DonNTU   Masters' portal

Master's Brief summary

FULL name Kobylatsky Anton Igorevich
Date of birth 07/22/1997
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2003–2014– School No. 95(1st–11th grade)
UNIVERSITY 2014–2017. Donetsk Technical School of Industrial Automation, specialty Computer Science and Computer Engineering
2017-2021 Donetsk National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology, specialty Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Bachelor's degree;
2021-2023 - Donetsk National Technical University, Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming, specialty Computer hardware software, Master's degree
Average score 4.42 (five-point system)
Language proficiency • Russian (perfect);
• Ukrainian (above average);
• English (above average)
Hobbies Drawing, computer graphics, painting, music, books.
Personal qualities Responsibility, adaptability, pragmatism.
Professional specialization and computer skills • Operating systems: Windows XP/7/8/10 ;
• Programming languages: C#, C/C++, Java,;
• Modeling and description languages: UML;
• Internet technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap JavaScript;
• Graphic editors: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator; CorelDRAW;
• CAD: AutoCAD, Blender;
• Video and audio editors: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects
Future plans In-depth study of corporate cybersecurity, career in the IT field, development of programming abilities and skills.
Contact information anton4ik1232@gmail.com