DonNTU  Portal of masters

Master's brief resume

Full name Sazonenko Yury Viktorovich
Date of birth 23.03.1999
Place of birth Snezhnoye, Donetsk region
Contact information
Objective To defend a master's thesis and get a job as a process engineer with the possibility of career growth.
Education Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Integrated and Mechatronic Industries:
• 2018–2021  – bachelor's degree in the field of training Information technology of mechanical engineering;
• 2021–2023  – master's degree in the specialty Information technology of mechanical engineering.
GBOU Snezhnyansky Mining college
• 2014–2018  – by specialty Mechanical engineering technology.
• 2005–2014  – Secondary school # 4 Snezhnoye.
Work experience Practice at the company DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING previously referred to as JSC SMZ.
• April–May 2021 – pre-graduate practice at the DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
Collecting information and consulting with employees of KB, TB, PB shop 304 for writing a graduation project.
familiarization with the full production process of the selected part for writing the graduation project.
• May–June 2020 – production practice at the enterprise of DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
familiarization with the official duties of those. bureau and safety equipment of shop 304;
distribution of documentation;
• April–May 2018 – Pre-graduate practice at DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
Collecting information and consulting with KB and TB employees to write a diploma project of workshop 301;
Replaced an employee behind a CNC machine;
• December 2017 – production practice at DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING&.
Job responsibilities:
familiarization with the official duties of those. bureau and safety equipment of the shop 301;
distribution of documentation;
• April–May 2017 – production practice at DF LLC AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING.
Job responsibilities:
familiarization with the production and safety of the shop 301;
work in a mechanical assembly shop;
work in the OTC shop;
The average score at the end of the bachelor's degree 4,1
Progress record • 1st place in the school volleyball competition in the 9th grade;
• 3rd place in the chess competition among students of the Snezhnyansky Mining College.
Professional specialization and computer skills • operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11;
• basics of modeling: ÊÎÌÏÀÑ 3D, Solidworks, Feature 360, Adem, ÃåÌÌà-3D, ÒåõíîÏðî;
Language proficiency Russian (perfect), Ukrainian (perfect), English (intermediate).
Personal qualities responsibility, attentiveness, ability to work in a team, good physical shape, the ability to quickly and responsibly make independent decisions.
Hobbies • Sports;
• Books;
• Music;
• TV series, anime;
• Games (Dota 2).