DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Vladimir Saakov
Date of birth May 15, 2000
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2006–2015 – Donetsk Gymnasium ¹21;
2015–2019 – Donetsk Polytechnic College, specialty: Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Universities 2019–2022 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Integrated and Mechatronic Production, Department of Transport Systems and Logistics named after I.G. Shtokman, specialty Land transport and technological complexes, bachelor's degree
2022–2024 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Integrated and Mechatronic Production, Department of Transport Systems and Logistics named after I.G. Shtokman, specialty: Ground transport and technological complexes, master's degree
Average score 83.9 (B)
Languages Russian native, English intermediate
Personal achievements 1st place in the regional competition “Future Aces of Computer 3D Modeling” in the section “AS of 3D Assembly Modeling” 2018.
1st place in the Republican student scientific and practical conference “Stages of growth: from student creativity to professional skill” section “Technical disciplines” 2018
1st place in the category “Best photorealistic 3D model of equipment” of the competition “Computer design of technological equipment” 2023.
Hobbies and interests 3D modeling, cars, music
Personal qualities Punctuality, responsibility, discipline, sociability, hard work, dedication, attentiveness, learning ability
Professional and computer skills OS: Windows
Office programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint
Programs for 3D modeling: Kompas 3D, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Blender
Future plans Finish my master's degree, go to graduate school
Contact information saakov.v.v@mail.ru