DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Fil Bogdan Alexandrovich.
Date of birth 28.12.1998.
Schools 2005–2014 - Yasinovataya, Donetsk region, Secondary school of I-III levels No. 3 (grades 1-9)
2014–2017 - Elektrostal, Moscow region, Secondary school of I-III levels No. 3 (grades 9-11)
Universities 2017-2021 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty computer science and technology, the direction of training intelligent software systems, specialty Software Engineering, Bachelor's degree.
2021-2023 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Intellectual systems and programming, the direction of training intelligent software systems, specialty Software Engineering, Master's degree.
Languages russian "perfectly";
ukrainian "perfectly";
english "intermediate".
Hobbies and interests Computer games, basketball, reading (modern literature)
Personal qualities Attentiveness, desire and ability to work in a team.
Professional and computer skills • OS: Windows 7/8/10/11;
• Programming languages: C/C++, JavaScript;
• Web: HTML, CSS;
• DBMS: MS Access, MySQL;
• Graphic editors: Adobe Photoshop.
Future plans Successful defense of the master's work, try yourself in different areas of IT technologies, learning Java and working with Android.
Contact information E-mail: