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Human resources management is an integral part of management, since all the goals of an organization are achieved with the help of people. Personnel is the driving force in solving problems related to competitiveness, economic growth and labor efficiency of any enterprise. The training of competent staff who are able to work productively and devote themselves to their work is the main task of the hotel, which keeps up with the times. Satisfied staff is the key to the productive work of any enterprise, especially for the enterprises of the hotel industry, therefore, the problems of personnel management are acute in our time. The manager must understand that people who have different abilities, characters and habits work for him, so he must treat his employees as individuals. We still have many managers who do not understand this and thus they do not allow employees to unleash their potential, No matter how hard the hotel organization tries to meet international standards in all respects, no matter what material and technical base it has, we must remember that a person with his own is behind all this. needs, desires, skills, and experience to work efficiently. It is the hospitality, hard work, and competence of the hotel staff that underlies the high-quality service of its residents, on which the quality of work results largely depends. The task of each employee, specialist, head of a hotel organization is to fully master the skills of their profession, constantly expand their scientific and technical horizons and skillfully use their knowledge and skills in practical activities, achieving high efficiency of their work.

Цель научной работы состоит в теоретическом обосновании и разработке методических рекомендаций по использованию современных персонал-технологий в деятельности организации.

Research methods. The work used methods of a systematic approach, forecasting, accounting for statistical information about the state and results of the organization's activities, comparative characteristics of the organization's statistical data, vertical and horizontal analysis, coefficient analysis, tabular and graphical methods, polling and questionnaires, sociological research.

1. Theoretical foundations of the use of information technology in the organization's activities

1.1 The essence of HR technologies and their classification

In personnel management, it is necessary to know what goals can be achieved through certain means of influence, how and by what means this influence is carried out.

Нельзя не согласиться с мнением Шабловской Е.В. о том, что развитие экономической науки требует постоянного усовершенствования теоретическиметодического базиса управления персоналом, поскольку анализ системы управления персоналом и выявление тенденций ее развития создает надежную основу для разработки мер по усовершенствованию технологий управления персоналом предприятий.

In the information society and the conditions of the development of the knowledge economy, the role of man in the production system is growing, therefore, personnel has become not only a strategic resource, but also a factor in the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise, therefore it is one of the objects of management. The essence of personnel management consists in the process of influencing employees through the use of personnel technologies in order to achieve the goals of the organization [6].

По результатам научного исследования установлено, что под технологией управления персоналом понимают совокупность приемов, способов, форм и методов воздействия на персонал в процессе его найма, использования, развития и увольнения с целью получения наилучших результатов трудовой деятельности.

Modern personnel management technologies include such personnel technologies as:

The formation of an enterprise's personnel management technology is capable of systematically activating all management elements aimed at solving existing problems with personnel in the management of each individual enterprise.

Personnel management technology provides for the organization of all stages of work, namely:

Therefore, all HR management technologies can be divided into several classes based on certain characteristics (Fig. 1.1).

Classification of signs of personnel management terminology

Figure 1.1 - Classification of signs of personnel management terminology (animation: 8 frames, 5 repetition cycles, 121 kilobytes)

Improvement of the personnel management mechanism in domestic hotels should be aimed at eliminating bureaucratic management barriers, activating the creative, organizational, professional, intellectual and human potential of staff, increasing their responsibility for the final result.

< A manager should be able to motivate his staff, because for an employee to work effectively in a team, it is necessary that he be morally and financially interested in it. Material motivation includes: incentive allowances and surcharges, compensatory surcharges (taking into account inflation and an increase in the quality of life), additional payments at work (surcharges for working at night, for working on weekends and holidays, for working beyond the standard time). Moral motivation includes: the development of a system of measures to include employees in the process of planning the company's activities, setting goals and objectives, making decisions; the system of monetary rewards should be supplemented with indirect measures to encourage an employee, namely, to provide more independence, paying attention to employees from management by declaring personal gratitude, issuing orders for encouragement, etc.; in case of conflicts at the enterprise, finding out their causes, their resolution, while it is necessary to pay attention to the points of view of both sides.

1.2 Modern personnel - technologies used in organizations

Modern management systems at most enterprises are characterized by the active use of new approaches, taking into account external and internal factors and strategic orientation. Its task is to create the necessary and most comfortable conditions for the formation and realization of a powerful labor potential, which, in terms of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, must meet the needs and goals of the enterprise.

The main elements of the methodology of system personnel management are the purpose, objectives, principles, methods and process of personnel management. A special place in the personnel management system is occupied by methods – a way of influencing a team or an individual employee to achieve a set goal, coordinate his activities in the production process. At the same time, one or another method of influence, a set of operations and procedures in the process of forming and realizing labor potential determine the technology of personnel management.

Personnel management technology is understood as a set of techniques, methods, forms and methods of influencing personnel in the process of hiring, using, developing and firing them in order to obtain the best results of their work. During the study, it was found that it is necessary to distinguish the concepts of "personnel technologies" and "personnel technologies", their essence and difference are shown in Fig. 1.2.

Human resources management technologies

Figure 1.2 - Human resources management technologies

The main purpose of management personnel technologies is to optimize and improve the effectiveness of the management process for working with personnel, which is achieved through the search and application of more effective methods of personnel management that contribute to the rationalization of the management process by eliminating certain types of activities or operations, in particular those that are not necessary to achieve the goals and solve management tasks.


2.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of a hotel organization

In the modern world, a hotel enterprise is a complex complex of departments that interact with each other and with guests. Each of the services performs its duties and works for a common cause - providing customers with a high-quality product in the shortest possible time. A failure in the operation of one service can lead to disruption of the activities of the entire hotel enterprise, which in turn will cause losses and reduce the efficiency of its work.

Основные службы отеля Парк Инн

Figure 2.1 - The main services of the hotel Park Inn

Thus, all the services of the placement enterprise should be staffed with competent and qualified employees who are able to work with a large amount of information from visitors, as well as promptly respond to emergency situations and eliminate them as soon as possible.

2.2 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the personnel structure

Most of the staff of the Park Inn hotel is part-time and does not work on a regular basis. At the beginning of 2021, the total number of staff at the hotel was 16 people, of whom work on a permanent basis. The low number of permanent staff is associated with the desire of the management to optimize the activities of a medium-sized hotel enterprise, finding a balance between salary costs and the efficiency of the hotel.

The age structure of the company's employees is shown in Table 2.1 and Figure 2.2.

Staff category The year 2020 The year 2021
Specific gravity,
Specific gravity,
Up to 20 years old 0 0,0 1 6,0
From 21 to 30 5 42,0 7 44,0
From 31 to 40 4 33,0 5 31,0
From 41 to 50 3 25,0 2 13,0
Over 50 0 0,0 1 6,0
Total 12 100,0 16 100,0

Table 2.1 - Age structure of the enterprise

Age structure of the enterprise

Figure 2.2 - Age structure of the enterprise

As can be seen from Table 2.1 and Figure 2.2, the largest number of employees – 44% - falls into the category "from 21 to 30 years old". These are workers who are at the most working age, as well as more responsive to changes in the external environment and more easily adapt to them. The category "from 41 to 50 years old" makes up 13% of the total staff of the enterprise. The categories "under 20 years old" and "over 50 years old" are equal, making up 6% each. 31% of the staff is in the category "from 31 to 40 years old"

The changes in the age structure are related to personnel changes, as well as the transition of some employees to the older age category. Thus, there is a gradual aging of the staff.

The staff of the Park Inn Hotel is divided as follows:

Table 2.2 shows the quantitative composition of each service of the Park Inn Hotel:

Division The year 2020 The year 2021
People % People %
General manager 1 9,0 1 6,0
Reception and accommodation Service 2 16,0 2 13,0
Catering Service 2 16,0 4 25,0
Finance Department, Accounting Department 1 9,0 1 5,0
Economic Department 1 9,0 2 13,0
Security Service 2 16,0 2 13,0
Technical Department 3 25,0 4 25,0
Total 12 100,0 16 100,0

Table 2.2 – Quantitative composition of the staff units of the Park Inn hotel

Based on the data in Table 2.2, it can be concluded that the largest share of the divisions is occupied by the catering service and the technical department – 25% each.

When analyzing the qualitative composition of the hotel staff, important attention should be paid to the distribution of employees by level of education, Table 2.3, Fig. 2.3.

Number of staff People %
Higher education 8 50
Secondary specialized education <5/td> 31
Secondary technical education 3 19

Table 2.3 – The structure of the hotel staff by level of education in 2021

8 employees of the Park Inn hotel have higher education (50%), 5 employees have specialized secondary education (31%), 3 employees of the hotel have secondary technical education (19%).

Personnel with higher education mainly occupy the positions of general director, accountant, reception and placement service. Restaurant employees have secondary special education - chefs, waiters. Employees of technical services and the economic department have secondary technical education

Thus, the qualification level of the staff as a whole is quite high, and the level of education of each employee corresponds to his position in the enterprise.


The basis of the concept of the modern personnel management system of hotel enterprises is the growing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the enterprise. The modern process of using personnel technologies includes a set of innovative mechanisms organized around employee interaction, activation of creative and organizational personnel, integration of their efforts to achieve their goals. By absorbing traditional global approaches to human resource management, it expands the existing framework, bringing management processes to a potentially new level.

List of sources

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