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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Elena Sayenko
Date of birth 29.05.1983
Place of birth Rafailovka, Voroshilovgrad reg.
Schools 1991 - 2000 – OSH No. 100 Donetsk
Universities 2000–2002 - Donetsk Mining and Economic College, specialty "Accounting"
2018–2021 - Donetsk National Technical University, specialty "Accounting and Auditing" (Bachelor's degree, correspondence course)
2021-2023 - Donetsk National Technical University, specialty "State Audit and Financial Control"
Average score 85 (B)
Languages russian is a native language;
ukrainian – fluent;
english – basic level
Personal achievements Diploma for the second place in table tennis competitions among students of Donetsk Mining and Economic College
Hobbies and interests Books, movies
Personal qualities Organization, activity, sociability, punctuality, attentiveness, striving for professional growth, responsibility, stress tolerance
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows
2. Applied directions: MS Office, Adobå
Professional experience 18.05.16-22.09.21 – LLC "ROSMEN Company"
21.12.22–10.02.23 – Production practice at "BACON-INVEST-AGRO LLC"
Future plans Successfully complete a master's degree, find a decent job.
Contact information saen.elena2016@yandex.ru