Abstract on the topic of the final work
- Introduction
- Research objective
- 1. The main design and technological characteristics of the Smart Home system
- 1.1 Hardware and software tools for implementing web orientation and monitoring the Smart Home infrastructure
- 1.1.1 Description of the subject area
- 1.2 Analysis of existing approaches
- 1.3 Choosing the architectural organization of the system
- Conclusions
- List of sources
Over the past 20 – 30 years, automated control systems have ceased to be fashionable exotics. Regardless of the application area, Whether it's a building, an assembly shop or a subway train, the purpose of implementing such systems is are the reduction of operating costs, providing an important information, increased safety and comfort. But despite the fact that journalists of fashion publications are now more interested in the achievements of traditional IT companies, progress in the field of control automation can in the near future , to have no less impact on our worldview impact than the advent of cell phones and the Internet.
One of the directions of using computer technology are systems of [1] monitoring and control. There are a lot of them many, differing in purpose and functioning, for example, so the so-called "smart home" systems that provide management of various processes of residential or industrial premises [2]. The development of this infrastructure is at an extremely early stage. Companies can to provide their services with very inflated prices.
The purpose of the study
The purpose of this work is to develop a web-oriented Smart home infrastructure monitoring systems with low cost and parameters close to industrial systems automation.
Analysis of existing hardware and software tools for the implementation of web orientation and monitoring of the smart home infrastructure
1. The main design and technological characteristics of the Smart Home system
At this stage of development, home automation is an extremely flexible system that the user completes and configures independently depending on the needs. This means that each owner of a home automation system independently determines which devices and where to install and what tasks and how they will perform. The general functional diagram is shown in Figure 1.
![]() |
Figure 1 – General functional diagram of a smart home |
In most of these systems, the controller exchanges information with the rest of the system devices using radio signals. One of the most common radio communication standards for a smart home is ZWave (frequency in Russia is 869 MHz) and ZigBee (868 MHz or 2.4GHz), Wi-Fi (2.4GHz), Bluetooth (2.4GHz). To communicate with the outside world, the controller is usually connected to the Internet.
1.1 Hardware and software tools for the implementation of web orientation and monitoring of the Smart Home infrastructure
To date, almost every more or less large manufacturer of smart devices has its own so-called ecosystem, within which elements are managed and information is transmitted internally. For a user who is not an expert in the field of electronics, programming and microcomputers, there are no opportunities to merge different ecosystems into one, his own. Therefore, the idea of creating a hardware and software complex for managing home smart devices from different manufacturers is very relevant.
One of the areas of use of computer technologies are [1] monitoring and control systems. There are a huge number of them, differing in purpose and functioning, for example, the so-called "smart home" systems that provide management of various processes of residential or industrial premises [2]. The development of this infrastructure is at an extremely early stage. Companies can provide their services with very inflated prices.
The concept of "Smart home" provides convenient management of all the systems included in it, and also makes it possible to integrate them with each other, which not only ensures coordinated work, but also increases the functionality of each of them.
A number of the main tasks of home automation include:
- increased comfort of living;
- increased security;
- notification of possible break-ins or emerging risks;
- resource savings due to rational consumption and distribution of energy;
- the possibility of integration into the dispatching control and management system of a higher level.
1.1.1 Description of the subject area
The Smart Home system is a high—tech system that allows you to combine all communications into one and put it under the control of artificial intelligence, programmable and customizable for all the needs and wishes of the owner.
Despite the widespread use of Smart Home systems around the world, for the majority of the Russian population, this innovation remains exclusively a term to this day. The slow implementation of Smart Home systems is explained by many factors, one of which is the lack of understanding of the principle of operation of such technologies and the actual economic benefits. Of course, certain elements of "smart systems", such as light motion sensors or water leakage sensors, have not been something special for a long time and are ubiquitous in the homes and apartments of residents of such megacities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk. Recently, a variety of security systems, lighting control, "multiroom" and "home cinema" have become popular among customers.
The architecture of a smart home system should be understood as a set of modules necessary for its full operation. These modules must be interconnected in a certain way to ensure stable and correct operation of the entire system.
At the moment, Smart Home systems are used for various purposes, they allow you to organize effective management of lighting, heating, water and electricity supply, air conditioning and ventilation, video surveillance. Also, such systems allow you to collect information about the room in which they are placed for the purpose of further processing and logistics.
This system could help improve almost all methods of monitoring premises from private country houses, offices, to typical apartment buildings.
A standard organization of Housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as "Housing and communal services") will be taken as a possible customer for the finished information system "Smart House", developed in this final qualifying work.
Housing and communal services is a complex of economic sectors that ensures the functioning of the entire infrastructure in various settlements. This complex, in particular, is engaged in servicing various premises and objects of the city, including typical apartment buildings.
In general, a typical housing and communal services performs the following tasks:
- Power supply;
- provision of the premises under discussion with the appropriate type of energy (gas, electricity);
- heat supply;
- provision of the premises under discussion with supplies of hot water and thermal energy, ensuring the operation of boiler houses;
- water supply;
- laying, repair and maintenance of water pipes, water intake and cleaning of water in apartment buildings;
- compilation, storage and use of digital maps of the city, including: utilities and sewerage networks, transport routes, buildings, communication networks, etc.;
- systems of accounting and calculations for the consumption of communal resources and housing and communal services, including Internet portals GIS housing and communal services
- ventilation;
- centralized air conditioning and ventilation;
- garbage collection;
- elevator facilities;
- ensuring stable operation of elevators in serviced premises;
- major repairs and modernization of buildings;
- road cleaning and maintenance of the territories adjacent to the house.
Russia in each region with personal accounts of each user of resources and services of housing and communal services;
Housing and communal services performs both the measures listed in the list for the improvement of residential areas, and many others.
It is necessary to consider in more detail the activities of the Department of Urban Economy, in turn, this department is engaged in ensuring the implementation of state and municipal policy in the field of urban economy aimed at ensuring reliable, efficient functioning and development of housing, landscaping, landscaping, collection, export, processing and disposal of household and industrial waste, networks heat, -water, -gas, electricity, sanitation, provision of environmentally friendly living conditions of the population, including the rational use of natural resources, environmental protection in accordance with the general goals, objectives and development programs of the city district.
This department is engaged in the following tasks in the course of its work:
- Development and implementation of urban development strategy based on modern technologies.
- Formation, organization of execution and control over the execution of a municipal order on the territory of the city district in matters of energy supply, landscaping, housing and communal services, landscaping, recycling and disposal of household waste.
- Organization and control of work on the development of a competitive environment for the provision of housing and communal services to the population.
- Development and implementation of a general environmental protection strategy aimed at reducing the negative impact of emissions and emissions of harmful substances into the natural environment.
- Regulatory legal support of environmental protection activities within the limits of the powers granted.
- Monitoring compliance by nature users with the requirements of municipal legal acts concerning the procedure for the removal, disposal and processing of waste, as well as the locations of production and consumption waste.
- Organization of events on environmental education, education and enlightenment of the population of the city district, environmental awareness of the population.
- Organization of control in the field of environmental protection on the territory of the city district. Based on these tasks, it can be concluded that the introduction of the Smart Home information system can have a beneficial effect on the activities of this department.
In particular, the implementation of this information system will be carried out at the standard department of "Energy and Heat supply appeals". This department has been selected as the most suitable subdivision of the Housing and communal services department for the implementation of the information system being developed.
1.2 Analysis of existing approaches
One of the most common ways to solve the development of a home automation system is the use of ready-made "Smart Home" control systems. Let's look at some of them[4].
Node-Red. Developed by IBM and is an open source tool that allows you to create applications by connecting ready-made components. Devices, WEB APIs, or online services can be used as components when building a system. A significant disadvantage is the lack of visualization.
MajorDoMo is an open software platform for automating home processes. It is cross–platform, but has one big drawback - a limited number of tasks to be solved. It supports only the most popular devices from the line of the corresponding technology (for example, it supports only the Razbery controller from the entire variety of Z-wave technology controllers.
NetPing - devices for monitoring server rooms and remote power management. For example, in 2021, the company launched NetPing Monitoring Server 90Z02, a controller based on a full-fledged computer with Ubuntu Linux OS software and Zabbix monitoring system. All software is already installed and pre-configured. To start working with the Zabbix monitoring system, you only need to connect the device to a local network and connect and configure the necessary sensors. Typically, NetPing Monitoring Server 90Z02 is used to organize a monitoring system for server rooms, data centers, as well as objects with distributed communication and IT equipment.
HomeSapiens is an intelligent system with voice control. Also, like OpenRemote, it supports a limited number of technologies, such as Z-wave, Gira, ZigBee, x10, C-Bus[6]. The main focus of the developers is aimed at advertising voice control and user-friendly interface.
Freedomotic is an open source software for home automation processes[5]. It is cross-platform. The main task of the system development was to provide enthusiasts with the opportunity to independently create "Smart Home" control systems, both using homemade equipment and ready-made solutions of popular architectures.
From the point of view of using the web interface, as an example, Fibaro is also of interest - a home automation system[5]. Its feature is the support of only wireless Z-Wave technology. In addition, it is closed for revision.
1.3 Choosing the architectural organization of the system
One of the most important tasks is to choose the architecture and technological stack on which the system will be built. At the same time, a systematic approach is important, i.e. understanding how individual technical solutions can be linked to each other, as well as reserving opportunities for further expansion of the system.
To date, there are a significant number of ways to solve the tasks set in this work. There are the following approaches to their solution: choosing a ready-made control system; developing your own system.
From the point of view of functional organization, wired, wireless and centralized systems are used.
When choosing a centralized organization, the Smart Home system works with the help of a special logic module - its "brain", the presence of which allows you to collect and analyze all the information coming from sensors. After further processing, the module issues executive commands to various executive systems. A special controller acts as such a logic module, on board of which there are outputs to all the executive elements of the system. The whole system is specially programmed with specialized software, which can be supplemented with various changes in the course of work. The vulnerability of the centralized control scheme is low reliability[3].
In the course of building the architecture of the system, it is possible to admit shortcomings that cannot be corrected in the future. Developing your own solution requires a lot of financial and time costs, compared to using a "boxed" product. Also, do not forget that the development process is a very responsible activity that requires a well–thought-out development methodology and a clear organization of the labor process.
Taking into account the existing advantages and disadvantages of using ready-made control systems as a solution, it is proposed:
use a ready-made platform to implement a Smart Home server;
develop our own modular "drivers" for interacting with systems and devices of various types.
List of sources
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