DonNTU  Portal of masters

Master's brief resume

Full name Kiselitsa Dmitry Olegovich
Date of birth 24.04.1999
Place of birth Snezhnoye, Donetsk region
Contact information Mobile number: +7 949 460 92 90
VKîíòàêòå: Êèñåëèöà Äìèòðèé
Objective To defend a master's thesis and get a job as a process engineer with the possibility of career growth. Develop skills in Adobe Photoshop, Blender programs also for possible employment.
Education Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Integrated and Mechatronic Industries:
• 2018–2021  – bachelor's degree in the field of training Information technology of mechanical engineering;
• 2021–2023  – master's degree in the specialty Information technology of mechanical engineering.
GBOU Snezhnyansky Mining college
• 2014–2018  – by specialty Mechanical engineering technology.
• 2005–2014  – Secondary school I ndash; III stages # 4 Snezhnoye.
Work experience Practice at the company DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING previously referred to as JSC SMZ.
• April–May 2021 – pre-graduate practice at the DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
Collecting information and consulting with employees of KB, TB, PB shop 304 for writing a graduation project.
familiarization with the full production process of the selected part for writing the graduation project.
• May–June 2020 – production practice at the enterprise of DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
familiarization with the official duties of those. bureau and safety equipment of shop 304;
distribution of documentation;
• April–May 2018 – Pre-graduate practice at DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
Collecting information and consulting with KB and TB employees to write a diploma project of workshop 303;
• December 2017 – production practice at DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING&.
Job responsibilities:
familiarization with the official duties of those. bureau and safety equipment of the shop 303;
distribution of documentation;
assistance in creating electronic accounting of tools and devices by code and quick search in Excel;
• April–May 2017 – production practice at DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
familiarization with the production and safety of the shop 303;
assistance in loading and unloading components;
work on the polishing headstock;
working at the drilling machine;
cleaning and repair of the galtovochny machine;
work in the OTC shop;
The average score at the end of the bachelor's degree 88
Progress record • 6 times participated in international and student scientific conferences;
• he took part in the Olympiads.
Professional specialization and computer skills • operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11;
• basics of modeling: ÊÎÌÏÀÑ 3D, Solidworks, Blender 3D, Maya, Feature 360, AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Adem, ÃåÌÌà-3D, ÒåõíîÏðî, Paint 3D;
• graphic design: Adobe Photoshop, Krita, Adobe Illustrator;
• video editing: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro.
Language proficiency Russian (perfect), Ukrainian (perfect), English (intermediate).
Personal qualities good physical shape, ability to make independent decisions quickly and responsibly, high and fast learning ability, high efficiency, responsibility, attentiveness, ability to work in a team.
Hobbies • Sports (Kalistenika);
• Psychology (Conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships);
• Books (Fantasy Literature – The Witcher, Harry Potter, Russian classics);
• Music (Hard Rock, Hip Hop, Classical);
• Movies, TV series, anime;
• Drawing, photoshop;
• 3D modeling;
• Games (Rainbow Six:Siege, Dota 2, Overwatch 2, World of Tanks).