Abstract on the topic of graduation work
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the personnel policy of the organization
- 3.1 Essence and characteristics of an organization's personnel policy
- 3.2 Assessing the effectiveness of an organization's HR policy
- Conclusions
- List of sources
In modern conditions of reforming the economy and the social and labor sphere, there is a need to apply adequate and flexible approaches to the management of labor resources. The consequence of this is an objective scientific interest in the search for tools that make it possible to objectively evaluate the functioning of the personnel management system, develop and implement a socially oriented personnel policy.
One of the main tasks for the effective development of organizations is the selection and formation of qualified and efficient personnel. In production activities, non-standard situations systematically arise that require employees to take an informal approach to resolve them, as a result of which the formation of a qualified and responsible team of employees is an important condition for a manager. The formation of a purposeful qualified team, as well as its competent management, is one of the main factors of entrepreneurial success.
1. Relevance of the topic
The relevance of the topic of the final qualification work lies in the fact that personnel policy is an indicator of a strategically oriented organization and a guarantee of its long-term prospects. In this case, the staff is a valuable resource, a source of economic growth, capital, which involves financial and labor investments, organizational changes. The currently used forms and methods of management, organizational structures aimed at better use of the potential of employees are often not effective enough and do not achieve their goals. Therefore, for the effective development of the organization and the formation of a qualified and responsible team of employees, it is necessary to pay special attention to the process of forming an effective personnel policy of the organization.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose of the study is to study the theoretical foundations and analyze the practical aspects of the organization's personnel policy and develop recommendations aimed at developing an effective organization's personnel policy.
The purpose of the study determines the need to solve the following tasks:
-consider the theoretical features of the organization's personnel policy;
-explore the features of the formation of the personnel policy of the organization;
-to reveal the features of evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's personnel policy.
The object of the study is the process of forming the personnel policy of the organization.
The subject of the study is the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the organization's personnel policy.
The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was formed by the work of domestic and foreign authors in the field of theory and practice of the organization's personnel policy.
3. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the personnel policy of the organization
3.1 The essence and characteristics of the organization's personnel policy
Human resources have always been the main factors that ensure the effectiveness of any organization. The realization of the potential of the organization depends on the competencies, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems, cases of susceptibility to training of working personnel and the level of management. Consequently, the personnel policy is an integral part of all the necessary management and production activities of the organization, and the effective selection of personnel, its adaptation, training and retraining are directed in accordance with the needs of the company.
There are many interpretations of the category "personnel policy of an organization" from the perspective of foreign and domestic authors (Table 1).
Table 1 - The essence of the category "personnel policy of the organization"
Author Definition Bazarov T. Yu. [1] A system of rules that govern the people in an organization. Weber M. [14] The ability to obtain obedience from other people, regardless of what this obedience is based on. Vesnin V. R. [6] The system of theoretical views, ideas, requirements, principles that determine the main areas of work with personnel, its forms and methods. < /tr>Labadzhyan M. G., Odegov Yu. G. [7] The general direction of personnel work, including a set of principles, methods, forms of an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing personnel potential, the creation of a highly productive, cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to changing market requirements. Mordovin S. K. [8] A certain set of rules, regulations, standards for working with personnel. Parkhimchik E. P. [11] The concept, which refers to the attitude of the organization to the staff and the totality of ways to influence them in order to achieve specific goals. Polovinko V. S. [13] Associated with various areas of personnel management: recruitment and placement policy, remuneration and remuneration, staff training, communication policy, etc. This reflects both the priorities of personnel management, and the ideology, and methodological approaches to solving problems of personnel management. From a subjective point of view, the definition of Yu. G. Odegov and M. G. Labadzhyan most fully reflects the essence of the concept of the organization's personnel policy, since it affects the interests of both the employee and the employer, which corresponds to social management. On the basis of the above definitions, one should formulate one's own definition of the category of "personnel policy of an organization", which is a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel in an organization.
Analyzing the existing personnel policy in specific organizations, it is possible to carry out groupings on two grounds as follows. Associating the first basis with the level of awareness of the rules and norms underlying personnel measures, the following types of personnel policy are distinguished (Table 2).
Table 2 - Types of personnel policy
Personnel policy type Features Passive With this type of personnel policy, there are often situations in which the management of the organization does not have a clear program of action in relation to its own personnel. A characteristic feature is also the lack of means for assessing personnel, forecasting personnel needs and diagnosing the personnel situation as a whole. At the same time, the management works in an emergency response mode to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to extinguish by any means, often without analyzing the causes and possible consequences. Reactive In this case, the management of the organization has not only high-quality monitoring, but also a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. In this case, the personnel department of the organization has at its disposal not only personnel diagnostic tools, but also methods for making forecasts of the personnel situation for both the medium and long term. Preventive In the true sense of the word, this type of personnel policy arises only when the management of the organization has reasonable forecasts for the development of the situation. However, an organization characterized by the presence of a preventive personnel policy does not have the means to influence it. The personnel service of such organizations has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also predicting the personnel situation for the medium term. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs. Active With this type, the personnel department develops targeted personnel programs, regularly monitors the situation, and adjusts the use of programs according to the parameters of the internal and external environment. Active personnel policy can be divided in accordance with the mechanisms that are used by the management of the organization, into two types - rational and adventurous. With a rational personnel policy, the organization's management has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast for the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. With an adventurous personnel policy, the management of the organization does not have a high-quality diagnosis, a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation, butwants to influence her. Considering the second basis in terms of the degree of openness of the organization in relation to the external environment in the formation of personnel, as well as its orientation towards external and internal sources of recruitment, an open and closed type of personnel policy is distinguished.
For an open personnel policy, a characteristic feature is the transparency of the organization for all potential employees at each of the structural levels. New employees have the opportunity to get a job as part of the lowest level, and in the ranks of senior management. In the extreme case, the organization is ready to hire any specialist, if he has the appropriate qualifications, without regard to work experience [3]. This type of personnel policy is adequate for new organizations that are aggressively conquering the market, focusing on instant growth and a quick exit to a leading position in their industry.
The characteristic features of a closed personnel policy is that new personnel who are included in the organization can start their activities only in lower positions. Vacancies of the highest official levels are filled only by those who are members of the organization's employees. An organization that adopts the type of personnel policy under consideration usually works either in conditions of a shortage of human resources, or is guided by the formation of a certain corporate atmosphere. Comparative characteristics of open and closed types of personnel policy, according to the main personnel processes, are given in Table. 3.
Table 3 - Comparative characteristics of the main personnel processes with an open and closed personnel policy
HR process Open personnel policy Closed personnel policy Recruitment It is carried out in the presence of high competition in the labor market. Performed when there is a labor shortage. Personnel adaptation Possible rapid inclusion in competitive relations, development of new approaches for the organization. Inclusion into traditional approaches is taking place. The presence of a close-knit team, as well as mentors, leads to effective adaptation. Personnel training and development External centers are often involved, which contributes to obtaining new experience. Often occurs in inner centers. There is a formation of a single view, following the specifics of the work of this organization. Personnel promotion There are difficulties on the way of career growth due to the constant replenishment of new personnel. At the same time, there is the possibility of a successful career due to the presence of high mobility of personnel. Career planning is under way. Most often, appointments to higher positions are assigned to honored employees of the organization. Incentives and motivation First of all, material incentives are preferred. Motivation is preferred, for example, to meet the needs for stability and security. Innovation Having a constant innovative impact from new employees. Innovative behavior takes place either when an employee realizes the connection between his fate and the fate of the organization, or is initiated specifically. The implementation of the organization's personnel policy ensures the timely justification and preservation of the personnel in terms of its quantity and quality, allows it to develop in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, the needs of the organization, and the state of the labor market.
Personnel policy is an indicator of the internal ethics of an organization[9]. The specifics and content of certain programs, personnel activities and personnel policy as a whole depend on external and internal factors in relation to the organization (Fig. 1).
Figure 1 - Factors influencing the formation of personnel policy
(animation: 5 frames, 117 kilobytes)
The factors caused by the external environment can be combined into two groups. The first group includes regulatory restrictions. For example, in some countries there are prohibitions on the use of tests by HR representatives when hiring new employees, which significantly complicates the process of designing programs for the selection and orientation of personnel. The second group is determined by the situationI am in the labor market. Given this factor, it is necessary to analyze the presence of competition, study the sources of recruitment, as well as the professional and structural composition of the free labor force. In addition, it is important to obtain information about professional and public associations, which include employees or job candidates. At the same time, high results in the creation and implementation of effective personnel programs can be achieved by taking into account the strategies of such associations, their traditions and priorities [12].
In turn, the internal factors of influence on the personnel policy of the organization can be combined into three groups. The first group includes such concepts as the goals of the organization, their time perspectives. For example, an organization that is focused on the gradual development of large-scale production with an extensive branch network requires professionals different from those needed by organizations that set themselves the goal of instant profit with the subsequent curtailment of activities. The second group is based on a fixed management style. So the professionals of organizations that use the principle of decentralization in their work will not be as effective for organizations with a rigid centralized management style. The third group represents working conditions, since both work indicators such as health hazards, the location of workplaces, the level of mental and physical effort required, relationships with other employees when performing work, working hours, the degree of freedom of choice can both attract and repel people. solving problems, understanding and accepting the purpose of the organization.
Thus, the formation of the personnel policy of the organization at the present stage includes many components that are concluded both within the organization itself and outside it. The success of the personnel policy pursued by the organization depends on how effectively the type of personnel policy is chosen, favorable factors are used and unfavorable ones are excluded.
3.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of an organization's HR policy
The main condition contributing to the progressive development of the organization is the optimization of the use of human resources, the disclosure of the creative energy of the company's employees. But in reality, there is still a significant difference between the potential of employees and the level of its use by the organization, since the formation of a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce depends on the effectiveness of personnel policy. The main objectives of the personnel policy are presented in fig. 2.
Figure 2 - The main goals of the organization's personnel policy
Among the main areas of work with personnel, there are: providing the organization with a qualified workforce, selection, hiring, adaptation, development, training, advanced training, rotation, labor stimulation, personnel assessment, etc. The role of personnel policy in the human resource management system is expressed in that it allows [10]:
-clearly and visually represent the views of management on relationships with staff;
-increase the productivity of employees of the organization;
-improve the interaction of units;
form the optimal sequence of the acceptance process personnel decisions;
-inform the organization's staff about the rules of internal behavior;
-improve the moral and psychological climate in the team.
Personnel policy defines the general direction and main forms of work with personnel, as well as general and specific requirements for it.
The application of the latest approaches to the personnel policy of the organization is becoming a key success factor. The main indicator reflecting the efficiency of the work of the personnel of a company, organization or other economic entity is labor productivity. Therefore, in order to organize the effective life of the company, it is necessary to study the essence of the staff and ways to improve it.
One of the ways to achieve this goal is to train the staff of the organization. Training is considered as a key direction of the personnel policy of organizations that require managerial influence. Training, including innovative approaches, rightly occupies a key position in the personnel policy of organizations, providing an increase in the competitiveness of personnel, the formation and development of the required competencies.
Personnel is the most important resource that ensures the implementation of the organization's strategies. When developing corporate strategies, along with the financial and production resources of the organization, as well as factors of its market environment, it is necessary to take into account the state and prospects of laborresources[2].
The company's employee motivation system combines the material and non-material aspects of incentives. It is aimed at attracting qualified personnel and keeping them in the staff of the organization, as well as increasing the interest of employees in the results of work.
Assessing the effectiveness of personnel policy is one of the stages of strategic management, on the basis of which an assessment of one's own resources is carried out. The effectiveness of the functioning of the personnel policy in the organization deserves special attention from its management.
The provisions of the effectiveness of the functioning of the personnel policy should be taken into account by all top managers when determining the personnel resources and capabilities of the organization, it forms the basis for developing ways to increase the business activity of structural units, identify existing reserves for the effectiveness of their economic activities, sociological research and implement their results.< /p>
Personnel policy defines the organization's personnel management strategy. That is, the personnel policy in a formalized form is a set of personnel strategies. It is the personnel strategy that specifies the goals of personnel management, ways to achieve them based on the choice of means, methods, tools and mechanisms for the effective formation, distribution and use of human resources[4].
The task of assessing the effectiveness of personnel policy is to determine:
-economic efficiency, which characterizes the achievement of the company's goals by improving the use of human resources;
-social performance, which expresses the fulfillment of expectations and satisfaction of the needs and interests of the organization's personnel;
-organizational efficiency, which evaluates the integrity and optimality of the company's organizational structure.
The criteria for evaluating the economic efficiency of personnel policy should reflect the productivity of human labor or the individual contribution of employees. The social effectiveness of personnel policy is largely determined by the presence of a corporate culture, the forms of stimulation and motivation used, the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team, that is, it largely depends on the forms and methods of working with each employee. The approach of organizational efficiency is based on the fact that the employees of the organization are an aggregate social entity that directly affects the course of the organization's activities. Therefore, the final results of such activities should be the criteria for assessing the organizational effectiveness of personnel policy [5].
Any evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel policy from the standpoint of the head and owners of the organization should be reduced to an analysis of its effectiveness in terms of achieving the basic goals set by the organization (profit, profitability, market share, sustainable development, performance of social functions, etc.). The prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of personnel use should include [15]:
- effective use of intellectual, organizational, the creative potential of personnel by improving the content of labor;
-exclusion of monotony and meaninglessness of labor;
- ensuring the safety and reliability of production processes;
-ensuring rational modes of work and rest;
-determining the employee's abilities, establishing characteristics that affect labor efficiency.
Consequently, the effectiveness of personnel policy measures the level of effectiveness of management policy in the organization and reflects the ability of the personnel management system and the organization in general to provide a certain result under various conditions. The indicators that characterize the use of personnel at the organization level include the following (Fig. 3).
Figure 3 - Indicators characterizing the use of personnel at the organization level
It should be noted that the indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel policy could be assessed not only by the company's own results achieved over a certain period of time, but also compared with the corresponding indicators on the market.
Thus, labor resources are one of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of the organization's work, therefore, personnel management is the basis for increasing the profitability and competitiveness of any organization in modern conditions.
The tools for implementing the personnel strategy are operational personnel work, personnel management, the formation of measures to develop its labor potential, personnel development management, satisfactioncreation of social needs, effective motivation and stimulation, improvement of the organization's personnel documentation management.
Based on the generalization of a number of definitions by various authors, it can be noted that the concept of "personnel policy of an organization" is a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel. Efficiency in the use of personnel in the management system of an organization can be achieved through optimal employment of personnel; compliance of the labor potential of the personnel with the requirements of the workplace, position, etc.
The composition of indicators that comprehensively reflect the effectiveness of the organization's personnel policy should be expressed in economic, social and organizational aspects. The main indicators of the effectiveness of the organization's personnel policy are: the availability and competence of labor resources, staff satisfaction, the efficiency of the use of labor resources and the state of fixed assets.
Thus, the effective functioning and further development of the organization is possible only with the use of effective management, an important component of which is personnel policy as a mechanism for managing their labor resources and evaluating efficiency.
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