DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Darya Buksha
Date of birth May 27, 2001
Place of birth Makeyevka
Schools 2007–2018 – «Makeyevskaya secondary school of I-III stages No. 72»(1–11 class)
Universities 2018–2022 – Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of computer science and technology, the direction of preparation Applied Mathematics, specialization Applied Mathematics, bachelor's degree;
2022–2024 – Donetsk National Technical University, Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming, the direction of preparation Applied Mathematics, specialization Applied Mathematics, magistracy.
Average score 4,7
Languages Russian (advanced);
Ukrainian (advanced);
English (basic level)
Hobbies and interests Photography, music, psychology
Personal qualities Ability to work in a team, responsibility, sociability, purposefulness
Professional specialization and computer skills 1. Operating systems:
  • Windows
  • Linux

2. Programming languages:
  • С++
  • VBA
  • Java script
  • Python
  • SQL
  • C#

3. Development environments:
  • Visual Studio

4. Additional packages:
  • Statistica
Future plans Successful completion of a master's degree, job search, improvement of professional skills in the field of information technology
Contact information