DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Kravchenko Yaroslav
Date of birth 01.04.2000
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2006–2017 – Donetsk School of General Education I–III steps ¹3
Universities 2017–2021 - Donetsk National Technical University; Faculty of Computer Science and Technology; specialty “Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks”;
bachelor's degree; 2021–2023 - Donetsk National Technical University; Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming; specialty “Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks”; magistracy;
Average score 4,1 (according to the 5 - point system)
Languages Russian- perfect, Ukrainian - perfect, English - intermediate level
Personal achievements Participation in school Olympiads. Participation in DonNTU scientific conferences
Hobbies and interests Computer games (Action, RPG, MMO), sports (weight training, basketball, swimming), films and TV series (comedy, science fiction, adventure, action), music (rock, folk-rock)
Personal qualities Purposefulness, responsibility, honesty, punctuality, diligence
Professional and computer skills
1. Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Ubuntu
2. Programming languages: C/C++, C#, PHP, HTML, CSS;
3. Development Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio, Active–HDL;
4. Working with databases: MySQL, Visual FoxPro;
5. Applied areas and tools: MATLAB, MathCad;
6. Modeling and description languages: VHDL, UML;
7. Graphic editors: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Additional courses, internships, grants Training for a category B driver's license at the Master-Don driving school, 2019.
Future plans Successful completion of the master’s degree, improving knowledge in the field of information technology, employment in the IT-sphere
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