentally new shifts in its socio-economic situation [10]. Bilovol R.I. believes that the socio-economic development of the enterprise is non-negotiable, directed, regular and positive change in the economic condition and social infrastructure of the enterprise, as a result of which it transfers to a fundamentally new qualitative state [11, p. 89]. Each of these definitions emphasizes that the socio-economic development of the enterprise is a rather complex process. The characteristic features of the development of enterprises include financial stability, an increase in production and marketing, an increase in economic efficiency, the use of enterprise resources, the availability of comfortable and safe working conditions for personnel, and their social security. Opposite forms of enterprise development are the concepts of progress and regression. Progressive periods of enterprise development change regressive phenomena [12]. Signs of socio-economic development of the enterprise should be considered: economic growth – the quantitative and positive side of the development of the economic system, which is characterized by the expansion of its scale (increasing production and sales, expanding part of the market, increasing the level of enterprise income) structural changes – these are changes associated with the transition to the latest progressive technologies for the use of resources that contribute to improving the final results of the enterprise: updating the range of products or services; introduction of innovative technologies in management; increase in enterprise capital; satisfaction of consumer needs by improving the quality of products or services in the enterprise; improving organizational communications and socio-psychological relations in the process of general labor at the enterprise; creation of comfortable working conditions; formation of corporate culture and business ethics, which is based on the principles of partnership; ensuring conditions for the professional development of personnel by increasing the level of education and training of managerial and production personnel

1.2 Components of socio-economic development of the enterprise

Socio-economic development is based on three main components: social, economic and environmental, which, in turn, contain their own elements and indicators.

The development of the social component of the coal mining enterprise should be considered not only as the main tool for improving the well-being of workers, but also as an important factor in accelerating economic progress, stimulating savings and expanding the domestic market, and increasing labor productivity. For the successful development of the economic and social spheres, all actions must be proportionately coordinated.

An integral part of the social component of socio-economic development at the enterprise level is the labor resources that provide the entire process of activity. In order to support highly skilled labor resources, it is necessary to constantly monitor the skills of employees, to engage in their training. In the event that labor resources are aging or their skills are substantially reduced, it is necessary to search for new workers who could work more fruitfully and productively. In the case of labor resources, it is necessary to organize not only the work environment, but also the leisure of workers. If you find a "middle ground" between work and leisure, you can achieve better results of the enterprise.

In today's conditions of activity, social responsibility as the main social component is becoming an integral element of socio-economic development, which ensures the competitive position of the enterprise in the domestic and international market.

Social responsibility is the responsibility of enterprises for the impact of their decisions and activities on society and the environment through transparent and ethical behavior that contributes to socio-economic development, health and well-being of society.

Lacking sufficient funds, the enterprise cannot implement various social programs, worry about its employees, society and the environment. Their implementation requires funds. Therefore, only a powerful, successful, profitable enterprise can be socially responsible [13, p. 91].

The basic principles of social responsibility include [14, p16]:

 saving lives, and only the future generation is able to fully assess the consequences of current activities);

However, it is worth emphasizing that other models can be found in the scientific literature, for example, the British, Anglo-Saxon, and Continental models, which, in our opinion, are derived from these three models and are based on them.

1.3 Features of the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises

In their activities, coal mining enterprises attach great importance to relations with consumers and try to satisfy their needs as best as possible. But their internal responsibility is insufficient. Coal mining enterprises are so focused on the external environment that they inadequately worry about their personnel, their problems and needs.

The main drawback of the activities of coal mining enterprises is their attitude to the staff, although at first glance this is invisible. They implement certain social projects for their workers, provide them with a social package, pay a decent salary, but all this does not contribute to the formation of a healthy psychological climate in the coal mining groups, because they do not receive sufficient attention, simple human attention, do not know about their needs and problems, and therefore cannot build their personnel management on such an attitude towards employees that puts a person on the highest and most important line in the process of achieving Nia successful enterprises. People are seen as a resource for success, and not as a tool. This is precisely the main mistake made by the management of coal mining enterprises in this industry. The socio-economic effect is the result of the activity of the enterprise as a whole, which covers all other types of effect. For coal mining enterprises, it is especially important because it makes it possible to evaluate all aspects of the activity and the components of the socio-economic development of the enterprise.

Summing up the essence and importance of the socio-economic development of the enterprise, it should be noted that for coal mining enterprises the interpretation proposed by A. Voronkova is most suitable, because it is she who emphasizes the interdependence of the enterprise’s activity and the “life of society”, which is extremely important for enterprises in this industry. The existence of coal mining enterprises is most dependent on the social component of their activities, in contrast to enterprises of other industries and is closely linked to the needs of society and its solvency. In accordance with this, the following definition of socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises can be derived.

So, the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises is a combination of the enterprise’s available resources in order to ensure the dynamic state of its activities aimed at providing the society with the necessary services of appropriate quality, taking into account modern technological solutions and increasing the competitiveness and profitability of the organization as a whole.

In order to develop a socio-economic strategy for the activities of coal mining enterprises, it is necessary to clearly understand the place of the enterprise in the market; comply with international standards in the field of socio-economic development and labor legislation, make an assessment of the external environment and analyze its capabilities to meet existing needs, change attitudes towards personnel and prepare an action program and options for possible measures for its implementation. Indeed, the implementation of the socio-economic strategy is aimed at one of the important tasks for any enterprise – increasing its attractiveness to investors, customers and employees.

Conclusions to section 1

In the first section, “Theoretical Foundations of the Socio-Economic Development of Coal Mining Enterprises”, an in-depth understanding of the concept of “socio-economic development” by clarifying its essence for coal mining enterprises, the scientific provisions regarding the characteristics and contents of the components of the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises are sorted out to determine the need and possibility their corrections; the methodical approach to determining the level of socio-economic development of communications enterprises using an integral indicator, which consists of an assessment of its components and their significance coefficient, is substantiated.

  1. The results of an essential consideration of the concepts of “enterprise development”, “social development of enterprises”, “economic development of enterprises” and “socio-economic development of enterprises” made it possible to establish that enterprise development should be carried out so that all changes occurring in the enterprise in its production, innovative, organizational and managerial activities and the technological complex allowed to maintain stability and increase profitability.
  2. It is determined that the components of the socio-economic development of the enterprise are: social, economic and environmental components, which in turn contain a certain number of elements, are determined by individual indicators and function under the influence of relevant factors.
  3. Summarizing the scientific achievements regarding the concept of “socio-economic development of enterprises”, it was found that this concept was studied by a large number of foreign and domestic scientists, but scientific discussions were ignored, the features of this process for coal mining enterprises should be considered as a pool of available enterprise resources in order to ensure the dynamic state of its activities aimed at providing the company with the necessary goods and services of appropriate quality, taking into account Yemen technological solutions to improve its competitiveness and profitability.
  4. According to the results of considering the features of the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises, it has been established that the vast majority of their activities are built on the principles of social responsibility, adhere to international standards governing socio-economic development and quality management. It was revealed that the main drawback of the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises is their attitude to the staff, since they see their employees as a resource for success, and not as a tool, is a key mistake made by the management of enterprises in this industry.
  5. The main indicators of the assessment of the components of the socio-economic development of the enterprise and the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises are analyzed, as a result of which we conclude that these indicators closely overlap and most of them are similar, but each component of socio-economic development for coal mining enterprises has its own significance , which should be taken into account when assessing its level, which will ensure greater accuracy of the result. In accordance with this, an integral indicator was proposed for assessing the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises, based on indicators of the components of socio-economic development and taking into account their weighting factors.
  6. It is proved that the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises should be based on constant monitoring of the coal market and the improvement of their technological component, without which their continued existence is impossible.

Thus, the study of the theoretical basis of the socio-economic development of enterprises provides a basis for further analysis of the socio-economic development of coal mining enterprises, identifying trends and assessing its level.

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