Brief resume
Name | Sklyarov Dmitry Eduardovich |
Date of birth | 31.08.1999 ã. |
Place of birth | Snezhnoye, Donetsk region |
Schools | 2006-2017 – School No. 6 of the city of Snezhnoye |
Universities | 2017-2021 – Donetsk National Technical University, specialty Automation of technological processes and production, Bachelor's degree, full-time education |
Average score | 4,06 |
Languages | Russian, Ukrainian (perfect), English (basic) |
Hobbies and interests | History, books, music, movies |
Personal qualities | Responsibility, punctuality, purposefulness, sociability, honesty, decency, conscientiousness |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Android, iOS; 2. MS Office products: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access; 3. Math packages: MathCad, MATLAB; 4. Programming languages – C, Delphi7, Pascal, Assembler for AVR; 5. Development environments: CONCEPT, Atmel AVR, CODESYS; 6. Graphic editors: COMPASS-3D, AutoCAD, Visio, Adobe Photoshop |
Professional experience | 1. 2020 - Production practice at the OP "Skochinskog Mine" in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and productions" from DonNTU
2. April - May 2021: - Pre-graduate practice at the enterprise 000 "Donetsk Metallurgical Plant" in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and productions" from DonNTU |
Future plans | Successful completion of the master's degree, search for a promising job in the specialty with the possibility of professional and career growth |
Contact information | Email: |