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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Elena Lunina
Date of birth August 6, 1999
Place of birth Yenakievo
Schools 2006-2015 Municipal budgetary educational institution «School No. 31 of Yenakievo»
Universities 2015-2018 Yenakiyevsky college of economics and management, specialty «Economics and accounting (by industry)» (secondary special education)
2018-2021 Donetsk national technical university majoring in accounting and auditing (bachelor's degree)
2021-2023 Donetsk national technical university, specialty «State audit» (master's degree)
2021- 2023 Taganrog institute of management and economics, specialty «Civil law, civil procedural law (ìaster's degree)»
Average score 89,2
Languages Russian (perfect), ukrainian (perfect), english (basic level)
Personal achievements Participation in scientific conferences, olympiads. II place in the Republican student olympiad in the field of economics (profile: Accounting and auditing), III place in the Republican competition of student scientific papers in economic sciences
Hobbies and interests Indie games, drawing, animation, books (science fiction, nonfiction, horror)
Personal qualities Purposefulness, sociability, responsibility, diligence, diligence, quick learning, honesty
Professional and computer skills Professional specialization: accounting, tax, management accounting.
Computer ownership:
1. Operating systems: Windows
2. Application areas: Microsoft Office, 1C platform configurations:Company
Professional experience June 2020 – July 2020 Oktyabrsky Mine, production and pedagogical practice
June 2021- July 2021 Kalinovskaya-Vostochnaya Mine
June 2022 – July 2022 TIUE Legal Clinic
June 2022 – present Constant LLC, consultant on economic issues
Future plans Successfully complete a master's degree, achieve career growth in a promising company
Contact information lena_lunina99@mail.ru