DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Kosse Vyacheslav Olegovich
Date of birth September 26, 1998
Place of birth Novolaspa, Donetsk region
Education 2004-2015 – OSH I–III stages, in v. Starolaspa
2015-2018 – DEMT in the specialty Automatic control systems
2018-2021 – DonNTU in the specialty Management in technical systems, Bachelor's degree
2021-2023 – DonNTU specialty Management in technical systems, Master's degree
Average score 81/B
Languages Russian – perfect
Ukrainian – perfect
English – intermediate level
Hobbies and interests Movies (documentaries, detective stories, historical), music (rock, classical, chillout), video games, sports (football, table tennis)
Personal qualities Purposefulness, responsibility, attentiveness, responsiveness, sociability, pedantry
Professional and computer skills Application programs: Matlab, Algorithm Builder, CoDeSys, MasterSCADA, Step7
MS Office tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio
Programming languages: C++, HTML
Graphic editors: Compass-3D, Adobe Photoshop
Future plans Working on yourself, realizing personal goals, improving yourself as a specialist in the professional field
Contact information E-mail: v.kosse1998@mail.ru