Brief resume
Name | Kupich Valentin |
Date of birth | Sep 26, 1997 |
Place of birth | Makeyevka |
School | 2004–2015 MOSH of I-III stages No4 |
Universities | 2015–2019 Donetsk national Technical University, specialty Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials(bachelor's degree); 2015–2019 Donetsk national Technical University, specialty Economics of enterprise(bachelor's degree); 2019–2021 Donetsk national Technical University, specialty Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials(master's degree); 2019–2021 Donetsk national Technical University, specialty Economics of enterprise(master's degree); 2019–2020 Ukhta State Technical University, specialty Development and operation of oil and gas fields (retraining). |
Average score | 97 (A) |
Languages | Russian language proficiency – perfect; Ukrainian – medium level; English – basic level. |
Personal achievements | Ñertificates of competitions in various subjects: Spikelet, Kangaroo, Lion cub, Russian bear cub, etc.; Participation in major sports competitions: Starts of hopes, heirs of Cossack glory, etc.; I Junior category in gymnastics. |
Hobbies and interests | Computer games, sports, watching movies(Comedy, science fiction,action,historical). |
Personal qualities | Perseverance,stress tolerance,responsibility,sociability,purposefulness,diligence. |
Professional and computer skills | • Operating systems: Windows 7, 8, 10; • Office programs: Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Exel, Power Point); • Modeling systems: Compass–3D, LabVIEW, Design II; • Programming environments: Pascal ABC, MathCad (2001, 2015); • Programming languages: Pascal, MathCad. |
Additional courses, internships, grants | Participation in the X International scientific conference of postgraduates and students; Participant of the II Republican student Olympiad in physical-organic and analytical chemistry; Participant in the Republican student Olympiad in physical chemistry (took II place); Participation in the XIX international Mendeleev competition of chemistry students (winner of the first round); Participant of the scientific and technical conference for young scientists; Participation in the IV International scientific conference Donetsk readings 2019; Participation in the XIV international scientific conference of postgraduates and students. |
Professional experience | 2017 – branch no. 6 YAKKHZCJSC VNESHTORGSERVIS, training practice; 2018 – branch No. 6 YAKKHZCJSC VNESHTORGSERVIS, production practice; 2019 – branch No. 6 YAKKHZCJSC VNESHTORGSERVIS, pre-graduate practice; 2020 – branch No. 6 YAKKHZCJSC VNESHTORGSERVIS, production practice. |
Future plans | To defend and get 2 master's degrees from DonNTU, find an interesting job with the possibility of career growth, self-development and self-improvement in professional and creative activities. |
Contact information | e-mail: |