Summary on the topic of the final work
- Introduction
- 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of a personnel management system
- 1.1 The concept and essence of the organization's personnel management system
- 1.2 Modern experience of the organization's personnel management in domestic and foreign practice
- 2. Analysis of the personnel management system in the organization
- 2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the organization
- 2.2 Evaluation of the organization's labor indicators
- 2.3 Analysis of the organization's work with personnel in an educational institution
- 3. Development of measures for the formation of an effective personnel management system of the organization
- 3.1 Recommendations for improving the socio-psychological climate and improving the efficiency of working with digital technologies
- 3.2 Recommendations for increasing staff loyalty and attracting new employees to MBOU School No. 77
- 4. Labor protection, issues of civil defense and life safety in the organization
- Conclusions
- List of sources
The relevance of the topic. For all organizations large and small, commercial and nonprofit - for all companies, the need for employees is important. There is no organization without people. Without the right people, without professionals, no organization will be able to achieve its goals and survive. Therefore, the problem of rational planning of personnel needs in the company is still very relevant. The creation of production is always connected with the people working in the company. Of course, the right principles, optimal production management systems and procedures play an important role, but the realization of all the possibilities inherent in new management methods already depends on individuals, their knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, motivation, problems. decision skills and receptivity to learning. For a company that today decides to stand out in the competition, it is necessary that each employee has very extensive knowledge.
The foundations of modern concepts of personnel management are laid in the works of famous foreign scientists: K. Alderfer, I. Ansoff, D. Vroom, F. Herzberg, R. Daft, P. Drucker, D. Clark, D. Keynes, E. Lawler, D. McGregor, F. McClelland, A. Maslow, E. Mayo, R. Owen, L. Porter, D. Sinka, F. Taylor, A. Toffler and their followers. Such modern scientists as A. Afonin, D. Boginya, M. Vedernikov, B. Genkin, G. Dmitrenko, A. Egorshin, A. Kibanov, A. Kolot, E. Utkin, etc. made a significant contribution to the development of theories of personnel management, the development and improvement of its applied aspects. Personnel management involves the creation of conditions under which active labor activity, which gives certain results, becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for satisfying the significant and socially conditioned needs of the employee, the formation of his work motives. Practical requirements for work determine specific motivation, which, unlike value consciousness, which determines the content and long-term goals of labor activity, determines mainly the choice of ways and means of their implementation.
The object of research: planning of an effective personnel management system of MBOU School No. 77.
Subject of research: theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of planning an effective system.
1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of a personnel management system
1.1 The concept and essence of the organization's personnel management system
The personnel management system of an organization is a complex of interrelated processes, policies, practices and tools aimed at effective management of the organization's human resources. Its essence is to ensure the attraction, development, motivation and retention of qualified employees who will contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals of the organization.
1.2 Modern experience of the organization's personnel management in domestic and foreign practice
Modern HR management experience includes:
- Employee development;
- Flexible forms of work;
- Motivation and a favorable working environment;
- Development of leaders and management skills;
- Diversification and inclusivity;
- Digitalization and use of technologies.
Picture 1 The main groups of HR management technologies (animation: 6 frames, 5 repetition cycles, 24 kilobytes)
2. Analysis of the personnel management system in the organization
2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the organization
Organizational and economic characteristics of an organization is an overview of the main aspects related to its structure, activities and economic characteristics. This includes information about the form of ownership, organizational structure, type of activity, market, financial position and production capacity of the organization.
2.2 Evaluation of the organization's labor indicators
The evaluation of the organization's labor indicators is the process of measuring and analyzing various aspects of labor activity in the organization. In short, it is an assessment of employee productivity, workflow efficiency, staff satisfaction, labor costs and other related indicators, in order to determine and improve the work of the organization.
2.3 Analysis of the organization of work with personnel in an educational institution
Analysis of the organization of work with personnel in an educational institution is the process of studying and evaluating various aspects of personnel management in an educational organization. In short, this is an analysis of the effectiveness of recruitment, training and development processes, motivation systems, performance evaluation and personnel management processes in order to improve performance and achieve educational goals.
3. Development of measures for the formation of an effective personnel management system of the organization
3.1 Recommendations for improving the socio-psychological climate and improving the efficiency of working with digital technologies
- Create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where employees feel comfortable and can freely express their ideas and opinions.
- Provide social interaction and communication between employees through various digital platforms.
- Provide suitable training programs and resources to improve the competence of employees in the use of digital technologies.
- Establish effective support and technical assistance systems to solve emerging problems with digital technologies.
- Conduct regular assessments and surveys of employees to identify problems and needs related to the use of digital technologies.
- Create a work-rest balance policy to prevent information overload and stress associated with the use of digital technologies.
- Encourage and support innovative and proactive ideas related to the use of digital technologies.
- Regularly update and upgrade digital tools and software to ensure efficiency and compliance with modern requirements.
3.2 Recommendations for increasing staff loyalty and attracting new employees to MBOU School No. 77
- Create a positive and supportive work environment where employees feel valued and respected.
- Ensure competitive working conditions, including decent wages, flexible working hours and bonus programs.
- Provide opportunities for professional development and career growth through training, trainings and development programs.
- Establish effective feedback and communication systems with employees to identify and solve their needs and problems.
- Create incentive and motivation programs, including rewards, recognition of achievements and opportunities to participate in decision-making.
- Actively participate in the formation of a positive image of the organization, build its reputation as an attractive place of work.
- Effectively use networks and resources to attract new employees, including recruitment through recommendations, social media and professional networks.
- Optimize recruitment and recruitment processes to make them more attractive, faster and more effective for potential candidates.
- Explore and meet the needs and expectations of a new generation of employees, including flexibility, remote work and a mixed work model.
- Actively participate in the development of the employer's brand and publicity regarding the culture, values and benefits of working in the organization.
Picture 2 The organization's personnel management system
4. Labor protection, issues of civil defense and life safety in the organization
For high-quality performance of work in the organization, it is required:
- Ensure compliance with all labor protection standards and requirements to ensure safe working conditions.
- Conduct regular trainings and training of employees on civil defense and life safety.
- Develop and implement action plans in case of emergencies and accidents.
- Install systems for monitoring and warning of possible hazards and risks in the workplace.
- Ensure the availability of the necessary equipment, protective equipment and security measures.
- Conduct regular inspections and audits to assess the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety system.
- To keep employees constantly informed about the rules of labor protection and safety measures.
- Cooperate with the relevant authorities and services on civil defense and security issues, if necessary.
So, one of the main tasks of planning in an organization is to determine the need for personnel. The need for personnel is understood as the necessary quantitative and qualitative composition, determined in accordance with the chosen development strategy of the company. This type of planning is carried out in order to determine the number of employees by categories of personnel who are involved in performing specific tasks. At the same time, their professional composition is indicated, the staff is approved.
As a result of the analysis, it can be determined that the structure of the organization's personnel consists of three categories: managers, teachers and employees. The total number of staff of MBOU School No. 77 tends to decrease, both according to the planned number and the actual number, it can also be noted that the plan for the number of staff has not been fulfilled for the entire period 2019 2021. From 2019 to 2021, the situation with the employees normalized and began to comply with the plan.
The indicators of labor movement presented in this paper demonstrate that in 2020, compared with 2019, the acceptance rate increased by 1.75%. In 2021, compared to 2020, the acceptance rate was also 1.8%, which may indicate the stability and constancy of the team. It should be noted that the retirement ratio in 2020 and 2021 is 1.5% higher compared to 2019. The turnover ratio takes similar values. Analyzing the indicators of staff turnover, it can be concluded that the level of turnover in 2020 and 2021. it has insignificant values, but still higher than in 2019. therefore, it is necessary to take into account the reasons for this situation in order to avoid an increase in the values of staff attrition in the future. The indicators of the last year under study generally indicate an improvement in the situation, however, in the near future, a more in-depth study of the possible causes of negative changes is needed in order to prevent them and stabilize the situation.
The data obtained show that the female staff prevails in the organization. This fact is explained by the established tradition and the greater interest in this profession among women.
The largest share of the staff structure by age in 2021 is made up of employees aged from 31 to 40 years (16 people. or 30%) and the same value for employees over the age of 60 (16 people. or 30%). The smallest proportion of the staff structure by age in 2021 is made up of employees aged from 21 to 30 years (5 people. or 9%). We can also notice the fact that the trend of young workers aged 21 to 30 years at school is getting much worse, in 2019 there were 8 people. or almost 15% of the total number of staff, in 2021, the staff aged 21 to 30 years has only 5 people. or 9% of the total number of staff, for the most part this is due to the unpopularity among young people of this profession. Based on these facts, the school should make a conclusion for itself about the importance of improving its image to attract young and high-quality personnel.
Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the structure of the team is satisfactory: the level of education, age composition, and gender of employees corresponds to the specifics of the organization's activities.
The largest share, represented in 2019-2021, has a higher professional education and occupies 75.4%, which is inherent in the staff of the educational institution.
The third section of the thesis offers recommendations for improving the socio-psychological climate and improving the efficiency of working with digital technologies. As well as recommendations for increasing staff loyalty and attracting new employees to MBOU School No. 77.
It was revealed that for this school and for this time, the most appropriate method would be the online training method, since teachers are already familiar with the branches in using online services and working remotely. With the help of online trainings, you can create an informal environment for teachers in which they will feel more comfortable and not perceive it as additional work.
Since digitalization has affected all spheres of human life due to the need to comply with the requirements and rules of conduct in the pandemic caused by Covid-19, training has also reached a new level. Training requires not only that teachers have accounts in social networks, but also master modern teaching methods: distance courses, online broadcasts, presentation materials, automation of homework checks, and more.
It is also necessary to take into account that during the training, the duties of the teacher are transferred to his other colleagues, which leads to their workload. Let's calculate the savings of money: since the development of instructions aimed at teachers can be carried out by a computer science teacher, there is no need to spend money, and since there is a free version of the program with a 40-minute duration, you can not buy paid access. Consequently, the savings will amount to 49,200 rubles. (funds required for the training of all teachers) 1200 rubles. (training of a computer science teacher) +0 rubles. (development of instructions) + 0 rubles. (purchase of access) = 40,800 rubles.
In the fourth section, targeted measures are proposed that are aimed at improving working conditions, will enable the organization to eliminate the number of injuries to employees at work that are caused by a violation of occupational safety at the enterprise, to reduce the number of employees who work in dangerous conditions that do not comply with sanitary and hygienic rules.
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