DonNTU   Masters' portal

Master's Brief Summary

Name Yulia Ivanovna Pelipas
Date of birth July 10, 2000
Place of birth g. Novoazovsk
School(s) 2006-2017 – Secondary school No. 1, Novoazovsk.
university 2017-2021 – GOU VPO “DonNTU”, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, specialty “Personnel Management”, profile “Personnel Management and Labor Economics”, educational level “Bachelor”.
2021-2023 – GOU VPO "DonNTU", Faculty of Engineering and Economics, the direction of training "Personnel Management", master's program "Personnel Management Organization", educational level "Master".
Average 85.4
Language proficiency Russian (perfect).
Ukrainian (perfect).
English (intermediate level).
Personal achievements Participant of the Republican Student Olympiad in the direction of training "Personnel Management", interpersonal communication skills through interviews.
Hobbies Dances, singing, sports, needlework, self-development, books (esotericism, psychology).
Personal qualities Sociability, responsibility, discipline, striving for professional growth, ability to work in a team, purposefulness.
Professional specialization and computer skills PC user: Knowledge of Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point), skills of online search for information on the Internet.
Work experience June 2019 - passing the training practice at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "DonNTU".
June-July 2020 - practical training in an organization providing security services.
August 2021 - September 2022 - Human Resources Inspector in a distribution company.
Plans for the future Successful completion of university studies, self-development, starting your own business, developing creative potential, creating a family.
Contact information pelias2000ua@gmail.com