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Coke production is one of the main sources of air pollution. The coke production process (Figure 1) involves heating coal in the absence of air, which results in the release of gases containing harmful substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, benzene, toluene, xylene and others.

Coke production process

Figure 1 – Coke production process
(Animated figure. File size 44.0 KB; number of frames - 6; number of playback cycles - 5.)

These substances have negative effects on human health and the environment. They can cause various respiratory diseases, allergies, and also contribute to the formation of smog and acid rain.

In addition, the process of burning coke also releases greenhouse gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, which contribute to climate change.

To solve the problem of air pollution as a result of coke production, it is necessary to introduce modern emission treatment technologies, as well as monitor the serviceability of equipment at enterprises. It is also important to monitor air quality and take measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances.


The justification for the possibility of modernizing equipment for collecting dust from gases of coke production is a significant topic, since this production process is a source of air pollution, and the dust contained in gas emissions can be dangerous to the health of workers and the population, as well as provoke the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Therefore, modernization of equipment for collecting dust from gases of coke production is an important task, which will reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and improve the quality of the environment.


The relevance of this topic is related to the need to reduce the negative impact of the production process on the environment and human health, which is a pressing problem at the present time. In addition, the modernization of equipment for collecting dust from gases of coke production is also an area that requires improvement and development, which makes this topic relevant both for scientific research and for industrial enterprises working in this area [1].

1. Description of the process of formation and spread of dust in gases of coke production

Dust formation in gases from coke production occurs as a result of various processes, including the movement of materials, heat treatment and raw material processing. Processes leading to dust formation may include the following:

The spread of dust in gases occurs as a result of natural convection, gas movement and air circulation. Dust can spread over long distances and cause air pollution, negatively affectinge impact on the environment and human health.

To reduce the formation and spread of dust in the gases of coke production, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Use of modern gas purification technologies, including electrofiltration, sorption, filtration, etc.
  2. Introduction of ventilation and aspiration systems to collect and clean dust at the places of its formation.
  3. Mechanical cleaning of equipment and deposit systems.
  4. Regular monitoring of air quality and development of measures to reduce dust emissions.

Ensuring safety and environmental protection is one of the important aspects of coke production, and therefore it is necessary to constantly improve technologies and methods for reducing the formation and spread of dust in gases.

2. Existing methods for collecting dust from gases of coke production

Existing methods for collecting dust from coke production gases include the systems described below:

Electrostatic precipitators are systems that use an electrostatic field to capture dust from gases (Figure 2). They are generally highly efficient at collecting dust particles, but require high energy and maintenance costs [2].

Electric precipitators

Figure 2 – Electrostatic filters

Wet fogging systems are systems in which gases are passed through water fogging devices, resulting in condensation of dust particles. They can be effective at collecting dust, but require large amounts of water and maintenance.

The advantages of electrostatic precipitators include high dust collection efficiency, while their disadvantages include high energy and maintenance costs. The advantages of wet fogging systems include the use of water to capture dust, but their disadvantages include high water and maintenance costs.

Based on this, we can conclude that each system has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of a specific method for collecting dust from gases depends on the specific production conditions and requirements for gas purification.

3. Potential dust collection equipment upgrades

Use of highly efficient filters. Installing more efficient filters that can capture smaller dust particles can significantly improve the efficiency of your gas cleaning system.

Improving the gas purification system. Upgrading the gas cleaning system by installing new technologies such as electrostatic precipitation or wet scrubbing can significantly improve the process of capturing and removing dust from gases.

Optimization of the ventilation and gas circulation process. Changing the gas circulation and ventilation systems can help to more effectively capture and remove dust from gases.

Use of automated control and regulation systems. Installing modern automated systems that can monitor and regulate the dust collection process can improve the efficiency and reliability of equipment.

Introduction of new materials and technologies. The use of new materials for filters and other elements of the dust collection system, as well as the introduction of new technologies that can increase the efficiency of the gas purification process, can significantly improve equipment for collecting dust from coke production gases [3,4< /a>].

3.1 Research on new dust collection technologies and techniques

Conducting research into new technologies and methods for collecting dust from gases of coke production is of great importance for minimizing environmental pollution and ensuring safe working conditions at the enterprise.

Current dust collection methods may be ineffective or may not meet modern environmental standards, so the search for new technologies and techniques is an urgent task.

Research into new technologies may include analysis of existing dust collection systems, development and testing of new filters, improved gas cleaning methods, and the introduction of modern industrial solutions such as electrostatic precipitators, wet gas scrubbers and other innovative technologies.

For effective research of new technologies and methods for collecting dust from gases of coke production, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive research in the fields of mechanics, chemistry, physics and engineering, as well as cooperation with experienced specialists in the field of ecology and labor protection [5].

Research results may lead to the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly fishing methodsremoval of dust from gases of coke production, which in turn helps to improve the quality of the environment and working conditions at the enterprise.

4. Analysis of the practical feasibility of equipment modernization

Modernization of equipment for collecting dust from coke production gases may be practical, but requires serious analysis and planning.

First, it is necessary to study the current state of the equipment and determine its technical readiness for modernization. This includes assessing wear, operating efficiency and compliance with current standards and safety requirements. Then, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis and select the most suitable technologies and equipment for modernization. This may include installing new filters, gas treatments, or other dust collection methods. Next, it is necessary to determine the budget for modernization, calculate the economic efficiency and profitability of the project. This will allow us to assess the possibility of financial implementation of modernization [6-8]. In addition, upgrading equipment requires developing a plan to train personnel and ensure the safe operation of the new equipment. Finally, other factors must be taken into account, such as compliance with environmental standards, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and possible changes in the production process.

Thus, modernization of equipment for collecting dust from coke production gases is possible, but requires careful planning, analysis and careful implementation of all necessary steps.

5. Justification of the effectiveness of modernization of equipment for collecting dust from gases of coke production

Modernization of equipment for collecting dust from gases of coke production can be effective for several reasons:

Thus, modernization of equipment for collecting dust from gases of coke production leads to an improvement in the environmental situation, reduction in costs and improvement in working conditions, which makes it an effective measure for the enterprise.

5.1 Assessing the potential economic benefits of modernization

The potential economic benefits from upgrading dust collection equipment from coke production gases can be significant [9]. Firstly, modernization of equipment will improve the efficiency of gas purification and dust collection processes, which will lead to a reduction in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and reduce environmental risks.

Second, modern equipment typically has higher performance and efficiency, which reduces energy, resource and maintenance costs. This can lead to lower transaction costs and improved overall production efficiency.

In addition, upgrading equipment can help a business meet stricter environmental requirements and regulations, which in turn can open up access to new markets and partnerships, as well as reduce potential fines and penalties from regulatory authorities.

Thus, upgrading equipment for collecting dust from coke production gases can bring significant economic benefits in the form of cost reduction, increased productivity and increased competitiveness of the enterprise.

Projected air quality and pollution improvements:


Recommendations for further development and implementation of modernized equipment:

  1. Conducting additional research. To effectively install dust collection equipment, additional research must be carried out to identify the process and the characteristics of the dust particles. This will allow you to choose the right technology and equipment for dust collection [10].
  2. Development of an individual modernization program. Each enterprise is unique and has its own characteristics, so it is necessary to develop an individual modernization program for installing equipment. It is important to consider local conditions, regulatory requirements, budget, and other factors.
  3. Purchase of modern equipment. To capture dust from gases, it is necessary to purchase modern equipment that uses advanced technologies and materials. It must be reliable, efficient and cost-effective.
  4. Staff training. After installing the equipment, it is necessary to train personnel in its operation and maintenance. Training should include not only technical aspects, but also occupational safety.
  5. Carrying out continuous monitoring. Continuous monitoring of the dust collection process is necessary to ensure that equipment is installed correctly and is effective. This will help to timely identify possible malfunctions and take measures to eliminate them.
  6. Evaluation of results. After installing the equipment, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness and results. This will not only ensure that the chosen technology is correct, but also identify possible areas for improvement.

List of sources

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