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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Kuchkovskaya Galina
Date of birth Dec 11, 1997
Place of birth Amvrosievka
School 2005-2014 – Ambrosievskaya MBOU school No. 2
College 2014–2018 – Ambrosievsky Industrial College
Universities 2018-2021 – Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation
direction: Automation of technological processes and productions in the mining and metallurgical industry (bachelor);
2021-2023 - Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation
direction: Automation technological processes and productions in the mining and metallurgical industry (master).
Average score 4,71
Languages The Russian language is perfect;
English is medium.
Personal achievements I am a candidate for Master of Sports in sports ballroom dancing;
Hobbies and interests I am engaged in sports ballroom dancing, a fan of computer games, books of fantasy and science fiction genres, I am fond of alternative rock music, but mostly I consider myself music lovers.
Personal qualities Sociability, quick learning, responsibility, hard work, determination, flexibility of mind, the desire to improve oneself.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows XP,Vista,7,8,10.
2. Applied areas: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio.
3. Programming languages: C, C++.
4. Development environments: MatLab, Simulink, COMPASS-3D, P-CAD, AutoCAD.
Future plans Writing and defending a master's thesis. Development of professional skills and hobbies, financial stability and self-improvement.
Contact information galya.ku4kowskaya@mail.ru