Ksenia Tkanka

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies

Department of Computer Modeling and Design

Specialty "Computer modeling and design"

Training system "Nanophysics, entanglement and its applications"

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Klimko Gregory


Ksenia Tkanka
Date of birth
Place of birth
2006 — 2015 General education school I-II stages №8, Shakhtersk
2015 — 2017 General education school I-III stages №10, Shakhtersk
2017 — 2021 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of computer science and technology, direction of training Mathematics and Computer Science, section Computer Modelling and Design, bachelor's degree;
2021 — 2023 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of computer science and technology, direction of training Mathematics and Computer Science, section Computer Modelling and Design, Master's degree;
Average score
Russian — Proficiency
Ukrainian — Proficiency
English — Beginner
Personal achievements
Participation in scientific conferences of DonNTU
Hobbies and interests
Music, painting, computer games
Personal qualities
Purposefulness, decency, responsibility, ability to work in a team
Professional and computer skills
Operating systems: Windows, Linux Ubuntu;
Programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP;
Internet technologies: HTML, CSS;
DBMS: MySQL, Microsoft Access;
Packages and programs for working with graphics: Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Autodesk 3DS MAX, Autodesk AutoCAD, Blender;
Mathematical and statistical programs: MATLAB, Statistica, MathCad.
Future plans
Successfully defend the master's degree of DonNTU, get a good and well-paid job. Develop in illustration.
Contact information
e-mail: tkanka.k@mail.ru